JANA >>OUTPUT_FILENAME: hd_root.root JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/BCAL_Eff.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/BCAL_inv_mass.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/BCAL_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/CDC_drift.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/CDC_expert.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/CDC_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/DAQ_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/FCAL_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/FDC_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/PSC_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/PSPair_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/PS_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/RF_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/ST_online_lowlevel.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/ST_online_tracking.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/TAGH_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/TAGM_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/TOF_TDC_shift.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/TOF_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/TPOL_online.so" ... JANA >>Initializing plugin "/work/halld/pull_request_test/halld_recon^jrs_dirccorr/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/plugins/TRIG_online.so" ... Opened ROOT file "hd_root.root" ... JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::init() JANA >>Opening source "/work/halld/pull_request_test/hd_rawdata_030858_000.evio" of type: EVIOpp - Reads EVIO formatted data from file or ET system JANA >>Launching threads ........ loading VERSION 3 JANA >>Control event: Prestart - Tue Feb 28 04:43:10 2017 JANA >>Control event: Go - Tue Feb 28 04:44:06 2017 JANA >>Creating DTranslationTable for run 30858 JANA >>Created JCalibration object of type: JCalibrationCCDB JANA >>Generated via: JCalibration using CCDB for MySQL and SQLite databases JANA >>Run:30858 JANA >>URL: mysql://ccdb_user@hallddb.jlab.org/ccdb JANA >>context: default JANA >>comment: Default constants for analyzing data JANA >>Reading translation table from calib DB: Translation/DAQ2detector ... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 2.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>23166 channels defined in translation table JANA >>Reading Magnetic field map from Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222 ... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) Nx=221 Ny=1 Nz=701 ) at 0x7f11d0df96c0 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) Reading fine-mesh B-field data from /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/resources/Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) rmin: 0 rmax: 88.5 dr: 0.1 zmin: 0 zmax: 600 dz: 0.1 Number of points in z = 6000 Number of points in r = 885 JANA >>154921 entries found (Created Magnetic field map of type DMagneticFieldMapFineMesh JANA >>Creating DGeometry: JANA >> Run requested:30858 found:30858 JANA >> Run validity range: 30858-30858 JANA >> URL="ccdb:///GEOMETRY/main_HDDS.xml" context="default" JANA >> Type="JGeometryXML" JANA >>Found 25 material maps in calib. DB 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>Read in 25 material maps for run 30858 containing 76153 grid points total src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >> Beam spot: x=0.1745 y=-0.002098 z=65 dx/dz=-0.0005445 dy/dz=-0.0003837 JANA >>vertex constraint: JANA >>in DBCALPoint_factory, loading constants ... JANA >>DBCALUnifiedHit_factory: Using ADC times only. JANA >>In DBCALHit_factory, loading constants... JANA >>In DBCALTDCHit_factory, loading constants... Created TGeoManager :0x7f11bac42da0 JANA >>In DTOFHit_factory, loading constants... JANA >>TOF: USE WALK CORRECTION TYPE 3 JANA >>In DSCHit_factory, loading constants... JANA >>In DCDCHit_factory, loading constants... 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>In DFDCHit_factory, loading constants... Error [1270]: in [MySQLDataProvider::GetAssignmentShort(int, const string&, time_t, const string&)] No data was selected. Table '/FCAL/energy_dependence_correction_vs_ring' for run='30858', timestampt='0' and variation='default' JANA >>In DFCALHit_factory, loading constants... JANA >>In DDIRCPmtHit_factory, loading constants... WARNING: This is not an event source of type JEventSource_EVIO! Event size statistics filling unavailable! 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) 1.0 events processed (1.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) JANA >>In DPSCHit_factory, loading constants... Error [1270]: in [MySQLDataProvider::GetAssignmentShort(int, const string&, time_t, const string&)] No data was selected. Table '/PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/endpoint_calib' for run='30858', timestampt='0' and variation='default' JANA >>In DPSHit_factory, loading constants... JANA >>In DTAGHHit_factory, loading constants... JANA >>In DTAGMHit_factory_Calib, loading constants... JANA >> JANA >> --- Configuration Parameters -- JANA >> EVENTS_TO_KEEP = 1000  JANA >> JANA:RESOURCE_DEFAULT_PATH =  JANA >> NTHREADS = 8  JANA >> PLUGINS = BCAL_Eff,BCAL_inv_mass,BCAL_online,CDC_drift,CDC_expert,CDC_online,DAQ_online,FCAL_online,FDC_online,PSC_online,PSPair_online,PS_online,RF_online,ST_online_lowlevel,ST_online_tracking,TAGH_online,TAGM_online,TOF_TDC_shift,TOF_online,TPOL_online,TRIG_online JANA >> THREAD_TIMEOUT = 30 seconds JANA >> ------------------------------- src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". 3.0 events processed (3.0 events read) 4.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//composition[@name='LeadTungstateFullRow']/mposX[@volume='LTBLwrapped']/@ncopy". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. 4.0 events processed (4.0 events read) 2.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. 8.0 events processed (8.0 events read) 8.0Hz (avg.: 0.0Hz) src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. 9.0 events processed (9.0 events read) 2.0Hz (avg.: 2.0Hz) src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='ForwardMWPC']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section[@name='ForwardMWPC']/box[@name='CPPF']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='CppScint']/@X_Y_Z". libraries/HDGEOMETRY/DGeometry.cc:1796 Unable to retrieve CPP scintillator position. 22.0 events processed (22.