Bug Summary

Location:line 150, column 10
Description:Called C++ object pointer is null

Annotated Source Code

2 * hddm_mc_s.cpp - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
3 *
4 * This file was generated automatically by hddm-cpp from the file
5 * exam2.xml
7 * This c++ source implements the methods for the classes
8 * described in the data model (from exam2.xml).
9 *
10 * The hddm data model tool set was written by
11 * Richard Jones, University of Connecticut.
12 *
13 * For more information see the following web site
14 *
15 * http://zeus.phys.uconn.edu/halld/datamodel/doc
16 */
18#include <sstream>
19#include "hddm_mc_s.hpp"
21#ifndef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS64
22# define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS64 64
25using namespace hddm_mc_s;
27static int tags_match(const std::string &a, const std::string &b)
29 if (a == b) {
30 return true;
31 }
32 else {
33 int len = a.length();
34 int ia=0;
35 int ib=0;
36 for (; a[ia] == b[ib]; ++ia, ++ib, --len) {}
37 for (; a[ia] == ' '; ++ia, --len) {}
38 for (; a[ia] == '/'; ++ia, --len) {}
39 for (; b[ib] == ' '; ++ib) {}
40 for (; b[ib] == '/'; ++ib) {}
41 return (a.substr(ia) == b.substr(ib));
42 }
46 : block_start(), block_offset(), block_status() {}
48streamposition::streamposition(uint64_t start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t status)
49 : block_start(start), block_offset(offset), block_status(status) {}
51istream::istream(std::istream &src)
52 : m_xstr(0),
53 m_istr(src),
54 m_xcmp(0),
55 m_xraw(0),
56 m_status_bits(0)
58 char hdr[10];
59 src.getline(hdr,7);
60 m_documentString = hdr;
61 if (m_documentString != "<HDDM ") {
62 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::istream error - invalid hddm header");
63 }
64 src.clear();
65 std::string line;
66 while (std::getline(src,line).good()) {
67 m_documentString += line + "\n";
68 if (line == "</HDDM>") {
69 break;
70 }
71 }
72 if (src.bad()) {
73 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::istream error - invalid hddm header");
74 }
75 m_genome.m_tagname = "HDDM";
76 m_genome.m_sequence = synthesize(m_documentString,0,HDDM::DocumentString(),0);
77 m_event_buffer = new char[m_event_buffer_size = 100000];
78 m_sbuf = new istreambuffer(m_event_buffer,m_event_buffer_size);
79 configure_streambufs();
80 m_next_event_size = 0;
81 m_events_to_skip = 0;
82 m_records_read = 0;
83 m_bytes_read = 0;
86istream::~istream() {
87 if (m_xraw) {
88 m_istr.rdbuf(m_xraw);
89 }
90 if (m_xcmp) {
91 delete m_xcmp;
92 }
93 if (m_xstr) {
94 delete m_xstr;
95 }
96 if (m_sbuf) {
97 delete m_sbuf;
98 }
99 delete [] m_event_buffer;
102streamposition istream::getPosition() const {
103 streamposition pos;
104 pos.block_status = m_status_bits;
105 if (m_status_bits & (k_bz2_compression | k_z_compression)) {
106 if (m_status_bits & k_can_reposition) {
107 pos.block_start = m_xraw->pubseekoff(0,std::ios_base::cur,
108 std::ios_base::out);
109 if (m_status_bits & k_bz2_compression) {
110 pos.block_offset = dynamic_cast<xstream::bz::istreambuf*>(m_xcmp)
111 ->get_block_offset();
112 pos.block_start -= dynamic_cast<xstream::bz::istreambuf*>(m_xcmp)
113 ->get_block_buffered();
114 }
115 else {
116 pos.block_offset = dynamic_cast<xstream::z::istreambuf*>(m_xcmp)
117 ->get_block_offset();
118 pos.block_start -= dynamic_cast<xstream::z::istreambuf*>(m_xcmp)
119 ->get_block_buffered();
120 }
121 if (m_next_event_size > 0)
122 pos.block_offset -= std::streamoff(4);
123 }
124 else {
125 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::getPosition error - "
126 "old-format hddm input file does not support repositioning.");
127 }
128 }
129 else {
130 pos.block_start = m_istr.tellg();
131 if (m_next_event_size > 0)
132 pos.block_start -= std::streamoff(4);
133 pos.block_offset = 0;
134 }
135 return pos;
138void istream::setPosition(const streamposition &pos) {
139 m_status_bits = pos.block_status;
140 if (m_status_bits & (k_bz2_compression | k_z_compression)) {
Taking true branch
141 if ((m_status_bits & k_can_reposition) == 0) {
Taking false branch
142 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::setPosition error - "
143 "old-format hddm input file does not support repositioning.");
144 }
145 if (m_xraw == 0 || pos.block_start != getPosition().block_start ||
146 pos.block_offset < getPosition().block_offset)
147 {
148 m_bytes_read = 0;
149 configure_streambufs();
Calling 'istream::configure_streambufs'
Returning from 'istream::configure_streambufs'
150 m_xraw->pubseekoff(pos.block_start,std::ios_base::beg,
Called C++ object pointer is null
151 std::ios_base::in);
152 m_next_event_size = 0;
153 }
154 int advance;
155 while ((advance = pos.block_offset - getPosition().block_offset)) {
156 char tmpbuf[advance];
157 m_xcmp->sgetn(tmpbuf, advance);
158 }
159 }
160 else if (pos.block_start != getPosition().block_start) {
161 m_istr.seekg(pos.block_start);
162 m_next_event_size = 0;
163 }
166void istream::configure_streambufs() {
167 if (m_xstr == 0) {
Taking false branch
168 m_xstr = new xstream::xdr::istream(m_sbuf);
169 }
170 if (m_xraw == 0 && (m_status_bits & k_z_compression) != 0) {
171 //std::cerr << "input switched on z compression" << std::endl;
172 m_xraw = m_istr.rdbuf();
173 m_xcmp = new xstream::z::istreambuf(m_xraw);
174 m_istr.rdbuf(m_xcmp);
175 }
176 else if (m_xraw == 0 && (m_status_bits & k_bz2_compression) != 0) {
177 //std::cerr << "input switched on bz2 compression" << std::endl;
178 m_xraw = m_istr.rdbuf();
179 m_xcmp = new xstream::bz::istreambuf(m_xraw);
180 m_istr.rdbuf(m_xcmp);
181 }
182 else if (m_xraw == 0 && (m_status_bits & k_bits_compression) != 0) {
183 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::configure_streambufs error - "
184 "unrecognized compression flag requested.");
185 }
186 else if (m_xraw != 0 && m_bytes_read == 0) {
Taking true branch
187 m_istr.rdbuf(m_xraw);
188 delete m_xcmp;
189 m_xcmp = 0;
190 m_xraw = 0;
Null pointer value stored to field 'm_xraw'
191 configure_streambufs();
192 }
193 else if (m_xraw != 0) {
194 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::configure_streambufs error"
195 " - cannot reconfigure compression in mid-stream!");
196 }
199istream &istream::operator>>(HDDM &record) {
200 if (m_next_event_size == 0) {
201 m_istr.read(m_event_buffer,4);
202 m_bytes_read += m_istr.gcount();
203 if (!m_istr.good()) {
204 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::operator>> error - "
205 "attempt to read past end of file!");
206 }
207 m_sbuf->reset();
208 *m_xstr >> m_next_event_size;
209 return *this >> record;
210 }
211 else if (m_next_event_size == 1) {
212 m_istr.read(m_event_buffer+4,4);
213 m_bytes_read += m_istr.gcount();
214 if (!m_istr.good()) {
215 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::operator>> error -"
216 " read error on token input!");
217 }
218 int size;
219 *m_xstr >> size;
220 m_istr.read(m_event_buffer+8,size);
221 m_bytes_read += m_istr.gcount();
222 if (!m_istr.good()) {
223 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::operator>> error -"
224 " read error on token input!");
225 }
226 int format, flags;
227 *m_xstr >> format >> flags;
228 if (format != 0) {
229 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::operator>> error - "
230 "unsupported compression format!");
231 }
