Attendees: D. Lawrence, Elliott W., Simon T., Elton S., Ravi A. Agenda: - FDC status / what is needed (Simon) - Update on start/vertex counter (Ed/David) - Other There was a short discussion of JLab accounts for Hall-D projects. This came up because Simon Taylor is starting to look at the FDC test setup and will eventually need a stockroom account. Elton reported there was a problem with all HallD accounts at jlab that is currently being resolved. Elton reported that Paul has written a PR for $18k for the cold testing of the coils. A few other budget status items were given. Extracting PMTs from Hall-B: IU has requested some PMTs be pulled from the Rad-Phi setup and shipped back to IU for testing. Elton suggested that we contact Dan Steiner at William and Mary since he has experience with these and knows how to remove them. Dan's training has expired so he will need to be escorted into the hall. This can only be done during a restricted access period. Elliott will coordinate this effort with other JLab locals helping (Dave, Rafael,...) FDC tests in EEL: Simon reported that a few modules and cables are needed. Ribbon->Lemo, ADC, ... A number of options were discussed and Simon was going to talk to the appropriate people to try and round up all that is needed. Software report: Dave gave a report from the software meeting the day before. See the minutes at: