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GlueX Experiment Document 529-v4

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Simulation of the GlueX Barrel Calorimeter

Document #:
Document type:
Hall D Note
Submitted by:
Rafael Hakobyan
Updated by:
Rafael Hakobyan
Document Created:
08 Sep 2005, 16:50
Contents Revised:
03 Oct 2005, 10:29
Metadata Revised:
03 Oct 2005, 10:29
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Other Versions:
26 Oct 2005, 17:42
19 Sep 2005, 17:10
09 Sep 2005, 10:38
08 Sep 2005, 16:54
Detailed detector simulations of the Barrel Calorimeter and each single module have been performed. As input data for the detector simulations the output of the genr8 phase-space distributed event generator have been used. The simulations show that the Barrel Calorimeter contains about 97% of the shower energy produced by the eta and pi^0 decay photons.

The energy deposited in 1cm^2 segments of the BCal module is
simulated for readout purposes.

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bcal geant genr8
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