Results of Analysis of Offline Monitoring 2015-03

Comments on Launches for Run Period 2015-03

Version Date Comments
09 2015-07-10 Successful launch. Last launch to use Mark's jproj scripts to submit jobs.
10 2015-08-07 First launch using SWIF as underlying submission engine. Successful launch.
11 2015-08-07 Successful launch.
12 2015-08-11 Minilaunch to check whether new code by David L for emulation mode in DAQ/JEventSource_EVIO was working.
13 2015-08-25 Disastrous launch. Multiple system issues, processing stopped for 50 hours. Also, time limit was incorrectly set and resulted in many timeouts. Abandoned after running over 10 days.
14 2015-09-11 Successful launch using SWIF. All runs were processed with -PBCAL:USE_TDC=1 although only runs 2931, 3079, 3179, 3180, 3185 were calibrated.
15 2015-09-25 Successful launch using SWIF. All runs were processed with -PBCAL:USE_TDC=1 although only runs 2931, 3079, 3179, 3180, 3185 were calibrated.
16 2015-10-23 Successful launch using SWIF.
17 2015-11-06 All jobs were mistakenly run with only the danarest plugin.
18 2015-11-06 Rerunning with exact same configuration as ver17, but with all plugins.
19 2015-11-18 Minilaunch to test TOF TDC shift code. Ran only over runs 2931, 3079, 3179, 3180, 3185, 3186.
20 2015-11-20 Successful launch using SWIF.
21 2015-12-04 Failed launch using SWIF: Bug in JANA 0.7.4
22 2015-12-07 Successful launch using SWIF: Switched to JANA 0.7.4p1
23 2015-12-18 Successful launch using SWIF.
24 2016-01-16 Successful launch using SWIF.
25 2016-01-30 Successful launch using SWIF.
26 2016-02-12 Successful launch using SWIF.

Plots of Individual Launches for Run Period 2015-03:

Statistics of Individual Launches for Run Period 2015-03:



Comparison of Launches for Run Period S2015-03:



Results of Offline Monitoring For Each Run, File for Run Period 2015-03