MantisBT - Hall D Online
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0000159Hall D OnlineDatabasespublic2011-10-31 10:142011-12-07 11:48
0000159: Evaluate Midas Elog as notebook system
The Midas Elog implements a notebook/logbook system with user-definable columns. It stores data in files on disk. We should evaluate the Midas Elog for all notebook-like applications, e.g. maintenance logs, equipment manual database, knowledge base, etc.
Since it uses simple files (one per day) the Midas Elog is probably not suitable for the full operator log or for the run logs. Note that the CLAS6 elog currently has around 37,000 entries in it.
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Issue History
2011-10-31 10:14wolinNew Issue
2011-10-31 10:14wolinWork by outside group for Hall D => No
2011-10-31 10:14wolinEstimated man-weeks => 3
2011-10-31 10:14wolinPercentage complete => 0
2011-10-31 10:14wolinActual man-weeks => 0
2011-10-31 10:16wolinNote Added: 0000189
2011-10-31 10:16wolinAssigned To => wolin
2011-10-31 10:16wolinStatusnew => acknowledged
2011-10-31 13:53wolinNote Added: 0000192
2011-11-15 11:05wolinNote Added: 0000200
2011-11-15 11:06wolinNote Added: 0000201
2011-11-15 11:06wolinStatusacknowledged => resolved
2011-11-15 11:06wolinResolutionopen => fixed
2011-12-07 11:47wolinActual man-weeks0 => 1
2011-12-07 11:48wolinPercentage complete0 => 100

2011-10-31 10:16   
Sherman is currently installing the elog on halldweb1. It should use PAM authentication against CUE passwords. I will implement a few notebooks, Yi implement some as well. We will test along with some of our technicians.
2011-10-31 13:53   
Sherman figured out how to do PAM authentication against the CUE password system. He will have this installed on halldweb1 some time this week.
2011-11-15 11:05   
Midas is now installed and working, and many people have created logbooks/notebooks.
2011-11-15 11:06   
Midas working, logbooks being created, many more to go but the basic installation and evaluation is complete. We are going to use it.