Bug Summary

Location:line 69, column 3
Description:Value stored to 'error' is never read

Annotated Source Code

1#include "DRiemannFit.h"
2#include <TDecompLU.h>
3#include <math.h>
5#include <iostream>
6#include <algorithm>
7#include <cmath>
8using std::cerr;
9using std::endl;
11#define qBr2p0.003 0.003 // conversion for converting q*B*r to GeV/c
12#define Z_TARGET65.0 65.0
13#define EPS1.0e-8 1.0e-8
14#define MIN_TANL2.0 2.0
16// Boolean function for sorting hits
17bool DRiemannFit_hit_cmp(DRiemannHit_t *a,DRiemannHit_t *b){
18 return (a->z>b->z);
21/// Add a hit to the list of hits using cylindrical coordinates
22jerror_t DRiemannFit::AddHit(double r, double phi, double z)
24 return AddHitXYZ(r*cos(phi), r*sin(phi), z);
28 /// Add a hit to the list of hits using Cartesian coordinates
29jerror_t DRiemannFit::AddHitXYZ(double x,double y, double z){
30 DRiemannHit_t *hit = new DRiemannHit_t;
31 hit->x = x;
32 hit->y = y;
33 hit->z = z;
34 hit->covx=1.;
35 hit->covy=1.;
36 hit->covxy=0.;
38 hits.push_back(hit);
40 return NOERROR;
44/// Add a hit to the list of hits using Cartesian coordinates
45jerror_t DRiemannFit::AddHit(double x,double y, double z,double covx,
46 double covy, double covxy){
47 DRiemannHit_t *hit = new DRiemannHit_t;
48 hit->x = x;
49 hit->y = y;
50 hit->z = z;
51 hit->covx=covx;
52 hit->covy=covy;
53 hit->covxy=covxy;
55 hits.push_back(hit);
57 return NOERROR;
60// Fit sequence
61jerror_t DRiemannFit::DoFit(double rc_input){
62 jerror_t error=NOERROR;
64 if (CovR_!=NULL__null) delete CovR_;
65 if (CovRPhi_!=NULL__null) delete CovRPhi_;
66 CovR_=NULL__null;
67 CovRPhi_=NULL__null;
69 error=FitCircle(rc_input);
Value stored to 'error' is never read
70 error=FitLine();
71 q=GetCharge();;
73 return error;
77// Calculate the (normal) eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue lambda
78jerror_t DRiemannFit::CalcNormal(DMatrix A,double lambda,DMatrix &N){
79 double sum=0;
81 N(0,0)=1.;
82 N(1,0)=N(0,0)*(A(1,0)*A(0,2)-(A(0,0)-lambda)*A(1,2))
83 /(A(0,1)*A(2,1)-(A(1,1)-lambda)*A(0,2));
84 N(2,0)=N(0,0)*(A(2,0)*(A(1,1)-lambda)-A(1,0)*A(2,1))
85 /(A(1,2)*A(2,1)-(A(2,2)-lambda)*(A(1,1)-lambda));
87 // Normalize: n1^2+n2^2+n3^2=1
88 for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
89 sum+=N(i,0)*N(i,0);
90 }
91 for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
92 N(i,0)/=sqrt(sum);
93 }
95 return NOERROR;
98// Riemann Circle fit with correction for non-normal track incidence
99jerror_t DRiemannFit::FitCircle(double rc){
100 // Covariance matrices
101 DMatrix CRPhi(hits.size(),hits.size());
102 DMatrix CR(hits.size(),hits.size());
103 // Auxiliary matrices for correcting for non-normal track incidence to FDC
104 // The correction is
105 // CRPhi'= C*CRPhi*C+S*CR*S, where S(i,i)=R_i*kappa/2
106 // and C(i,i)=sqrt(1-S(i,i)^2)
107 DMatrix C(hits.size(),hits.size());
108 DMatrix S(hits.size(),hits.size());
109 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
110 double rtemp=sqrt(hits[i]->x*hits[i]->x+hits[i]->y*hits[i]->y);
111 double stemp=rtemp/4./rc;
112 double ctemp=1.-stemp*stemp;
113 if (ctemp>0){
114 S(i,i)=stemp;
115 C(i,i)=sqrt(ctemp);
116 }
117 else{
118 S(i,i)=0.;
119 C(i,i)=1.;
120 }
121 }
123 // Covariance matrices
124 if (CovRPhi_==NULL__null){
125 CovRPhi_ = new DMatrix(hits.size(),hits.size());
126 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
127 double Phi=atan2(hits[i]->y,hits[i]->x);
128 CovRPhi_->operator()(i,i)
129 =(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*hits[i]->covx
130 +(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*hits[i]->covy
131 +2.*(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*hits[i]->covxy;
132 }
133 }
134 if (CovR_==NULL__null){
135 CovR_= new DMatrix(hits.size(),hits.size());
136 for (unsigned int m=0;m<hits.size();m++){
137 double Phi=atan2(hits[m]->y,hits[m]->x);
138 CovR_->operator()(m,m)=cos(Phi)*cos(Phi)*hits[m]->covx
139 +sin(Phi)*sin(Phi)*hits[m]->covy
140 +2.*sin(Phi)*cos(Phi)*hits[m]->covxy;
141 }
142 }
143 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
144 for (unsigned int j=0;j<hits.size();j++){
145 CR(i,j)=CovR_->operator()(i, j);
146 CRPhi(i,j)=CovRPhi_->operator()(i, j);
147 }
148 }
150 // Correction for non-normal incidence of track on FDC
151 CRPhi=C*CRPhi*C+S*CR*S;
152 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++)
153 for (unsigned int j=0;j<hits.size();j++)
154 CovRPhi_->operator()(i,j)=CRPhi(i,j);
155 return FitCircle();
160// Riemann Circle fit: points on a circle in x,y project onto a plane cutting
161// the circular paraboloid surface described by (x,y,x^2+y^2). Therefore the
162// task of fitting points in (x,y) to a circle is transormed to the task of
163// fitting planes in (x,y, w=x^2+y^2) space
165jerror_t DRiemannFit::FitCircle(){
166 if (hits.size()==0) return RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE;
167 DMatrix X(hits.size(),3);
168 DMatrix Xavg(1,3);
169 DMatrix A(3,3);
170 double B0,B1,B2,Q,Q1,R,sum,diff;
171 double theta,lambda_min=0.;
172 // Column and row vectors of ones
173 DMatrix Ones(hits.size(),1),OnesT(1,hits.size());
174 DMatrix W_sum(1,1);
175 DMatrix W(hits.size(),hits.size());
176 // Eigenvector
177 DMatrix N1(3,1);
179 // Make sure hit list is ordered in z
180 std::sort(hits.begin(),hits.end(),DRiemannFit_hit_cmp);
182 // Covariance matrix
183 DMatrix CRPhi(hits.size(),hits.size());
184 if (CovRPhi_==NULL__null){
185 CovRPhi_ = new DMatrix(hits.size(),hits.size());
186 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
187 double Phi=atan2(hits[i]->y,hits[i]->x);
188 CovRPhi_->operator()(i,i)
189 =(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*hits[i]->covx
190 +(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*hits[i]->covy
191 +2.*(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*hits[i]->covxy;
192 }
193 }
194 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++)
195 for (unsigned int j=0;j<hits.size();j++)
196 CRPhi(i,j)=CovRPhi_->operator()(i, j);
198 // The goal is to find the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest
199 // eigenvalue of the equation
200 // lambda=n^T (X^T W X - W_sum Xavg^T Xavg)n
201 // where n is the normal vector to the plane slicing the cylindrical
202 // paraboloid described by the parameterization (x,y,w=x^2+y^2),
203 // and W is the weight matrix, assumed for now to be diagonal.
204 // In the absence of multiple scattering, W_sum is the sum of all the
205 // diagonal elements in W.
