
Click on each figure to show larger version


Info retrieved: 2016-02-01 12:02:57.0

Job Limit: 0 Total attempts: 1206

Status from SWIF Summary

Numbers are for individual registered jobs, final status.

Undispatched Dispatched Succeeded Failed Problems Canceled Total
0 0 1186 0 5 0 1191

Auger Status

Dependency Pending Staging In Active Staging Out Finishing Dispatched Total
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Status by Resources

Counts are for each attempt of running a job, if an attempt fails and the job is resubmitted

the same job will appear in other places as other attempts.

Resources Results TOTAL
8.0 8.0 1176 0 0 6 9 0 0 0 1191
8.0 12.0 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 6
12.0 8.0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
TOTAL 1186 0 0 11 9 0 0 0 1206

Number of Attempts For Each Job

Number of jobs reaching each stage since launch

Time Spent in Dependency

Time Spent in Pending

Duration of Each Stage

Total Job Time in Order of Auger ID

Total Job Time in Order of Total Time

Wall Time, CPU Time vs Wall Time

MAX Memory reported by AUGER

Problem Jobs

Run File RAM (GB) Attempt Problem Resolution SWIF Job ID Auger Job ID Submit Time Complete Time
004150 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT modify 1120635 19932143 2016-01-29 16:58:47.0 2016-01-30 02:25:50.0
004198 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT modify 1120669 19932178 2016-01-29 16:58:52.0 2016-01-30 02:30:24.0
004198 000 8 2 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT 1120669 19943852 2016-01-30 13:55:46.0 2016-01-31 02:01:22.0
004202 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT modify 1120673 19932183 2016-01-29 16:58:53.0 2016-01-30 02:30:23.0
004202 000 8 2 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT 1120673 19943853 2016-01-30 13:55:46.0 2016-01-31 02:02:13.0
004230 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-OVER_RLIMIT modify 1120701 19932212 2016-01-29 16:58:58.0 2016-01-29 18:38:28.0
004238 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT modify 1120709 19932220 2016-01-29 16:59:00.0 2016-01-30 02:38:36.0
004238 000 8 2 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT 1120709 19943854 2016-01-30 13:55:46.0 2016-01-31 02:02:49.0
004242 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT modify 1120714 19932225 2016-01-29 16:59:00.0 2016-01-30 02:38:50.0
004242 000 8 2 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT 1120714 19943855 2016-01-30 13:55:46.0 2016-01-31 02:04:20.0
004256 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-OVER_RLIMIT modify 1120727 19932239 2016-01-29 16:59:03.0 2016-01-29 18:40:43.0
004271 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT modify 1120739 19932251 2016-01-29 16:59:05.0 2016-01-30 02:41:29.0
004271 000 8 2 / 2 AUGER-TIMEOUT 1120739 19943856 2016-01-30 13:55:46.0 2016-01-31 02:05:38.0
004344 001 8 1 / 2 AUGER-OVER_RLIMIT modify 1120873 19932392 2016-01-29 16:59:36.0 2016-01-29 20:24:05.0
004376 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-OVER_RLIMIT modify 1120906 19932426 2016-01-29 16:59:42.0 2016-01-29 20:33:43.0
004379 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-OVER_RLIMIT modify 1120909 19932430 2016-01-29 16:59:43.0 2016-01-29 20:37:11.0
004390 000 8 1 / 2 AUGER-OVER_RLIMIT modify 1120914 19932435 2016-01-29 16:59:44.0 2016-01-29 20:36:22.0
004394 001 8 1 / 2 AUGER-OVER_RLIMIT modify 1120921 19932442 2016-01-29 16:59:45.0 2016-01-29 20:45:32.0
004394 003 8 1 / 2 AUGER-OVER_RLIMIT modify 1120925 19932446 2016-01-29 16:59:46.0 2016-01-29 20:51:48.0
004405 001 8 1 / 2 AUGER-OVER_RLIMIT modify 1120986 19932509 2016-01-29 16:59:55.0 2016-01-29 22:52:42.0