# # Solenoidal field parameterization # # This file auto-generated by ParameterizeBField_codegen.C macro. # Sun Nov 1 10:27:25 2009 # Produced by davidl on Amelia.local # # input file: BfieldParameters_Bz.root # section: 6 (out of 10) # 1st level order: 9 # 2nd level order: 9 # # In the following table, values are coefficients of Chebyshev # polynomials. There are 2 levels of parameterization corresponding # to the 2 dimensions in which the field map is parameterized (z and r). # # The first level fits the field as a function of z in lab coordinates. # The second level parametrizes those coefficients as a function of r # also in lab coordinates. # # # # p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 -2.32208 -0.0919414 -0.0225039 -8.6371e-05 5.14568e-05 1.09472e-05 -2.24644e-05 2.11103e-05 1.89383e-05 4.60956e-05 -0.0175344 -0.111671 -0.0360651 -0.00547756 -0.00107455 -0.000197015 -8.80907e-05 -2.01247e-05 -1.07615e-05 2.32498e-05 0.0202468 -0.0318261 -0.0153792 -0.00495445 -0.00127255 -0.000219633 -7.57746e-05 4.78444e-05 2.07185e-05 9.88688e-05 0.0138672 0.00990302 0.00368227 0.000861226 0.000235846 6.60364e-05 2.56399e-05 1.15677e-05 6.8071e-06 2.85307e-06 0.00342622 0.00459717 0.00202905 0.000607325 0.000160988 3.91992e-05 1.39062e-05 6.08344e-06 2.60895e-06 -3.55896e-07 -0.000507429 -0.000559411 -0.000286005 -0.000115014 -4.33846e-05 -1.61048e-05 -5.40888e-06 5.63807e-07 8.37446e-08 -4.84303e-07 -0.000171863 -0.000215916 -9.88488e-05 -3.22385e-05 -8.97672e-06 -2.65941e-06 1.71046e-07 8.25046e-07 4.28657e-07 -9.34037e-07 2.03118e-05 4.27519e-05 2.82774e-05 1.78596e-05 9.63399e-06 5.7028e-06 3.80718e-06 5.85825e-06 3.22648e-06 1.94506e-06 2.00342e-06 2.94031e-06 3.71682e-06 2.77482e-06 2.58473e-06 2.29991e-06 1.86368e-06 1.22314e-06 1.05816e-06 3.62655e-07 -7.30219e-06 -7.62119e-06 -5.81093e-06 -3.34782e-06 -2.13182e-06 -2.99883e-06 -1.97015e-06 -7.03708e-07 -1.15141e-06 -1.38761e-06