232 else if (flags != m_status_bits) {
233 int oldcmp = m_status_bits & k_bits_compression;
234 int newcmp = flags & k_bits_compression;
235 m_status_bits = flags;
236 if (oldcmp != newcmp) {
237 configure_streambufs();
238 }
239 }
240 m_next_event_size = 0;
241 return *this >> record;
242 }
243 else if (m_next_event_size+8 > m_event_buffer_size) {
244 delete m_xstr;
245 delete m_sbuf;
246 char *newbuf = new char[m_event_buffer_size = m_next_event_size+1000];
247 m_sbuf = new istreambuffer(newbuf, m_event_buffer_size);
248 m_xstr = new xstream::xdr::istream(m_sbuf);
249 memcpy(newbuf,m_event_buffer,4);
250 delete [] m_event_buffer;
251 m_event_buffer = newbuf;
252 }
254 m_istr.read(m_event_buffer+4,m_next_event_size);
255 m_bytes_read += m_istr.gcount();
256 m_records_read++;
257 if (!m_istr.good()) {
258 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::operator>> error -"
259 " read error in mid-record!");
260 }
261 if ((m_status_bits & k_crc32_integrity) != 0) {
262 unsigned int recorded_crc;
263 char crcbuf[10];
264 istreambuffer sbuf(crcbuf,10);
265 xstream::xdr::istream xstr(&sbuf);
266 m_istr.read(crcbuf,4);
267 m_bytes_read += m_istr.gcount();
268 xstr >> recorded_crc;
269 xstream::digest::crc32 crc;
270 std::ostream out(&crc);
271 out.write(m_event_buffer,m_next_event_size+4);
272 out.flush();
273 if (crc.digest() != recorded_crc) {
274 char errmsg[] =
275 "WARNING: crc data integrity check failed"
276 " on hddm_mc_s input stream!"
277 "\nThis may be the result of a bug in the"
278 " xstream library if you are analyzing a data"
279 " file that was generated by code prior to svn"
280 " rev 18530.\nIf this concerns you, regenerate"
281 " using a newer build of the sim-recon tools"
282 " and it should go away.\n";
283 if ((m_status_bits & 0x02) == 0) {
284 std::cerr << errmsg << std::endl;
285 m_status_bits |= 0x02;
286 }
287 //throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::operator>> error -"
288 // " crc check error on input stream!");
289 }
290 }
292 if (m_events_to_skip) {
293 --m_events_to_skip;
294 m_next_event_size = 0;
295 return *this >> record;
296 }
297 m_sbuf->reset();
298 m_sequencing = 0;
299 m_codon = &m_genome;
300 *this >> (streamable&)record;
301 m_istr.read(m_event_buffer,4);
302 m_bytes_read += m_istr.gcount();
303 if (m_istr.eof()) {
304 m_next_event_size = 0;
305 }
306 else if (!m_istr.good()) {
307 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::operator>> error - "
308 "read error on event size!");
309 }
310 else {
311 m_sbuf->reset();
312 *m_xstr >> m_next_event_size;
313 }
314 return *this;
317ostream::ostream(std::ostream &src)
318 : m_xstr(0),
319 m_ostr(src),
320 m_xcmp(0),
321 m_xraw(0),
322 m_status_bits(k_default_status)
324 m_ostr << HDDM::DocumentString();
325 if (!m_ostr.good()) {
326 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::ostream::ostream(ostream) "
327 "error - write error on header output!");
328 }
329 m_event_buffer = new char[m_event_buffer_size = 100000];
330 m_sbuf = new ostreambuffer(m_event_buffer,m_event_buffer_size);
331 configure_streambufs();
332 m_records_written = 0;
333 m_bytes_written = 0;
336ostream::~ostream() {
337 if (m_xstr) {
338 delete m_xstr;
339 }
340 if (m_xraw) {
341 m_ostr.flush();
342 m_ostr.rdbuf(m_xraw);
343 }
344 if (m_xcmp) {
345 delete m_xcmp;
346 }
347 if (m_sbuf) {
348 delete m_sbuf;
349 }
350 delete [] m_event_buffer;
353void ostream::setCompression(int flags) {
354 if ((flags ^ m_status_bits) & k_bits_compression) {
355 if ((m_status_bits & k_bits_compression) != k_no_compression) {
356 std::cerr << "hddm_mc_s::ostream::setCompression warning - "
357 << "compression already enabled, cannot change."
