MantisBT - JANA
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0000107JANAFeature Requestpublic2011-07-01 09:532012-08-15 23:08
closedwon't fix 
0000107: Warn when format of requested calibration constants doesn't match what's in DB
Emit an error or warning when calibration constants are asked for using a map, implying named fields, but no named fields exist. Similarly for vectors.
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Issue History
2011-07-01 09:53davidlNew Issue
2012-08-15 23:08davidlNote Added: 0000428
2012-08-15 23:08davidlStatusnew => closed
2012-08-15 23:08davidlResolutionopen => won't fix

2012-08-15 23:08   
We have been running for quite some time without this and it's not clear the benefit will match the cost. I'm closing this for now until the subject comes up again.