207 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
208 X(i,0)=hits[i]->x;
209 X(i,1)=hits[i]->y;
210 X(i,2)=hits[i]->x*hits[i]->x+hits[i]->y*hits[i]->y;
211 Ones(i,0)=OnesT(0,i)=1.;
212 }
214 // Check that CRPhi is invertible
215 TDecompLU lu(CRPhi);
216 if (lu.Decompose()==false){
217 return UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR; // error placeholder
218 }
219 W=DMatrix(DMatrix::kInverted,CRPhi);
220 W_sum=OnesT*(W*Ones);
221 Xavg=(1./W_sum(0,0))*(OnesT*(W*X));
223 A=DMatrix(DMatrix::kTransposed,X)*(W*X)
224 -W_sum(0,0)*(DMatrix(DMatrix::kTransposed,Xavg)*Xavg);
225 if(!A.IsValid())return UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
227 // The characteristic equation is
228 // lambda^3+B2*lambda^2+lambda*B1+B0=0
229 //
230 B2=-(A(0,0)+A(1,1)+A(2,2));
231 B1=A(0,0)*A(1,1)-A(1,0)*A(0,1)+A(0,0)*A(2,2)-A(2,0)*A(0,2)+A(1,1)*A(2,2)
232 -A(2,1)*A(1,2);
233 B0=-A.Determinant();
234 if(B0==0 || !isfinite(B0))return UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
236 // The roots of the cubic equation are given by
237 // lambda1= -B2/3 + S+T
238 // lambda2= -B2/3 - (S+T)/2 + i sqrt(3)/2. (S-T)
239 // lambda3= -B2/3 - (S+T)/2 - i sqrt(3)/2. (S-T)
240 // where we define some temporary variables:
241 // S= (R+sqrt(Q^3+R^2))^(1/3)
242 // T= (R-sqrt(Q^3+R^2))^(1/3)
243 // Q=(3*B1-B2^2)/9
244 // R=(9*B2*B1-27*B0-2*B2^3)/54
245 // sum=S+T;
246 // diff=i*(S-T)
247 // We divide Q and R by a safety factor to prevent multiplying together
248 // enormous numbers that cause unreliable results.
250 Q=(3.*B1-B2*B2)/9.e4;
251 R=(9.*B2*B1-27.*B0-2.*B2*B2*B2)/54.e6;
252 Q1=Q*Q*Q+R*R;
253 if (Q1<0) Q1=sqrt(-Q1);
254 else{
255 return VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
256 }
258 // DeMoivre's theorem for fractional powers of complex numbers:
259 // (r*(cos(theta)+i sin(theta)))^(p/q)
260 // = r^(p/q)*(cos(p*theta/q)+i sin(p*theta/q))
261 //
262 double temp=100.*pow(R*R+Q1*Q1,0.16666666666666666667);
263 theta=atan2(Q1,R)/3.;
264 sum=2.*temp*cos(theta);
265 diff=-2.*temp*sin(theta);
266 // Third root
267 lambda_min=-B2/3.-sum/2.+sqrt(3.)/2.*diff;
269 // Normal vector to plane
270 CalcNormal(A,lambda_min,N1);
271 // Store in private array
272 N[0]=N1(0,0);
273 N[1]=N1(1,0);
274 N[2]=N1(2,0);
276 // Distance to origin
277 dist_to_origin=-(N1(0,0)*Xavg(0,0)+N1(1,0)*Xavg(0,1)+N1(2,0)*Xavg(0,2));
279 // Center and radius of the circle
280 xc=-N1(0,0)/2./N1(2,0);
281 yc=-N1(1,0)/2./N1(2,0);
282 rc=sqrt(1.-N1(2,0)*N1(2,0)-4.*dist_to_origin*N1(2,0))/2./fabs(N1(2,0));
284 return NOERROR;
287// Charge-finding routine with corrected CRPhi (see above)
288double DRiemannFit::GetCharge(double rc_input){
289 // Covariance matrices
290 DMatrix CRPhi(hits.size(),hits.size());
291 DMatrix CR(hits.size(),hits.size());
292 // Auxiliary matrices for correcting for non-normal track incidence to FDC
293 // The correction is
294 // CRPhi'= C*CRPhi*C+S*CR*S, where S(i,i)=R_i*kappa/2
295 // and C(i,i)=sqrt(1-S(i,i)^2)
296 DMatrix C(hits.size(),hits.size());
297 DMatrix S(hits.size(),hits.size());
298 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
299 double rtemp=sqrt(hits[i]->x*hits[i]->x+hits[i]->y*hits[i]->y);
300 double stemp=rtemp/4./rc_input;
301 double ctemp=1.-stemp*stemp;
302 if (ctemp>0){
303 S(i,i)=stemp;
304 C(i,i)=sqrt(ctemp);
305 }
306 else{
307 S(i,i)=0.;
308 C(i,i)=1;
309 }
310 }
312 // Covariance matrices
313 if (CovRPhi_==NULL__null){
