Attendees: Zisis P. Maurizio Elliott W. Mark I. Simon T. David L. Matt B. Joachim K. Ed B. Volker C. Paul E. et al Richard J. Rafael H. Agenda: 1. Templatized DANA framework (David) 2. ROOT dictionaries in BMS (David) 3. AOT --------------------------------------------- 1. David reviewed some of the recent and somewhat significant changes to the DANA framework. See the web page at: The core of the change is that the data is now accessed using a templated C++ method in the DEventLoop object. This also required that the factories be derived from a templated class. Along with the template change, the DContainer class was replaced with STL vector classes. This completes the goal of adding type safety to DANA. There was some discussion as to whether it is better to use iterators or the square bracket [] for dereferencing. Also, where we should pass references, pointers and when things should be const. 2. David reported that he has added a rule to the BMS makefiles to generate ROOT dictionaries ala rootcint for files containing the "ClassDef" keyword. This works for hdview, but the changes for root-izing classes defined in header files which reside in src/libraries/include have not been checked in yet. 3. Richard announced that a VRVS-based hddm training session is planned for 11:00am EST Thurs. Anyone with an interest is invited to attend.