MantisBT - Hall D Online
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0000088Hall D OnlineControlspublic2011-06-03 13:152011-06-23 16:31
resolvedno change required 
0000088: Check what PLC does when network cables are disconnected
For the coil test we once had to power cycle the PLC and other chassis due to network problems. We need to understand how the PLC system responds when a port goes down. Can it reestablish communication when the port is working again?
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pdf Chat Session [Incident_110608-000066].pdf (68,707) 2011-06-08 08:30
txt Ethernet Troubleshooting.txt (2,446) 2011-06-23 15:42
Issue History
2011-06-03 13:15wolinNew Issue
2011-06-03 13:15wolinWork by outside group for Hall D => No
2011-06-03 13:15wolinEstimated man-weeks => 1
2011-06-03 13:15wolinPercentage complete => 0
2011-06-03 13:15wolinActual man-weeks => 0
2011-06-03 13:16wolinStatusnew => assigned
2011-06-03 13:16wolinAssigned To => ballard
2011-06-03 15:16wolinSummaryNeed to check what PLC does when network cables are disconnected => check what PLC does when network cables are disconnected
2011-06-03 15:16wolinSummarycheck what PLC does when network cables are disconnected => Check what PLC does when network cables are disconnected
2011-06-07 17:31wolinNote Added: 0000108
2011-06-08 08:30ballardFile Added: Chat Session [Incident_110608-000066].pdf
2011-06-08 08:33ballardNote Added: 0000109
2011-06-08 08:58ballardStatusassigned => acknowledged
2011-06-23 15:42ballardFile Added: Ethernet Troubleshooting.txt
2011-06-23 15:45ballardNote Added: 0000127
2011-06-23 15:47ballardNote Added: 0000128
2011-06-23 15:47ballardStatusacknowledged => closed
2011-06-23 15:47ballardResolutionopen => no change required
2011-06-23 16:31wolinNote Added: 0000129
2011-06-23 16:31wolinStatusclosed => resolved

2011-06-07 17:31   
Reminder sent to: ballard

Have you tried the Mantis system?
2011-06-08 08:33   
Contacted RA Tech Support with a chat (transcript attached). Bottom line - without knowing the exact nature of the network problem along with details about our network (managed/unmanaged switches, DHCP/Static IP, etc.), it is very difficult to determine what the PLC system will do.

Generally, the system will try to pick up where it left off when communications were disrupted unless a fault is triggered. The fault has to be cleared by a power cycle or through the L5k software.
2011-06-23 15:45   
I went to the test lab and disconnected/reconnected various ethernet cables. A detailed description is in the attached document "Ethernet Troubleshooting.txt".

In summary:
PLC hardware, that is, EN2T modules and EWEB modules are robust and able to pick up where they left off when ethernet is disconnected and then reconnected.

HMI computers, on the other hand, are subject to longer-lasting failures usually requiring a reboot of BOTH computers (HMI Server and RSLinx Enterprise Server) in order to restore connectivity and control.
2011-06-23 15:47   
PLC Hardware is able to recover from ethernet outage/disruption.
2011-06-23 16:31   
"closed" hides the issue, "resolved" is better when people may want to look at it