314 CovRPhi_ = new DMatrix(hits.size(),hits.size());
315 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
316 double Phi=atan2(hits[i]->y,hits[i]->x);
317 CovRPhi_->operator()(i,i)
318 =(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*hits[i]->covx
319 +(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*hits[i]->covy
320 +2.*(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*hits[i]->covxy;
321 }
322 }
323 if (CovR_==NULL__null){
324 CovR_= new DMatrix(hits.size(),hits.size());
325 for (unsigned int m=0;m<hits.size();m++){
326 double Phi=atan2(hits[m]->y,hits[m]->x);
327 CovR_->operator()(m,m)=cos(Phi)*cos(Phi)*hits[m]->covx
328 +sin(Phi)*sin(Phi)*hits[m]->covy
329 +2.*sin(Phi)*cos(Phi)*hits[m]->covxy;
330 }
331 }
332 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
333 for (unsigned int j=0;j<hits.size();j++){
334 CR(i,j)=CovR_->operator()(i, j);
335 CRPhi(i,j)=CovRPhi_->operator()(i, j);
336 }
337 }
338 // Correction for non-normal incidence of track on FDC
339 CRPhi=C*CRPhi*C+S*CR*S;
340 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++)
341 for (unsigned int j=0;j<hits.size();j++)
342 CovRPhi_->operator()(i,j)=CRPhi(i,j);
343 return GetCharge();
347// Linear regression to find charge
348double DRiemannFit::GetCharge(){
349 // Covariance matrices
350 DMatrix CRPhi(hits.size(),hits.size());
351 DMatrix CR(hits.size(),hits.size());
352 if (CovRPhi_==NULL__null){
353 CovRPhi_ = new DMatrix(hits.size(),hits.size());
354 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
355 double Phi=atan2(hits[i]->y,hits[i]->x);
356 CovRPhi_->operator()(i,i)
357 =(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*hits[i]->covx
358 +(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*hits[i]->covy
359 +2.*(Phi*sin(Phi)+cos(Phi))*(Phi*cos(Phi)-sin(Phi))*hits[i]->covxy;
360 }
361 }
362 if (CovR_==NULL__null){
363 CovR_= new DMatrix(hits.size(),hits.size());
364 for (unsigned int m=0;m<hits.size();m++){
365 double Phi=atan2(hits[m]->y,hits[m]->x);
366 CovR_->operator()(m,m)=cos(Phi)*cos(Phi)*hits[m]->covx
367 +sin(Phi)*sin(Phi)*hits[m]->covy
368 +2.*sin(Phi)*cos(Phi)*hits[m]->covxy;
369 }
370 }
371 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++){
372 for (unsigned int j=0;j<hits.size();j++){
373 CR(i,j)=CovR_->operator()(i, j);
374 CRPhi(i,j)=CovRPhi_->operator()(i, j);
375 }
376 }
378 double phi_old=atan2(hits[0]->y,hits[0]->x);
379 double sumv=0,sumy=0,sumx=0,sumxx=0,sumxy=0;
380 for (unsigned int k=0;k<hits.size();k++){
381 DRiemannHit_t *hit=hits[k];
382 double phi_z=atan2(hit->y,hit->x);
384 // Check for problem regions near +pi and -pi
385 if (fabs(phi_z-phi_old)>M_PI3.14159265358979323846){
386 if (phi_old<0) phi_z-=2.*M_PI3.14159265358979323846;
387 else phi_z+=2.*M_PI3.14159265358979323846;
388 }
389 double inv_var=(hit->x*hit->x+hit->y*hit->y)
390 /(CRPhi(k,k)+phi_z*phi_z*CR(k,k));
391 sumv+=inv_var;
392 sumy+=phi_z*inv_var;
393 sumx+=hit->z*inv_var;
394 sumxx+=hit->z*hit->z*inv_var;
395 sumxy+=phi_z*hit->z*inv_var;
396 phi_old=phi_z;
397 }
398 double slope=(sumv*sumxy-sumy*sumx)/(sumv*sumxx-sumx*sumx);
400 // Guess particle charge (+/-1);
401 if (slope<0.) return -1.;
403 return 1.;
407// Riemann Line fit: linear regression of s on z to determine the tangent of
408// the dip angle and the z position of the closest approach to the beam line.
409// Computes intersection points along the helical path.
