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GlueX Experiment Document 323-v5

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Brief Summaries of Detector Systems

Document #:
Document type:
Hall D Note
Submitted by:
Curtis A. Meyer
Updated by:
Curtis A. Meyer
Document Created:
22 Sep 2004, 11:44
Contents Revised:
30 Sep 2004, 09:16
Metadata Revised:
30 Sep 2004, 09:16
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Other Versions:
21 Apr 2005, 08:01
29 Sep 2004, 13:43
26 Sep 2004, 08:53
24 Sep 2004, 10:30
22 Sep 2004, 11:44
This document provides a set of one-page summaries for each of the
major systems in the GlueX detector. These are not meant to be
detailed, complete discussions, but rather a quick overview of the
entire detector. These summaries briefly outline the
purpose of the system, the requirements placed on the system by
physics goals of GlueX, and a brief description including channel
count. This continues with a discussion of the expected raw signals
as well as needed amplification and final readout of the detector.
A brief discussion of the current stage of R\& D is given with
outstanding questions pointed out. Finally, the groups and manpower
needed for final construction of the element are identified as
well as an estimate of the required construction time.
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