Reconstruction Launch RunPeriod-2017-01 ver04 (NERSC-multi)

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Launch Summary  **** TEST MODE ****
             RunPeriod: 2017-01
           Launch type: recon
               Version: 04-test
                 batch: NERSC-multi
              WORKFLOW: recon_2017-01_ver04-test_batchNERSC-multi
    Origin of run list: RCDB 30274-31057 (query="@is_production and @status_approved")
        Number of runs: 338
       Number of files: 40527 (maximum 1000 files/run)
         Min. file no.: 0
         Max. file no.: 999
                   QOS: regular
    Time limit per job: 12:00:00
      JANA config file: /launch/jana_recon_nersc.config
         NERSC project: m3120
         Shifter image: docker:markito3/gluex_docker_devel
   halld_recon version: halld_recon/halld_recon-4.19.0 (from CVMFS)
      launch directory: /global/project/projectdirs/m3120/launch (at NERSC)
      Output directory: /lustre/expphy/volatile/halld/offsite_prod/RunPeriod-2017-01/recon/ver04-test

WORKFLOW: recon_2017-01_ver04-test_batchNERSC-multi
Number of runs: 338  (only good runs)
40527/40527 total files submitted  (0 files missing from mss)
0/338 total jobs submitted
0 directories created for output