JANA >>OUTPUT_FILENAME: hd_root.root JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/BCAL_Eff.so" ... Opened ROOT file "hd_root.root" ... JANA >>Launching threads ........ 0.0 events processed (0.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>Opening source "/work/halld/pull_request_test/hd_rawdata_030858_000.evio" of type: EVIOpp - Reads EVIO formatted data from file or ET system loading VERSION 3 JANA >>Control event: Prestart - Tue Feb 28 04:43:10 2017 JANA >>Control event: Go - Tue Feb 28 04:44:06 2017 JANA >>Creating DTranslationTable for run 30858 JANA >>Created JCalibration object of type: JCalibrationCCDB JANA >>Generated via: JCalibration using CCDB for MySQL and SQLite databases JANA >>Run:30858 JANA >>URL: mysql://ccdb_user@hallddb.jlab.org/ccdb JANA >>context: default JANA >>comment: Default constants for analyzing data JANA >>Reading translation table from calib DB: Translation/DAQ2detector ... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 2.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>23166 channels defined in translation table JANA >>Reading Magnetic field map from Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222 ... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) Nx=221 Ny=1 Nz=701 ) at 0x7fe24c9ccc70 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) Reading fine-mesh B-field data from /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/resources/Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) rmin: 0 rmax: 88.5 dr: 0.1 zmin: 0 zmax: 600 dz: 0.1 Number of points in z = 6000 Number of points in r = 885 JANA >>154921 entries found (Created Magnetic field map of type DMagneticFieldMapFineMesh 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>Creating DGeometry: JANA >> Run requested:30858 found:30858 JANA >> Run validity range: 30858-30858 JANA >> URL="ccdb:///GEOMETRY/main_HDDS.xml" context="default" JANA >> Type="JGeometryXML" JANA >>Found 25 material maps in calib. DB 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>Read in 25 material maps for run 30858 containing 76153 grid points total src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >> Beam spot: x=0.1745 y=-0.002098 z=65 dx/dz=-0.0005445 dy/dz=-0.0003837 JANA >>vertex constraint: JANA >>in DBCALPoint_factory, loading constants ... JANA >>DBCALUnifiedHit_factory: Using ADC times only. JANA >>In DBCALHit_factory, loading constants... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>In DBCALTDCHit_factory, loading constants... Created TGeoManager :0x7fe20ec7c360 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>In DTOFHit_factory, loading constants... JANA >>TOF: USE WALK CORRECTION TYPE 3 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>In DSCHit_factory, loading constants... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>In DCDCHit_factory, loading constants... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>In DFDCHit_factory, loading constants... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) Error [1270]: in [MySQLDataProvider::GetAssignmentShort(int, const string&, time_t, const string&)] No data was selected. Table '/FCAL/energy_dependence_correction_vs_ring' for run='30858', timestampt='0' and variation='default' JANA >>In DFCALHit_factory, loading constants... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>In DDIRCPmtHit_factory, loading constants... JANA >> JANA >> --- Configuration Parameters -- JANA >> EVENTS_TO_KEEP = 1000  JANA >> JANA:RESOURCE_DEFAULT_PATH =  JANA >> NTHREADS = 8  JANA >> PLUGINS = BCAL_Eff  JANA >> THREAD_TIMEOUT = 30 seconds JANA >> ------------------------------- src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//composition[@name='LeadTungstateFullRow']/mposX[@volume='LTBLwrapped']/@ncopy". 3.0 events processed (3.0 events read) 4.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. 5.0 events processed (5.0 events read) 4.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. 10.0 events processed (10.0 events read) 10.0Hz (avg.: 10.0Hz) src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. 32.0 events processed (32.0 events read) 44.0Hz (avg.: 27.0Hz) JANA >>In DTRDHit_factory, loading constants... JANA >>In DGEMHit_factory, loading constants... src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". 69.0 events processed (79.0 events read) 74.0Hz (avg.: 42.7Hz) src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". JANA >>In DTAGMHit_factory_Calib, loading constants... src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". 83.0 events processed (93.0 events read) 28.0Hz (avg.: 39.0Hz) 90.0 events processed (100.0 events read) 14.0Hz (avg.: 34.0Hz) 98.0 events processed (108.0 events read) 16.0Hz (avg.: 31.0Hz) 100.0 events processed (110.0 events read) 4.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) 108.0 events processed (118.0 events read) 16.0Hz (avg.: 25.8Hz) 108.0 events processed (118.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 22.9Hz) Error [1270]: in [MySQLDataProvider::GetAssignmentShort(int, const string&, time_t, const string&)] No data was selected. Table '/PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/endpoint_calib' for run='30858', timestampt='0' and variation='default' JANA >>In DTAGHHit_factory, loading constants... 111.0 events processed (121.0 events read) 6.0Hz (avg.: 21.2Hz) 115.0 events processed (125.0 events read) 8.0Hz (avg.: 20.0Hz) 116.0 events processed (126.0 events read) 2.0Hz (avg.: 18.5Hz) 117.0 events processed (127.0 events read) 2.0Hz (avg.: 17.2Hz) 135.0 events processed (145.0 events read) 36.0Hz (avg.: 18.6Hz) 152.0 events processed (162.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 19.6Hz) 174.0 events processed (183.0 events read) 44.0Hz (avg.: 21.1Hz) 191.0 events processed (201.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 21.9Hz) 212.0 events processed (222.0 events read) 42.0Hz (avg.: 23.0Hz) 224.0 events processed (234.