Bug Summary

Location:line 365, column 5
Description:Value stored to 'sig_y' is never read

Annotated Source Code

1// $Id$
3// File: DBCALShower_factory_CURVATURE.cc
4// Created: Fri Mar 27 10:57:45 CST 2015
5// Creator: beattite (on Linux eos.phys.uregina.ca 2.6.32-504.12.2.el6.x86_64 x86_64)
8// This factory takes showers from the IU shower factory and alters them based on shower
9// curvature tables produced by AS. These can be found in the CCDB under
10// BCAL/curvature_central and BCAL/curvature_side. They give central z-positions of
11// energy depositions in the BCAL for each layer based on the reconstructed IU shower's
12// energy and theta values. The two tables are for 'central' sectors and 'side' sectors.
13// A central sector (the one or two sectors closest to the centroid of the shower) exhibit
14// different deposition ranges in z than a side sector.
16// We first grab the IU showers and check for overlap in z. We want to merge showers that
17// are close in z, t, and phi that the IU code may have reconstructed as two separate showers.
18// Next, we extract the energies and theta values for each of the IU (and merged) showers.
19// Using the curvature tables, we find the appropriate z-bin position for each layer, then
20// loop through the points in the event and put any point that falls within the z-bins for a
21// shower into that shower. The z-bin width is determined by the error on the z-positions of
22// the depositions and on a set width factor.
24// These new colletions of points are then averaged (energy-squared-weighted averages in x, y,
25// z, and t) to get the shower values.
27#include <iostream>
28#include <iomanip>
29using namespace std;
31#include "DBCALShower_factory_CURVATURE.h"
32#include "DBCALPoint.h"
33#include "DBCALShower_factory_IU.h"
35#include "DANA/DApplication.h"
37#include "units.h"
38using namespace jana;
39#include "TMath.h"
42// init
44jerror_t DBCALShower_factory_CURVATURE::init(void)
46 // these are energy calibration parameters -- summing
48 //last updated for svn revision 9233
49 m_scaleZ_p0 = 0.992437;
50 m_scaleZ_p1 = 0.00039242;
51 m_scaleZ_p2 = -2.23135e-06;
52 m_scaleZ_p3 = 1.40158e-09;
54 m_nonlinZ_p0 = -0.0147086;
55 m_nonlinZ_p1 = 9.69207e-05;
56 m_nonlinZ_p2 = 0;
57 m_nonlinZ_p3 = 0;
59 return NOERROR;
63// brun
65jerror_t DBCALShower_factory_CURVATURE::brun(jana::JEventLoop *loop, int32_t runnumber)
67 DApplication* app = dynamic_cast<DApplication*>(loop->GetJApplication());
68 DGeometry* geom = app->GetDGeometry(runnumber);
69 geom->GetTargetZ(m_zTarget);
71 vector< vector<double> > curvature_parameters;
73 // Read in curvature parameters from two tables in the database.
74 // We'll use two four-dimentional arrays (position and sigma).
75 // The indices are: [sector type (central or side)][layer (from 0 to 4)][angle bin (from 0 to 11)][energy bin (from 0 to 31)]
76 for (int ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++){
77 if (ii == 0){
78 if (loop->GetCalib("/BCAL/curvature_central", curvature_parameters)) jout << "Error loading /BCAL/curvature_central !" << endl;
79 }
80 else {
81 if (loop->GetCalib("/BCAL/curvature_side", curvature_parameters)) jout << "Error loading /BCAL/curvature_side !" << endl;
82 }
83 for (int line = 0; line < 1536; line++){
84 layer = curvature_parameters[line][0];
85 angle = curvature_parameters[line][1];
86 energy = curvature_parameters[line][2];
87 dataposition = curvature_parameters[line][3];
88 datasigma = curvature_parameters[line][4];
89 if (angle == 115){ // angle bins are 5, 10, 20, 30, ..., 100, 110, 115. [angle/10 - 1] won't work for the 115 bin, so we explicitly set these.
90 position[ii][layer - 1][11][energy/50 - 1] = dataposition - 48; //table values measure from the end of the BCAL. Points measure from the center of the target.
91 sigma[ii][layer - 1][11][energy/50 - 1] = datasigma;
92 }
93 else {
94 position[ii][layer - 1][angle/10 - 1][energy/50 - 1] = dataposition - 48; //table values measure from the end of the BCAL. Points measure from the center of the target.
95 sigma[ii][layer - 1][angle/10 - 1][energy/50 - 1] = datasigma;
96 }
97 }
98 curvature_parameters.clear();
99 }
101 // load BCAL geometry
102 vector<const DBCALGeometry *> BCALGeomVec;
103 loop->Get(BCALGeomVec);
104 if(BCALGeomVec.size() == 0)
105 throw JException("Could not load DBCALGeometry object!");
106 dBCALGeom = BCALGeomVec[0];
108 // Thresholds for merging showers and including points.
109 PHITHRESHOLD = 4*0.06544792; // 4*2 column widths, in radians.
110 ZTHRESHOLD = 35.*k_cm; // Range in z, in cm.
111 TTHRESHOLD = 8.0*k_nsec; // Loose time range, in ns.
112 ETHRESHOLD = 1.0*k_keV; // Points minimal energy, in keV.
114 return NOERROR;
118// evnt
120jerror_t DBCALShower_factory_CURVATURE::evnt(JEventLoop *loop, uint64_t eventnumber)
122 recon_showers_phi.clear();
123 recon_showers_theta.clear();
124 recon_showers_E.clear();
125 recon_showers_t.clear();
126 vector<const DBCALShower*> bcal_showers;
127 vector<const DBCALPoint*> Points;
128 vector<const DBCALPoint*> CurvaturePoints;
130 loop->Get(bcal_showers,"IU");
131 loop->Get(Points);
133// Merge overlapping showers and calculate new shower parameters (phi, theta, E)
134 while (bcal_showers.size() != 0){
135 double recon_x = bcal_showers[0]->x;
136 double recon_y = bcal_showers[0]->y;
137 double recon_phi = atan2(recon_y,recon_x);
138 double recon_theta = atan2(sqrt(bcal_showers[0]->x*bcal_showers[0]->x + bcal_showers[0]->y*bcal_showers[0]->y),bcal_showers[0]->z-m_zTarget);
139 double recon_E = bcal_showers[0]->E;
140 double recon_t = bcal_showers[0]->t/* - mcgentime*/;
141 double total_E = bcal_showers[0]->E;
142 for (int ii = 1; ii < (int)bcal_showers.size(); ii++){ // compare each shower in bcal_showers to the first to check for overlap.
143 double delPhi = atan2(bcal_showers[0]->y,bcal_showers[0]->x) - atan2(bcal_showers[ii]->y,bcal_showers[ii]->x);
144 if (delPhi > TMath::Pi()) delPhi -= 2*TMath::Pi();
145 if (delPhi < -1*TMath::Pi()) delPhi += 2*TMath::Pi();
146 double delZ = bcal_showers[0]->z - bcal_showers[ii]->z;
147 double delT = bcal_showers[0]->t - bcal_showers[ii]->t;
148 if (fabs(delPhi) < PHITHRESHOLD && fabs(delZ) < ZTHRESHOLD && fabs(delT) < TTHRESHOLD) overlap.push_back(ii); // Showers overlap!
149 }
150 if (overlap.size() != 0){
151 recon_x *= recon_E;
152 recon_y *= recon_E;
153 recon_theta *= recon_E;
154 recon_E *= recon_E;
155 recon_t *= recon_E;
156 }
157 while (overlap.size() != 0){ // If we had an overlap, average the overlapping showers together.
158 recon_x += bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->x*bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->E;
159 recon_y += bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->y*bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->E; // Average over x and y rather than over phi to avoid boundary errors.
160 recon_theta += atan2(sqrt(bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->x*bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->x + bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->y*bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->y),bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->z-m_zTarget)*bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->E;
161 recon_E += bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->E*bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->E;
162 recon_t += (bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->t/* - mcgentime*/)*bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->E;
163 total_E += bcal_showers[overlap.back()]->E;
165 bcal_showers.erase(bcal_showers.begin()+overlap.back()); // Erase the extra overlapping showers.
166 overlap.pop_back();
167 if (overlap.size() == 0){
168 recon_x /= total_E;
169 recon_y /= total_E;
170 recon_phi = atan2(recon_y,recon_x);
171 recon_theta /= total_E;
172 recon_E /= total_E;
173 recon_t /= total_E;
174 }
175 }
176 // Output new shower parameters for use in creating new showers.
177 recon_showers_phi.push_back(recon_phi);
178 recon_showers_theta.push_back(recon_theta*180.0/TMath::Pi());
179 recon_showers_E.push_back(recon_E);
180 recon_showers_t.push_back(recon_t);
181 bcal_showers.erase(bcal_showers.begin());
182 }
184//Create new showers. Grab curvature parameters based on theta and energy of the old showers.
185 for (int m = 0; m < (int)recon_showers_phi.size(); m++){ // Loop over our newly output shower parameters.
186 // First, figure out which theta and energy bins we need from the tables.
187 // We have to be a little careful with the first and last bins in both
188 // theta and energy, since we want to interpolate between two adjacent
189 // bin values. The following carefully sets the two adjacent bins based
190 // on the theta and energy values of the IU shower.
191 // We do an interpolation between values in adjacent theta bins, then
192 // a similar interpolation in adjacent energy bins so that our final z-position
193 // will be a more-or-less smooth function of both theta and energy.
194 temptheta = recon_showers_theta[m];
195 tempenergy = recon_showers_E[m];
196 k = l = 1;
197 bin = 0;
198 while (temptheta > 15){
199 temptheta -= 10;
200 bin++;
201 }
202 k = bin;
203 if (k > 11) k = 11;
204 bin = 0;
205 while (tempenergy > 75){
206 tempenergy -= 50;
207 bin++;
208 }
209 l = bin;
210 if (l > 31) l = 31;
212 if (k == 11){
213 k2 = k;
214 k--;
215 }
216 else if ((recon_showers_theta[m] - 10*(k+1)) > 0 || k == 0) k2 = k + 1;
217 else {
218 k2 = k;
219 k--;
220 }
221 if (l == 31){
222 l2 = l;
223 l--;
224 }
225 else if ((recon_showers_E[m] - 50*(l+1)) > 0 || l == 0) l2 = l + 1;
226 else {
227 l2 = l;
228 l--;
229 }
231 // Now that we have the bins, we can use the position and sigma arrays to extrapolate or interpolate from the nearest two bins.
232 // We have to again be a bit careful with the first and last angle bins, since they don't follow the regular 10 degree
233 // interval pattern, sitting at 5 and 115 degrees respectively. We find two interpolation offsets for the position and two
234 // for the sigma for each layer. These are then added to the positions and widths to give us our final z-bin position with error
235 // for each layer and both central and side sectors (8 pairs in all).
236 for (int ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++){
237 for (int jj = 0; jj < 4; jj++){
238 if (k == 0){ // Treat the k = 0 bin differently. It lies at 15 degrees rather than the expected (from the pattern) 10 degrees.
239 posoffset1 = (position[ii][jj][k][l] - position[ii][jj][k2][l])/(-5)*(recon_showers_theta[m] - 15);
240 sigoffset1 = (sigma[ii][jj][k][l] - sigma[ii][jj][k2][l])/(-5)*(recon_showers_theta[m] - 15);
241 }
242 else if (k2 == 11){ // Treat the k = 11 bin differently. It lies at 115 degrees rather than the expected (from the pattern) 120 degrees.
243 posoffset1 = (position[ii][jj][k][l] - position[ii][jj][k2][l])/(-5)*(recon_showers_theta[m] - 110);
244 sigoffset1 = (sigma[ii][jj][k][l] - sigma[ii][jj][k2][l])/(-5)*(recon_showers_theta[m] - 110);
245 }
246 else {
247 posoffset1 = (position[ii][jj][k][l] - position[ii][jj][k2][l])/(-10)*(recon_showers_theta[m] - 10*((double)k+1));
248 sigoffset1 = (sigma[ii][jj][k][l] - sigma[ii][jj][k2][l])/(-10)*(recon_showers_theta[m] - 10*((double)k+1));
249 }
250 posoffset2 = (position[ii][jj][k][l] - position[ii][jj][k][l2])/(-50)*(recon_showers_E[m] - 50*((double)l+1));
251 sigoffset2 = (sigma[ii][jj][k][l] - sigma[ii][jj][k][l2])/(-50)*(recon_showers_E[m] - 50*((double)l+1));
252 zbinposition[ii][jj] = position[ii][jj][k][l] + posoffset1 + posoffset2;
253 zbinwidth[ii][jj] = (sigma[ii][jj][k][l] + sigoffset1 + sigoffset2);
254 }
255 }
257 // We can now create the new shower.
258 DBCALShower *shower = new DBCALShower;
260 for (int ii = 0; ii < (int)Points.size(); ii++){
261 double delPhi;
262 if (Points[ii]->phi() > TMath::Pi()) delPhi = recon_showers_phi[m] - (Points[ii]->phi() - 2*TMath::Pi()); // Points->Phi() is measured from 0 to 2pi rather than from -pi to pi.
263 else delPhi = recon_showers_phi[m] - Points[ii]->phi();
264 if (delPhi > TMath::Pi()) delPhi -= 2*TMath::Pi();
265 if (delPhi < -1*TMath::Pi()) delPhi += 2*TMath::Pi();
266 if (fabs(delPhi) > PHITHRESHOLD) continue; // Don't include the point in this shower if it is far away in phi.
267 if (fabs(delPhi) < 0.020452475) i = 0; // 5/8 of a column width in phi. This is a 'central' shower (i = 1).
268 else i = 1;
269 j = Points[ii]->layer() - 1;
271 // Below, we compare the point to the shower to see if it should be included in the shower.
272 // This uses the thresholds defined at the top of this document. However, we have to be careful
273 // around the ends of the calorimeter. Points that are reconstructed outside of the calorimeter
274 // need to still be considered. So, for theta >= 119 and for theta <= 13, we must include all
275 // points past the end of the BCAL. Also, for theta <= 17, we increase the z-bin width by a factor
276 // of 1.7. These angles and widths might have to be played with a bit to find the best values,
277 // but for now, this seems to give good results (meaning, we catch most of the points in the
278 // event and put them in reasonable showers).
279 if (recon_showers_theta[m] >= 119.){ // Get all points past the edge of the calorimeter for showers near the edge.
280 if (((fabs(Points[ii]->z() - zbinposition[i][j]) < (zbinwidth[i][j] + ZTHRESHOLD)) || (Points[ii]->z() < -48)) && (fabs(Points[ii]->t() - recon_showers_t[m]) < TTHRESHOLD) && (Points[ii]->E() > ETHRESHOLD)){
281 CurvaturePoints.push_back(Points[ii]);
282 overlap.push_back(ii);
283 }
284 }
285 else if (recon_showers_theta[m] <= 13.){ // Get all points past the edge of the calorimeter for showers near the edge.
286 if (((fabs(Points[ii]->z() - zbinposition[i][j]) < 1.7*(zbinwidth[i][j] + ZTHRESHOLD)) || (Points[ii]->z() > 342)) && (fabs(Points[ii]->t() - recon_showers_t[m]) < TTHRESHOLD) && (Points[ii]->E() > ETHRESHOLD)){
287 CurvaturePoints.push_back(Points[ii]);
288 overlap.push_back(ii);
289 }
290 }
291 else if (recon_showers_theta[m] <= 17.){ // Use a larger z-bin-width for more forward-directed showers.
292 if ((fabs(Points[ii]->z() - zbinposition[i][j]) < 1.7*(zbinwidth[i][j] + ZTHRESHOLD)) && (fabs(Points[ii]->t() - recon_showers_t[m]) < TTHRESHOLD) && (Points[ii]->E() > ETHRESHOLD)){
293 CurvaturePoints.push_back(Points[ii]);
294 overlap.push_back(ii);
295 }
296 }
297 else if (recon_showers_theta[m] <= 25.){ // Use a larger z-bin-width for more forward-directed showers.
298 if ((fabs(Points[ii]->z() - zbinposition[i][j]) < 1.4*(zbinwidth[i][j] + ZTHRESHOLD)) && (fabs(Points[ii]->t() - recon_showers_t[m]) < TTHRESHOLD) && (Points[ii]->E() > ETHRESHOLD)){
299 CurvaturePoints.push_back(Points[ii]);
300 overlap.push_back(ii);
301 }
302 }
303 else if (recon_showers_theta[m] <= 50.){ // Use a larger z-bin-width for more forward-directed showers.
304 if ((fabs(Points[ii]->z() - zbinposition[i][j]) < 1.2*(zbinwidth[i][j] + ZTHRESHOLD)) && (fabs(Points[ii]->t() - recon_showers_t[m]) < TTHRESHOLD) && (Points[ii]->E() > ETHRESHOLD)){
305 CurvaturePoints.push_back(Points[ii]);
306 overlap.push_back(ii);
307 }
308 }
309 else if ((fabs(Points[ii]->z() - zbinposition[i][j]) < (zbinwidth[i][j] + ZTHRESHOLD)) && (fabs(Points[ii]->t() - recon_showers_t[m]) < TTHRESHOLD) && (Points[ii]->E() > ETHRESHOLD)){
310 CurvaturePoints.push_back(Points[ii]);
311 overlap.push_back(ii);
312 }
313 }
315 // Average out the showers. This is done in much the same way as the KLOE code was.
316 // x, y, z, and t are averaged weighted by the energy of the point squared, and
317 // sig_x, sig_y, sig_z, and sig_t are calculated alongside them.
318 double x=0,y=0,z=0,t=0;
319 int N_cell=0;
320 double sig_x=0,sig_y=0,sig_z=0,sig_t=0;
321 double total_E = 0; // Total Energy.
322 double total_E2 = 0; // Total Energy squared. Weight averages by E^2.
323 double total_E2_squared = 0; // Used for calculating n_eff.
324 double wt = 0; // Save writing: wt = CurvaturePoints[ii]->E().
325 bool average_layer4 = false; // Keep track of showers with only layer four points.
326 int n = CurvaturePoints.size();
327 int n4 = 0; // Number of layer four points in the shower.
329 for (int ii = 0; ii < (int)CurvaturePoints.size(); ii++){
330 if (CurvaturePoints[ii]->layer() == 4) n4++;
331 }
332 if (n == n4) average_layer4 = true; // If all points are layer four points, include layer four points in the averages below.
334 for (int ii = 0; ii < (int)CurvaturePoints.size(); ii++){
335 if (CurvaturePoints[ii]->layer() != 4 || average_layer4) wt = CurvaturePoints[ii]->E();
336 else wt = 0;
337 total_E += CurvaturePoints[ii]->E(); // We still count energy from points in layer four.
