#gluex IRC Log


IRC Log for 2008-03-09

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[12:50] -christel- [Global Notice] Hi all! I am about to take down services for a tiny while to update it to the latest revision, while it's gone there will be NO services (nickserv, chanserv etc) -- downtime should be, er, hopefully a few minutes only, I will let you know when services are back up! Thank you for using freenode and have a great day!
[13:18] * ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) Quit (Shutting Down)
[13:19] * ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #gluex
[13:21] -christel- [Global Notice] Hi all! Services upgrade went swimmingly, all should be back to normal! Thanks for the patience and have a great day!
[14:18] -christel- [Global Notice] Hi all! I know, you're all sick of hearing from me today -- we are however experiencing some most peculiar routing issues and I shall attempt to fix them by trying some magic, expect turbulence as I try bring Europe back to us!
[14:30] -christel- [Global Notice] Hi all! Re-routing appears to have fixed the problem, we may however be experiencing a slight bit of lag while the affected side catches up! Again, thank you for your patience and for using freenode.

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