411jerror_t DRiemannFit::FitLine(){
412 // Get covariance matrix
413 DMatrix CR(hits.size(),hits.size());
414 if (CovR_==NULL__null){
415 CovR_= new DMatrix(hits.size(),hits.size());
416 for (unsigned int m=0;m<hits.size();m++){
417 double Phi=atan2(hits[m]->y,hits[m]->x);
418 CovR_->operator()(m,m)=cos(Phi)*cos(Phi)*hits[m]->covx
419 +sin(Phi)*sin(Phi)*hits[m]->covy
420 +2.*sin(Phi)*cos(Phi)*hits[m]->covxy;
421 }
422 }
423 for (unsigned int i=0;i<hits.size();i++)
424 for (unsigned int j=0;j<hits.size();j++)
425 CR(i,j)=CovR_->operator()(i, j);
427 // Fill vector of intersection points
428 double x_int0,temp,y_int0;
429 double denom= N[0]*N[0]+N[1]*N[1];
430 double numer;
431 vector<int>bad(hits.size());
432 int numbad=0;
433 // Clear old projection vector
434 projections.clear();
435 for (unsigned int m=0;m<hits.size();m++){
436 double r2=hits[m]->x*hits[m]->x+hits[m]->y*hits[m]->y;
437 numer=dist_to_origin+r2*N[2];
438 DRiemannHit_t *temphit = new DRiemannHit_t;
439 temphit->z=hits[m]->z;
441 if (r2==0){
442 temphit->x=0.;
443 temphit->y=0.;
444 // bad[m]=1;
445 }
446 else{
447 x_int0=-N[0]*numer/denom;
448 y_int0=-N[1]*numer/denom;
449 temp=denom*r2-numer*numer;
450 if (temp<0){ // Skip point if the intersection gives nonsense
451 bad[m]=1;
452 numbad++;
453 temphit->x=x_int0;
454 temphit->y=y_int0;
455 projections.push_back(temphit);
456 continue;
457 }
458 temp=sqrt(temp)/denom;
460 // Choose sign of square root based on proximity to actual measurements
461 double diffx1=x_int0+N[1]*temp-hits[m]->x;
462 double diffy1=y_int0-N[0]*temp-hits[m]->y;
463 double diffx2=x_int0-N[1]*temp-hits[m]->x;
464 double diffy2=y_int0+N[0]*temp-hits[m]->y;
465 if (diffx1*diffx1+diffy1*diffy1 > diffx2*diffx2+diffy2*diffy2){
466 temphit->x=x_int0-N[1]*temp;
467 temphit->y=y_int0+N[0]*temp;
468 }
469 else{
470 temphit->x=x_int0+N[1]*temp;
471 temphit->y=y_int0-N[0]*temp;
472 }
473 }
474 projections.push_back(temphit);
475 }
477 // All arc lengths are measured relative to some reference plane with a hit.
478 // Don't use a "bad" hit for the reference...
479 unsigned int start=0;
480 for (unsigned int i=0;i<bad.size();i++){
481 if (!bad[i]){
482 start=i;
483 break;
484 }
485 }
487 // Linear regression to find z0, tanl
488 unsigned int n=projections.size();
489 double sumv=0.,sumx=0.,sumy=0.,sumxx=0.,sumxy=0.;
490 double sperp=0., chord=0,ratio=0, Delta;
491 for (unsigned int k=start;k<n;k++){
492 if (!bad[k])
493 {
494 double diffx=projections[k]->x-projections[start]->x;
495 double diffy=projections[k]->y-projections[start]->y;
496 chord=sqrt(diffx*diffx+diffy*diffy);
497 ratio=chord/2./rc;
498 // Make sure the argument for the arcsin does not go out of range...
499 if (ratio>1.)
500 sperp=2.*rc*(M_PI3.14159265358979323846/2.);
501 else
502 sperp=2.*rc*asin(ratio);
503 // Assume errors in s dominated by errors in R
504 sumv+=1./CR(k,k);
505 sumy+=sperp/CR(k,k);
506 sumx+=projections[k]->z/CR(k,k);
507 sumxx+=projections[k]->z*projections[k]->z/CR(k,k);
508 sumxy+=sperp*projections[k]->z/CR(k,k);
509 }
510 }
511 chord=sqrt(projections[start]->x*projections[start]->x
512 +projections[start]->y*projections[start]->y);
513 ratio=chord/2./rc;
514 // Make sure the argument for the arcsin does not go out of range...
515 if (ratio>1.)
516 sperp=2.*rc*(M_PI3.14159265358979323846/2.);
517 else
518 sperp=2.*rc*asin(ratio);
519 Delta=sumv*sumxx-sumx*sumx;
520 // Track parameter tan(lambda)
521 tanl=-Delta/(sumv*sumxy-sumy*sumx);
523 // Vertex position
524 zvertex=projections[start]->z-sperp*tanl;
525 double zvertex_temp=projections[start]->z-(2.*rc*M_PI3.14159265358979323846-sperp)*tanl;
526 // Choose vertex z based on proximity of projected z-vertex to the center
527 // of the target
528 if (fabs(zvertex-Z_TARGET65.0)>fabs(zvertex_temp-Z_TARGET65.0)) zvertex=zvertex_temp;
530 return NOERROR;