Results of Analysis of Offline Monitoring 2018-01

Comments on Launches for Run Period 2018-01

Version Date Comments
01 2017-11-10 Incoming data launch.
02 2018-01-08 5 approved runs recorded in December + 2017 CDC/FDC HV scan
03 2018-01-11 5 approved runs, updated calibration
04 2018-01-13 a few runs from 2018, updated calibration
05 2018-01-23 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and status!=0" + 2018 CDC/FDC HV scan, 5 files
06 2018-01-29 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and status!=0" + 2018 CDC/FDC HV scan, 2 files
07 2018-02-09 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and status!=0" (5 files) + full runs 40686, 40701 (CDC readout), 41203 (spurious headers), 41263 (min bias)
08 2018-02-20 full runs 41343 (250nA), 41344 (200nA), 41345 (150nA), 41346 (100nA) and 41347 (50nA), 41449, 41450 (high/nominal CDC threshold), 41482, 41483 (CDC time window shift), 41502, 40507 (CDC time window shortened), 40966, 41263 (low intensity), 41552 - 41563 (low intensity scan)
09 2018-03-12 full runs 41343 - 41347 (beam current scan), 41552 - 41563 (low intensity scan), 41611 - 41614 (CDC threshold scan)
10 2018-03-16 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and status!=0" (5 files)
11 2018-03-26 full runs 41343 - 41347 (beam current scan), 41552 - 41563 (low intensity scan), 41482 - 41483 (CDC time window shift) and 41611 - 41614 (CDC threshold scan)
12 2018-04-24 runs 42194 - 42203 and 42217, 42219, 42220 (17mum diamond, 3.4mm collimator), 42222 and 42227 (58mum, 3.4mm), 42204 - 42216 and 42223 (17mum current scan), 42228 - 42232 (58mum current scan), first 5 files of all runs with 750mum converter but miscalibration of PS
13 2018-04-27 runs 42194 - 42203 and 42217, 42219, 42220 (17mum diamond, 3.4mm collimator), 42222 and 42227 (58mum, 3.4mm), 42204 - 42216 and 42223 (17mum current scan), 42228 - 42232 (58mum current scan), first 5 files of all runs with 750mum converter, same software as ver11, but calibration problems in SC and FDC
14 2018-05-04 runs 42194 - 42203 and 42217, 42219, 42220 (17mum diamond, 3.4mm collimator), 42222 and 42227 (58mum, 3.4mm), 42204 - 42216 and 42223 (17mum current scan), 42228 - 42232 (58mum current scan), same software as ver11
15 2018-05-24 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and @status_approved", 5 files per run
16 2018-06-08 full runs 41343 - 41347 (beam current scan), 41552 - 41563 (low intensity scan), test CDC thresholds
17 2018-08-21 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and @status_approved", 10 files per run
18 2018-10-07 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and @status_approved", 10 files per run
19 2018-11-13 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and @status_approved", 5% of files per run, spread throughout run
20 2018-12-14 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and @status_approved", 2 files per run, first test with master branch
21 2018-12-23-13-18-00 RCDB query: "@is_2018production and @status_approved", 2 files per run, last test before full reconstruction
22 2019-10-25 Intensity scan runs with halld_recon tag recon-2018_08-ver02: 41343-41347 (AMO), 41556-41563 (various)
23 2019-11-19 Empty target runs with halld_recon tag recon-2018_08-ver02: 40903, 41155, 41386, 41615, 41972, 42339
24 2021-03-17 Empty target runs with version_4.24.0.xml: 40903, 41155, 41386, 41615, 41972, 42339
25 2021-03-30 Empty target runs with version_4.24.0.xml: 40903, 41155, 41386, 41615, 41972, 42339
26 2021-04-27 Empty target runs with version_4.24.0.xml: 40903, 41155, 41386, 41615, 41972, 42339

Plots of Individual Launches for Run Period 2018-01: