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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000039Hall D OfflineGeneralpublic2011-01-23 17:322011-01-24 14:05
Assigned Toheyes 
PlatformOSOS Version
Summary0000039: Look into the Purify license
Descriptionask Graham to look into license for purify
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marki (administrator)
2011-01-24 14:05

Graham reports that no current licenses exist:

I've been checking around and all of the licenses I can find lapsed years ago. It seems that the open source products got to the stage where there wasn't much point in paying good money for the same thing.

I talked to Jie Chen and he suggests valgrind which looks like a good open source alternative. I emailed, Jie, Sandy, Andy and had a poke around on the DAQ group machines.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-01-23 17:32 marki New Issue
2011-01-24 09:11 marki Status new => assigned
2011-01-24 09:11 marki Assigned To => heyes
2011-01-24 14:05 marki Note Added: 0000055
2011-01-24 14:05 marki Status assigned => resolved
2011-01-24 14:05 marki Resolution open => fixed

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