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 14.0Hz) JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 42 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 51 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 54 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 63 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 64 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 75 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 95 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 11 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 11 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 14 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 14 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 15 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 15 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 37 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 37 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 71 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 71 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 73 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 73 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 77 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 77 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 83 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 83 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 84 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 84 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 94 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 94 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 25 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 25 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 26 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 26 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 27 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 27 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 28 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 28 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 52 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 52 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 53 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 53 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 55 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 55 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 56 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 56 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 57 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 57 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 58 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 58 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 59 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 59 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 60 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 60 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 61 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 61 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 62 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 62 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 12 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 12 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 13 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 13 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 18 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 18 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 22 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 22 JANA >>In DTRDHit_factory, loading constants... 67.0 events processed (77.0 events read) 90.0Hz (avg.: 39.3Hz) JANA >>In DGEMHit_factory, loading constants... src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 33 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 36 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 39 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 17 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 17 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 31 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 31 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 34 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 34 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 35 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 35 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 40 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 40 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 41 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 41 src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 19 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 19 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 21 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 21 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 32 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 32 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 38 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 38 src/JANA/JGeometryXML.cc:347 Node or attribute not found for xpath "//section/composition/posXYZ[@volume='TRDGEM']/@X_Y_Z". JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 20 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 20 82.0 events processed (91.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 37.0Hz) JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating occupancy histogram for crate 16 JEventProcessor_DAQ_online::evnt creating pedestal histogram for crate 16 92.0 events processed (102.0 events read) 20.0Hz (avg.: 33.6Hz) 110.0 events processed (120.0 events read) 36.0Hz (avg.: 34.0Hz) 116.0 events processed (126.0 events read) 12.0Hz (avg.: 30.9Hz) 125.0 events processed (135.0 events read) 18.0Hz (avg.: 29.2Hz) 130.0 events processed (140.0 events read) 10.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) 147.0 events processed (157.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 27.8Hz) 167.0 events processed (177.0 events read) 40.0Hz (avg.: 28.9Hz) 179.0 events processed (189.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 28.5Hz) 195.0 events processed (205.0 events read) 32.0Hz (avg.: 28.8Hz) 213.0 events processed (223.0 events read) 36.0Hz (avg.: 29.3Hz) 222.0 events processed (232.0 events read) 18.0Hz (avg.: 28.5Hz) 235.0 events processed (245.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 28.4Hz) 246.0 events processed (256.0 events read) 22.0Hz (avg.: 28.0Hz) 258.0 events processed (268.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 27.8Hz) 276.0 events processed (286.0 events read) 36.0Hz (avg.: 28.2Hz) 286.0 events processed (296.0 events read) 20.0Hz (avg.: 27.8Hz) 298.0 events processed (308.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 27.6Hz) 313.0 events processed (323.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 27.7Hz) 322.0 events processed (332.0 events read) 18.0Hz (avg.: 27.3Hz) 336.0 events processed (346.0 events read) 28.0Hz (avg.: 27.3Hz) 353.0 events processed (363.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 27.6Hz) 362.0 events processed (372.0 events read) 18.0Hz (avg.: 27.2Hz) 387.0 events processed (397.0 events read) 50.0Hz (avg.: 28.1Hz) 401.0 events processed (411.0 events read) 28.0Hz (avg.: 28.1Hz) 414.0 events processed (424.