Tune Electron Beam
From Hall D Ops Wiki
- Goal: provide a clean electron beam through the center of the beam aperture to the beam dump in the tagger hall with acceptable radiation levels.
- Priority: High
- Link to the accelerator test plan for electron beam commissioning (ATLIS)
- Expected duration:
- Oct 09 - Octt ~12: Tune beam to Hall D line dumplette (Tagger Hall can remain open).
- Oct ~12 - Oct 22 2014: Tune beam to Tagger Hall D (Tagger Hall and Hall D must be closed).
- Prerequisites:
- Tagger microscope (TAGM) and all the crates with electronics removed from Hall D.
- Goniometer in the beam-open position. The goniometer will not be used during the 2014 run. ☑
- Amorphous radiator ladder equipped (HARP included) and operational
- Responsibility: Hovanes Egiyan.
- Procedure for radiator harp scans
- Beam lines under vacuum
- Tagger magnet operational
- Responsibility: MCC
- Shielding walls installed
- Radiation monitors installed and operational
- Responsibility: Alexandre Deur (CARMS)/Hovanes Egyian (halo counters)
- Procedure to monitor CARMs
- Procedure to monitor Halo Counters
- Primary collimator block in the position between two holes, shielding the central area of the beam pipe
. Secondary collimator removed. ☑
- Responsibility: Hovanes Egiyan.
- Procedure for moving Primary Collimator
- First Profiler counter installed in front of the collimator
- Second Profiler counter installed in front of photon beam dump
- Conditions:
- Pulsed beam pulsed beam 4-10 µA (average 60-150 nA) for the beam tune
- CW beam 50-100 nA at the final stage of the procedure
- No radiator inserted.
- Responsibility: Hovanes Egiyan.
- Procedure for inserting/removing amorphous radiators
- Hall D controlled quadrupole MQPAD00 turned off.
- Responsibility: MCC
- No shift workers in Hall D except for Shift leader if needed and experts from Hall D are involved with the radiation measurements. RC and/or other Hall D personnel follows the beam tuning procedure at the MCC.