MantisBT - Hall D Online
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0000095Hall D OnlineControlspublic2011-06-24 10:412011-12-15 13:38
0000095: HMI Control interruptions from Ethernet outages
During the coil tests we had several outages of HMI Control that could only resolved by rebooting both the HMI Server computer and the RSLinx Enterprise server.

I did some testing and identified that when I disconnected and reconnected the network cable from halldsc5 (the HMI Server), communication between halldsc5 and halldsc2 (RSLinx Enterprise server) was permanently lost. This was only noticed because I could not ping from halldsc5 to halldsc2.

We need to test this again with the real network hardware and HMI computers.
Enclosed is the transcript of the testing I performed on 23 June 2011 in the Test Lab.
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txt Ethernet Troubleshooting.txt (2,446) 2011-06-24 10:41
Issue History
2011-06-24 10:41ballardNew Issue
2011-06-24 10:41ballardFile Added: Ethernet Troubleshooting.txt
2011-06-24 10:41ballardWork by outside group for Hall D => No
2011-06-24 10:41ballardPercentage complete => 0
2011-06-24 10:41ballardActual man-weeks => 0
2011-06-24 10:41ballardStatusnew => assigned
2011-06-24 10:41ballardAssigned To => ballard
2011-06-24 10:41ballardStatusassigned => acknowledged
2011-12-15 13:38ballardNote Added: 0000230
2011-12-15 13:38ballardStatusacknowledged => resolved
2011-12-15 13:38ballardResolutionopen => fixed

2011-12-15 13:38   
I think this is a non-issue for now. We may have to revisit once the final HMI and network hardware are in place.