MantisBT - JANA
View Issue Details
0000114JANABugpublic2011-07-01 10:042012-02-01 08:51
0000114: Calls to GetTag can seg. fault for objects obtained from event source
Objects read from source don't have their factory pointer set so calls to JObject::GetTag seg fault. The factory pointer needs to be set, but it also needs to be initialized to NULL in the JObject constructor and checked that it is not NULL in GetTag (and anywhere else it is used internally).
No tags attached.
Issue History
2011-07-01 10:04davidlNew Issue
2012-02-01 08:49davidlStatusnew => assigned
2012-02-01 08:49davidlAssigned To => davidl
2012-02-01 08:51davidlNote Added: 0000296
2012-02-01 08:51davidlStatusassigned => resolved
2012-02-01 08:51davidlResolutionopen => fixed

2012-02-01 08:51   
The JObject constructors now initialize the factory pointer to NULL. A check that the pointer is non-NULL is now made in GetTag before trying to use it.