358 << std::endl;
359 return;
360 }
361 m_status_bits &= ~k_bits_compression;
362 m_status_bits |= flags;
363 m_status_bits |= k_can_reposition;
364 m_sbuf->reset();
365 *m_xstr << 1 << 8 << 0 << m_status_bits;
366 m_ostr.write(m_sbuf->getbuf(),m_sbuf->size());
367 if (!m_ostr.good()) {
368 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::ostream::setCompression"
369 " error - write error on token output!");
370 }
371 configure_streambufs();
372 }
375void ostream::setIntegrityChecks(int flags) {
376 if ((flags ^ m_status_bits) & k_bits_integrity) {
377 m_status_bits &= ~k_bits_integrity;
378 m_status_bits |= flags;
379 m_sbuf->reset();
380 *m_xstr << 1 << 8 << 0 << m_status_bits;
381 m_ostr.write(m_sbuf->getbuf(),m_sbuf->size());
382 if (!m_ostr.good()) {
383 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::ostream::setIntegrityChecks error - "
384 "write error on token output!");
385 }
386 }
389streamposition ostream::getPosition() const {
390 streamposition pos;
391 pos.block_status = m_status_bits;
392 if (m_status_bits & k_bz2_compression) {
393 pos.block_start = m_xraw->pubseekoff(0,std::ios_base::cur,
394 std::ios_base::out);
395 pos.block_offset = ((xstream::bz::istreambuf*)m_xcmp)->get_block_offset();
396 }
397 else if (m_status_bits & k_z_compression) {
398 pos.block_start = m_xraw->pubseekoff(0,std::ios_base::cur,
399 std::ios_base::out);
400 pos.block_offset = ((xstream::z::istreambuf*)m_xcmp)->get_block_offset();
401 }
402 else {
403 pos.block_start = m_ostr.tellp();
404 pos.block_offset = 0;
405 }
406 return pos;
409void ostream::configure_streambufs() {
410 if (m_xstr == 0) {
411 m_xstr = new xstream::xdr::ostream(m_sbuf);
412 }
413 if (m_xraw == 0 && (m_status_bits & k_z_compression) != 0) {
414 //std::cerr << "output switched on z compression" << std::endl;
415 m_xraw = m_ostr.rdbuf();
416 m_xcmp = new xstream::z::ostreambuf(m_xraw);
417 m_ostr.rdbuf(m_xcmp);
418 }
419 else if (m_xraw == 0 && (m_status_bits & k_bz2_compression) != 0) {
420 //std::cerr << "output switched on bz2 compression" << std::endl;
421 m_xraw = m_ostr.rdbuf();
422 m_xcmp = new xstream::bz::ostreambuf(m_xraw);
423 m_ostr.rdbuf(m_xcmp);
424 }
425 else if (m_xraw == 0 && (m_status_bits & k_bits_compression) != 0) {
426 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::ostream::configure_streambufs error - "
427 "unrecognized compression flag requested.");
428 }
429 else if (m_xraw != 0 && m_bytes_written == 0) {
430 m_ostr.rdbuf(m_xraw);
431 delete m_xcmp;
432 m_xcmp = 0;
433 m_xraw = 0;
434 configure_streambufs();
435 }
436 else if (m_xraw != 0) {
437 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::ostream::configure_streambufs error"
438 " - cannot reconfigure compression in mid-stream!");
439 }
442int istream::getTag(const std::string &src, int start,
443 std::string &tag, int &level)
445 tag = "";
446 size_t p_btag = src.find("<",start);
447 size_t p_bline = src.find_last_of("\n",p_btag);
448 if (p_bline == std::string::npos)
449 {
450 p_bline = 0;
451 }
452 else
453 {
454 ++p_bline;
455 }
456 level = (p_btag-p_bline)/2;
457 size_t p_etag = p_btag;
458 for (size_t quotes=0; p_etag < src.size(); ++p_etag) {
459 if (src[p_etag] == '"') {
460 tag += "\"";
461 ++quotes;
462 }
463 else if (quotes/2*2 != quotes) {
464 tag += src[p_etag];
465 }
466 else if (src.find_first_of(" \t\n",p_etag) == 0) {
467 tag += " ";
468 p_etag = src.find_first_not_of(" \t\n",p_etag)-1;
469 }
470 else if (src[p_etag] == '>') {
471 tag += ">";
472 break;
473 }
474 else {
475 tag += src[p_etag];
476 }
477 }
478 if (p_etag == src.size()) {
479 std::stringstream sstr;
480 sstr << "hddm_mc_s::istream::getTag"
481 << " error - bad header format" << std::endl
482 << " tag " << tag << " at position " << start
483 << std::endl;
484 throw std::runtime_error(sstr.str());
485 }
486 return p_etag+2;
489int istream::getEndTag(const std::string &src, int start,
490 const std::string &tag)
492 if (tag.rfind("/>") == tag.size()-2) {
493 return src.find(tag,start) + tag.size()+1;
494 }
495 else {
496 std::string etag = "</";
497 etag += tag.substr(1,tag.find_first_of(' ')-1) + ">";
498 size_t p_etag = src.find(etag,start);
499 size_t p_quote = src.find_first_of('"',start);
500 while (p_quote != std::string::npos && p_quote < p_etag) {
501 p_quote = src.find_first_of('"',p_quote+1);
502 if (p_quote > p_etag) {
503 p_etag = src.find(etag,p_quote+1);
504 }
505 p_quote = src.find_first_of('"',p_quote+1);
506 }
507 if (p_etag == std::string::npos) {
508 std::stringstream sstr;
509 sstr << "hddm_mc_s::istream::getEndTag"
510 << " error - bad header format" << std::endl
511 << " tag " << tag << " at position " << start
512 << std::endl
513 << " end tag " << etag << " not found."