338 total_E2 += wt*wt;
339 total_E2_squared += wt*wt*wt*wt;
340 x += CurvaturePoints[ii]->r()*cos(CurvaturePoints[ii]->phi())*wt*wt;
341 y += CurvaturePoints[ii]->r()*sin(CurvaturePoints[ii]->phi())*wt*wt;
342 sig_x += CurvaturePoints[ii]->r()*CurvaturePoints[ii]->r()*cos(CurvaturePoints[ii]->phi())*cos(CurvaturePoints[ii]->phi())*wt*wt;
343 sig_y += CurvaturePoints[ii]->r()*CurvaturePoints[ii]->r()*sin(CurvaturePoints[ii]->phi())*sin(CurvaturePoints[ii]->phi())*wt*wt;
344 z += CurvaturePoints[ii]->z()*wt*wt;
345 sig_z += CurvaturePoints[ii]->z()*CurvaturePoints[ii]->z()*wt*wt;
346 t += CurvaturePoints[ii]->t()*wt*wt;
347 sig_t += CurvaturePoints[ii]->t()*CurvaturePoints[ii]->t()*wt*wt;
348 N_cell++;
349 shower->AddAssociatedObject(CurvaturePoints[ii]);
350 }
351 while (overlap.size() != 0){
352 Points.erase(Points.begin()+overlap.back());
353 overlap.pop_back();
354 }
355 CurvaturePoints.clear();
357 // the variance of the mean of a weighted distribution is s^2/n_eff, where s^2 is the variance of the sample and n_eff is as calculated below.
358 double n_eff = total_E2*total_E2/total_E2_squared;
360 x /= total_E2;
361 sig_x /= total_E2;
362 sig_x = sqrt(sig_x - x*x)/sqrt(n_eff);
363 y /= total_E2;
364 sig_y /= total_E2;
365 sig_y = sqrt(sig_y - y*y)/sqrt(n_eff);
Value stored to 'sig_y' is never read
366 z /= total_E2;
367 sig_z /= total_E2;
368 sig_z = sqrt(sig_z - z*z)/sqrt(n_eff);
369 t /= total_E2;
370 sig_t /= total_E2;
371 sig_t = sqrt(sig_t - t*t)/sqrt(n_eff);
373 // Force showers to be inside the BCal's z-coordinate range.
374 double bcal_down = dBCALGeom->GetBCAL_center() + dBCALGeom->GetBCAL_length()/2.0 - m_zTarget;
375 double bcal_up = dBCALGeom->GetBCAL_center() - dBCALGeom->GetBCAL_length()/2.0 - m_zTarget;
376 if (z > bcal_down) z = bcal_down;
377 if (z < bcal_up) z = bcal_up;
379 shower->E_raw = total_E;
380 shower->x = x;
381 shower->y = y;
382 shower->z = z + m_zTarget;
383 shower->t = t;
384 shower->N_cell = N_cell;
385 // shower->xErr = sig_x;
386 // shower->yErr = sig_y;
387 // shower->zErr = sig_z;
388 // shower->tErr = sig_t;
390 // calibrate energy:
391 // Energy calibration has a z dependence -- the
392 // calibration comes from fitting E_rec / E_gen to scale * E_gen^nonlin
393 // for slices of z. These fit parameters (scale and nonlin) are then plotted
394 // as a function of z and fit.
395 float r = sqrt( shower->x * shower->x + shower->y * shower->y );
396 float zEntry = ( shower->z - m_zTarget ) * ( dBCALGeom->GetBCAL_inner_rad() / r );
397 float scale = m_scaleZ_p0 + m_scaleZ_p1*zEntry + m_scaleZ_p2*(zEntry*zEntry) + m_scaleZ_p3*(zEntry*zEntry*zEntry);
398 float nonlin = m_nonlinZ_p0 + m_nonlinZ_p1*zEntry + m_nonlinZ_p2*(zEntry*zEntry) + m_nonlinZ_p3*(zEntry*zEntry*zEntry);
400 shower->E = pow( (shower->E_raw ) / scale, 1 / ( 1 + nonlin ) );
402 //copy xyz errors into covariance matrix
403 // shower->xyzCovariance.ResizeTo(3,3);
404 // shower->xyzCovariance[0][0] = shower->xErr*shower->xErr;
405 // shower->xyzCovariance[1][1] = shower->yErr*shower->yErr;
406 // shower->xyzCovariance[2][2] = shower->zErr*shower->zErr;
408 _data.push_back(shower);
409 }
411 return NOERROR;
415// erun
417jerror_t DBCALShower_factory_CURVATURE::erun(void)
419 return NOERROR;
423// fini
425jerror_t DBCALShower_factory_CURVATURE::fini(void)
427 return NOERROR;