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 28.0Hz) 431.0 events processed (441.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 28.2Hz) 444.0 events processed (454.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 28.1Hz) 459.0 events processed (469.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 28.2Hz) 474.0 events processed (483.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 28.2Hz) 483.0 events processed (493.0 events read) 18.0Hz (avg.: 27.9Hz) 496.0 events processed (506.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 27.9Hz) 504.0 events processed (514.0 events read) 16.0Hz (avg.: 27.6Hz) 517.0 events processed (527.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 27.5Hz) 530.0 events processed (540.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 27.5Hz) 537.0 events processed (547.0 events read) 14.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) 548.0 events processed (558.0 events read) 22.0Hz (avg.: 27.0Hz) 560.0 events processed (570.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 26.9Hz) 574.0 events processed (584.0 events read) 28.0Hz (avg.: 27.0Hz) 586.0 events processed (596.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 26.9Hz) 594.0 events processed (604.0 events read) 16.0Hz (avg.: 26.6Hz) 602.0 events processed (612.0 events read) 16.0Hz (avg.: 26.4Hz) 619.0 events processed (628.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 26.6Hz) 634.0 events processed (644.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 26.6Hz) 644.0 events processed (654.0 events read) 20.0Hz (avg.: 26.5Hz) 657.0 events processed (667.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 26.5Hz) 665.0 events processed (675.0 events read) 16.0Hz (avg.: 26.3Hz) 672.0 events processed (682.0 events read) 14.0Hz (avg.: 26.0Hz) 684.0 events processed (694.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 26.0Hz) 690.0 events processed (700.0 events read) 12.0Hz (avg.: 25.7Hz) 699.0 events processed (709.0 events read) 18.0Hz (avg.: 25.6Hz) 716.0 events processed (726.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 25.7Hz) 726.0 events processed (736.0 events read) 20.0Hz (avg.: 25.6Hz) 743.0 events processed (753.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 25.8Hz) 755.0 events processed (765.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 25.8Hz) 768.0 events processed (778.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 25.8Hz) 785.0 events processed (795.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 25.9Hz) 802.0 events processed (812.0 events read) 34.0Hz (avg.: 26.0Hz) 816.0 events processed (826.0 events read) 28.0Hz (avg.: 26.1Hz) 829.0 events processed (839.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 26.1Hz) 842.0 events processed (852.0 events read) 26.0Hz (avg.: 26.1Hz) 860.0 events processed (870.0 events read) 36.0Hz (avg.: 26.2Hz) 878.0 events processed (888.0 events read) 36.0Hz (avg.: 26.4Hz) 902.0 events processed (912.0 events read) 48.0Hz (avg.: 26.7Hz) 917.0 events processed (927.0 events read) 30.0Hz (avg.: 26.7Hz) 937.0 events processed (947.0 events read) 40.0Hz (avg.: 26.9Hz) 958.0 events processed (968.0 events read) 42.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) 966.0 events processed (976.0 events read) 16.0Hz (avg.: 27.0Hz) 986.0 events processed (996.0 events read) 40.0Hz (avg.: 27.2Hz) 998.0 events processed (1000.0 events read) 24.0Hz (avg.: 27.1Hz) JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7f11f4b1b700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:52:12 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7f1209708700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:52:12 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7f11dffff700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:52:12 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7f1208f07700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:52:12 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7f11deffd700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:52:12 2022 1000.0 events processed (1000.0 events read) 4.0Hz (avg.: 26.8Hz) JANA >>Merging thread 0 (0x7f11f4b1b700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 1 (0x7f1209708700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 2 (0x7f11dffff700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 3 (0x7f1208f07700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 4 (0x7f11deffd700) ... JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7f11f5b1d700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:52:12 2022 JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7f11f531c700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:52:12 2022 1000.0 events processed (1000.0 events read) 0.0Hz (avg.: 26.5Hz) JANA >>Merging thread 0 (0x7f11f5b1d700) ... JANA >>Merging thread 1 (0x7f11f531c700) ... JANA >> JANA >>No more event sources JANA >>Thread 0x7f11df7fe700 completed gracefully: Wed Jan 5 10:52:13 2022 JANA >>Merging thread 0 (0x7f11df7fe700) ... Unknown function: gaus TI remainder = 0 mean = -267.295 Unknown function: gaus TI remainder = 1 mean = -269.185 Unknown function: gaus TI remainder = 2 mean = -275.162 Unknown function: gaus TI remainder = 3 mean = -274.426 Unknown function: gaus TI remainder = 4 mean = -266.709 Unknown function: gaus TI remainder = 5 mean = -270.248 EVIO Processing rate = 19.4703 Hz NDISPATCHER_STALLED = 18631 (36.3%) NPARSER_STALLED = 36022 (35.1%) NEVENTBUFF_STALLED = 17 ( 0.0%) EVIO Statistics for /work/halld/pull_request_test/hd_rawdata_030858_000.evio : ------------------------ Nblocks: 82 Nevents: 85 Nerrors: 0 Nbad_blocks: 0 Nbad_events: 0 JANA >>Merging event reader thread ... JANA >> 1000 events processed (1000 events read) Average rate: 26.1Hz Closed ROOT file JANA >>Closing shared object handle 0 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 1 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 2 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 3 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 4 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 5 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 6 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 7 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 8 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 9 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 10 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 11 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 12 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 13 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 14 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 15 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 16 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 17 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 18 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 19 ... JANA >>Closing shared object handle 20 ...