514 << std::endl;
515 throw std::runtime_error(sstr.str());
516 }
517 return p_etag + etag.size()+1;
518 }
521void istream::collide(const std::string &itag, const std::string &rtag) {
522 std::string itagname = itag.substr(1,itag.find(" ")-1);
523 std::string rtagname = rtag.substr(1,rtag.find(" ")-1);
524 std::string errmsg = "hddm_mc_s::istream::collide warning:\n"
525 "tag " + itagname + " in input file "
526 "does not match c++ header hddm_mc_s.hpp\n"
527 " input file: " + itag + "\n"
528 " c++ header: " + rtag + "\n"
529 " === Tag " + itagname + " will be ignored,"
530 " rebuild to cure the problem ===";
531 if (itagname != "HDDM") {
532 std::cerr << errmsg << std::endl;
533 }
534 else {
535 throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
536 }
539chromosome istream::synthesize(const std::string &src, int p_src,
540 const std::string &ref, int p_ref)
542 chromosome chrom;
543 int slevel, rlevel;
544 std::string stag, rtag;
545 p_src = getTag(src,p_src,stag,slevel);
546 p_ref = getTag(ref,p_ref,rtag,rlevel);
547 std::string stagname = stag.substr(1,stag.find(" ")-1);
548 std::string rtagname = rtag.substr(1,rtag.find(" ")-1);
549 if (stagname != rtagname) {
550 throw std::runtime_error("hddm_mc_s::istream::synthesize error - matching algorithm error #2");
551 }
552 else if (!tags_match(stag,rtag)) {
553 collide(stag,rtag);
554 return chrom;
555 }
557 int p2_src, p2_ref;
558 int s2level, r2level;
559 std::string s2tag, r2tag;
560 getTag(src,p2_src=p_src,s2tag,s2level);
561 while (s2level > slevel) {
562 codon *gene = new codon();
563 std::string s2tagname = s2tag.substr(1,s2tag.find(" ")-1);
564 getTag(ref,p2_ref=p_ref,r2tag,r2level);
565 int order_of_this_tag_in_ref = 1;
566 while (r2level == s2level) {
567 std::string r2tagname = r2tag.substr(1,r2tag.find(" ")-1);
568 if (s2tagname == r2tagname) {
569 if (!tags_match(s2tag,r2tag)) {
570 collide(s2tag,r2tag);
571 break;
572 }
573 else {
574 gene->m_order = order_of_this_tag_in_ref;
575 }
576 gene->m_sequence = synthesize(src,p2_src,ref,p2_ref);
577 break;
578 }
579 p2_ref = getEndTag(ref,p2_ref,r2tag);
580 getTag(ref,p2_ref,r2tag,r2level);
581 ++order_of_this_tag_in_ref;
582 }
583 gene->m_tagname = s2tagname;
584 chrom.push_back(*gene);
585 delete gene;
586 p2_src = getEndTag(src,p2_src,s2tag);
587 getTag(src,p2_src,s2tag,s2level);
588 }
589 return chrom;