#gluex IRC Log


IRC Log for 2008-02-13

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[8:11] * marki3 (n=marki@ has joined #gluex
[8:11] -christel- Hi all! The server you are currently connected to (kornbluth) will be going down for maintenance at 2100UTC today. We encourage you to connect to a different server before that time. Have a good day and thank you for using freenode.
[12:34] -dmwaters- [server notice] This server is going to get rebooted soon, please change to another server in the chat.freenode.net rotation as soon as possible. Thank you for using freenode!
[14:44] -dmwaters- [server notice] Hi all, this server is going to be rebooted soon. Please switch to a server in the chat.freenode.net rotation as soon as possible, thanks!
[15:33] -dmwaters- [server notice] Hi all! This server is going to reboot soon, please choose another server from the chat.freenode.net rotation to switch to. Thanks!
[15:53] -LoRez- :your current server is scheduled for maintenance in less than 8 minutes. please abandon ship or your ship will disappear from beneath you.
[16:47] * marki3 (n=marki@ Quit ("Leaving.")
[19:07] -dmwaters- [server notice] Hi all! This box is going to be rebooted soon. Please switch to a server in the chat.freenode.net rotation. Thanks!
[21:43] * Disconnected.
[21:53] -dmwaters- {global notice} Good day all, I apologize for the netsplits, we had some maintenence due on a couple servers but it's over now. thank you for your patience, and thank you for using freenode!
[21:57] [freenode-connect VERSION]

These logs were automatically created by GlueXLogBot on irc.freenode.net using the Java IRC LogBot.