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 23.1Hz) 239.0 events processed (249.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 23.4Hz) 250.0 events processed (260.0 events read) 22.0Hz (avg.: 23.3Hz) 271.0 events processed (281.0 events read) 42.0Hz (avg.: 24.2Hz) 282.0 events processed (292.0 events read) 22.0Hz (avg.: 24.1Hz) 292.0 events processed (302.0 events read) 20.0Hz (avg.: 23.9Hz) 307.0 events processed (317.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 24.2Hz) 321.0 events processed (331.0 events read) 28.0Hz (avg.: 24.3Hz) 326.0 events processed (336.0 events read) 10.0Hz (avg.: 23.8Hz) 352.0 events processed (362.0 events read) 52.0Hz (avg.: 24.8Hz) 361.0 events processed (371.0 events read) 18.0Hz (avg.: 24.6Hz) 385.0 events processed (395.0 events read) 48.0Hz (avg.: 25.3Hz) 402.0 events processed (412.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 25.6Hz) 417.0 events processed (426.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 25.8Hz) 436.0 events processed (446.0 events read) 38.0Hz (avg.: 26.1Hz) 457.0 events processed (467.0 events read) 42.0Hz (avg.: 26.6Hz) 474.0 events processed (484.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 26.8Hz) 488.0 events processed (498.0 events read) 28.0Hz (avg.: 26.8Hz) 500.0 events processed (510.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 26.8Hz) 517.0 events processed (527.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 26.9Hz) 532.0 events processed (542.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 27.0Hz) 545.0 events processed (555.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 27.0Hz) 563.0 events processed (573.0 events read) 36.0Hz (avg.: 27.2Hz) 581.0 events processed (590.0 events read) 36.0Hz (avg.: 27.4Hz) 593.0 events processed (603.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 27.3Hz) 602.0 events processed (612.0 events read) 18.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) 618.0 events processed (628.0 events read) 32.0Hz (avg.: 27.2Hz) 639.0 events processed (649.0 events read) 42.0Hz (avg.: 27.6Hz) 650.0 events processed (660.0 events read) 22.0Hz (avg.: 27.4Hz) 660.0 events processed (670.0 events read) 20.0Hz (avg.: 27.3Hz) 672.0 events processed (682.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 27.2Hz) 684.0 events processed (694.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 27.2Hz) 690.0 events processed (700.0 events read) 12.0Hz (avg.: 26.9Hz) 710.0 events processed (718.0 events read) 40.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) 719.0 events processed (729.0 events read) 18.0Hz (avg.: 26.9Hz) 736.0 events processed (746.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) 751.0 events processed (761.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) 764.0 events processed (774.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) 783.0 events processed (791.0 events read) 38.0Hz (avg.: 27.3Hz) 802.0 events processed (812.0 events read) 38.0Hz (avg.: 27.5Hz) 819.0 events processed (829.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 27.6Hz) 837.0 events processed (844.0 events read) 36.0Hz (avg.: 27.7Hz) 858.0 events processed (868.0 events read) 42.0Hz (avg.: 28.0Hz) 875.0 events processed (885.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 28.1Hz) 895.0 events processed (905.0 events read) 40.0Hz (avg.: 28.3Hz) 908.0 events processed (918.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 28.2Hz) 928.0 events processed (938.0 events read) 40.0Hz (avg.: 28.4Hz) 953.0 events processed (963.0 events read) 50.0Hz (avg.: 28.7Hz) 967.0 events processed (977.0 events read) 28.0Hz (avg.: 28.7Hz) 982.0 events processed (992.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 28.7Hz) 996.0 events processed (1000.0 events read) 28.0Hz (avg.: 28.7Hz) JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7fe25d08b700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:47:54 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7fe250d8e700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:47:54 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7fe25e08d700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:47:54 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7fe25c88a700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:47:54 2022 1000.0 events processed (1000.0 events read) 8.0Hz (avg.: 28.4Hz) JANA >>Merging thread 0 (0x7fe25d08b700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 1 (0x7fe250d8e700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 2 (0x7fe25e08d700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 3 (0x7fe25c88a700) ... JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7fe25f08f700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:47:54 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7fe23bfff700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:47:55 2022 1000.0 events processed (1000.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 28.0Hz) JANA >>Merging thread 0 (0x7fe25f08f700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 1 (0x7fe23bfff700) ... JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7fe25e88e700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:47:55 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7fe25d88c700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:47:55 2022 JANA >>Merging thread 0 (0x7fe25e88e700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 1 (0x7fe25d88c700) ... EVIO Processing rate = 20.6861 Hz NDISPATCHER_STALLED = 20811 (43.0%) NPARSER_STALLED = 40715 (42.1%) NEVENTBUFF_STALLED = 23 ( 0.0%) EVIO Statistics for /work/halld/pull_request_test/hd_rawdata_030858_000.evio : ------------------------ Nblocks: 82 Nevents: 85 Nerrors: 0 Nbad_blocks: 0 Nbad_events: 0 JANA >>Merging event reader thread ... JANA >> 1000 events processed (1000 events read) Average rate: 27.6Hz Closed ROOT file JANA >>Closing shared object handle 0 ...