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GlueX Experiment Document 646-v4

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GlueX Requirements for 12 GeV Electron Beam Properties

Document #:
Document type:
Technical Note
Submitted by:
Richard T. Jones
Updated by:
Richard T. Jones
Document Created:
07 May 2006, 01:40
Contents Revised:
21 Jun 2006, 20:49
Metadata Revised:
15 Jul 2006, 20:43
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Other Versions:
05 Feb 2008, 13:22
The electron beam requirements for the GlueX experiment were first published in the GlueX Design Report. The latest version of the design report that was released in November 2002 presents the same list of requirements that were shown at the GlueX Detector Review in October 2004 and at the Lehman Review in July 2005. Considering the time that has
passed since these requirements were set and the progress that is now being made in optimizing the design of CEBAF for 12~GeV operation, the GlueX collaboration has been asked to conduct a careful review of its requirements. The purpose of this note is to examine key requirements
in a quantitative way and show how the requirements are connected to the ability of the GlueX experiment to reach its ultimate physics goals.
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Notes and Changes:
major new revision with additions and edits provided by Dan Sober, Elton Smith, and Alex Dzierba.
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