Bug Summary

Location:line 361, column 13
Description:Value stored to 'fin_sb' is never read

Annotated Source Code

2 * hddm-xml : tool that reads in a HDDM document (Hall D Data Model)
3 * and translates it into plain-text xml.
4 *
5 * Version 1.3 - Richard Jones, July 2014.
6 * - Added support for input hddm streams with additional features
7 * provided through the c++ API, including on-the-fly compression with
8 * zlib and bzlib2, and per-record crc32 integrity checks.
9 *
10 * Version 1.2 - Richard Jones, December 2005.
11 * - Updated code to use STL strings and vectors instead of old c-style
12 * pre-allocated arrays and strXXX functions.
13 * - Moved functions into classes grouped by function for better clarity.
14 * - Introduced the XStream class library instead of the direct interface
15 * to the rpc/xdr c-library function. This also gives access to a nice
16 * integrated set of compression/decompression streambuf classes.
17 *
18 * Version 1.1 - Richard Jones, September 2003.
19 * - Updated code to work with the new DOM-2 implementation Xerces-c
20 * from apache.org. Significant changes have taken place in the API
21 * since DOM-1.
22 * - Added support for new types "long" (int64), "string" (char arrays of
23 * arbitrary length), and "anyURI" (special case of string).
24 * - Switched from native encoding to the use of the XDR library to make
25 * hddm files machine-independent.
26 *
27 * Original version - Richard Jones, June 4 2001.
28 *
29 *
30 * Programmer's Notes:
31 * -------------------
32 * 1. The output from hddm-xml is a well-formed xml document.
33 *
34 * 2. The hddm stream contains a xml header that functions as a prototype
35 * of the xml output.
36 *
37 * 3. This tool can read any hddm stream. No recompilation is required.
38 *
39 * 4. The code has been tested with the xerces-c DOM implementation from
40 * Apache, and is intended to be used with the xerces-c library.
41 *
42 * 5. Output is sent by default to stdout and can be changed with the
43 * -o option.
44 */
49#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
50#include <xercesc/dom/DOMNamedNodeMap.hpp>
52#include "XParsers.hpp"
53#include "XString.hpp"
55#include <assert.h>
56#include <stdlib.h>
57#include <stdio.h>
58#include <rpc/rpc.h>
59#include <unistd.h>
60#include <xstream/z.h>
61#include <xstream/bz.h>
62#include <xstream/xdr.h>
63#include <xstream/digest.h>
65#include <iostream>
66#include <fstream>
67#include <sstream>
69#include "particleType.h"
72#define X(str)XString(str).unicode_str() XString(str).unicode_str()
73#define S(str)str.c_str() str.c_str()
75using namespace xercesc;
77int explicit_repeat_count = 1;
79class XMLmaker
81 public:
82 std::ofstream xout;
84 XMLmaker() {};
85 ~XMLmaker() {};
87 void writeXML(const XString& s);
88 void constructXML(xstream::xdr::istream *ifx, DOMElement* el,
89 int size, int depth);
92class istreambuffer : public std::streambuf {
93 public:
94 istreambuffer(char* buffer, std::streamsize bufferLength) {
95 setg(buffer, buffer, buffer + bufferLength);
96 }
98 std::streampos tellg() {
99 return gptr() - eback();
100 }
102 void seekg(std::streampos pos) {
103 reset();
104 gbump(pos);
105 }
107 int size() {
108 return egptr() - gptr();
109 }
111 void reset() {
112 char *gbegin = eback();
113 char *gend = egptr();
114 setg(gbegin, gbegin, gend);
115 }
117 char *getbuf() {
118 return eback();
119 }
122class ostreambuffer : public std::streambuf {
123 public:
124 ostreambuffer(char* buffer, std::streamsize bufferLength) {
125 setp(buffer, buffer + bufferLength);
126 }
128 std::streampos tellp() {
129 return pptr() - pbase();
130 }
132 void seekp(std::streampos pos) {
133 reset();
134 pbump(pos);
135 }
137 int size() {
138 return pptr() - pbase();
139 }
141 void reset() {
142 char *pbegin = pbase();
143 char *pend = epptr();
144 setp(pbegin, pend);
145 }
147 char *getbuf() {
148 return pbase();
149 }
152void usage()
154 std::cerr
155 << "\nUsage:\n"
156 << " hddm-xml [-n <count>] [-o <filename>] [HDDM file]\n\n"
157 << "Options:\n"
158 << " -o <filename> write to <filename>.xml"
159 << " -n <count> limit output to <count> records"
160 << std::endl;
164int main(int argC, char* argV[])
166 XString xFilename;
168 try
169 {
170 XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize();
171 }
172 catch (const XMLException* toCatch)
173 {
174 XString msg(toCatch->getMessage());
175 std::cerr
176 << "hddm-xml: Error during initialization! :\n"
177 << S(msg)msg.c_str() << std::endl;
178 return 1;
179 }
181 int reqcount=-1;
182 int argInd;
183 for (argInd = 1; argInd < argC; argInd++)
184 {
185 if (argV[argInd][0] != '-')
186 {
187 break;
188 }
189 else if (strcmp(argV[argInd],"-o") == 0)
190 {
191 xFilename = argV[++argInd];
192 }
193 else if (strcmp(argV[argInd],"-n") == 0)
194 {
195 if (!sscanf(argV[++argInd],"%d",&reqcount))
196 {
197 usage();
198 return 1;
199 }
200 }
201 else
202 {
203 usage();
204 return 1;
205 }
206 }
208 XString hddmFile;
209 std::istream* ifs;
210 if (argInd == argC)
211 {
212 ifs = &std::cin;
213 }
214 else if (argInd == argC - 1)
215 {
216 hddmFile = XString(argV[argInd]);
217 ifs = new std::ifstream(hddmFile.c_str());
218 }
219 else
220 {
221 usage();
222 return 1;
223 }
224 if (!ifs->good())
225 {
226 std::cerr
227 << "hddm-xml: Error opening input stream " << hddmFile << std::endl;
228 exit(1);
229 }
230 std::ostringstream tmpFileStr;
231 tmpFileStr << "tmp" << getpid();
232 std::ofstream ofs(tmpFileStr.str().c_str());
233 if (! ofs.is_open())
234 {
235 std::cerr
236 << "hddm-xml: Error opening temp file " << tmpFileStr.str() << std::endl;
237 exit(2);
238 }
240 ofs << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
241 XString xmlHeader;
242 XString line;
243 if (getline(*ifs,line))
244 {
245 if (line.substr(0,5) == "<?xml")
246 {
247 std::cerr
248 << "hddm-xml: Error reading input stream " << hddmFile
249 << std::endl;
250 std::cerr
251 << "Input file appears to be an xml document!" << std::endl;
252 exit(1);
253 }
254 else if (line.substr(0,5) == "<HDDM")
255 {
256 xmlHeader = line + "\n";
257 ofs << line;
258 }
259 else
260 {
261 std::cerr
262 << "hddm-xml: Input stream does not contain valid hddm header"
263 << std::endl;
264 exit(1);
265 }
266 }
267 else
268 {
269 std::cerr
270 << "hddm-xml: Error reading from input stream " << hddmFile
271 << std::endl;
272 exit(1);
273 }
274 while (getline(*ifs,line))
275 {
276 ofs << line;
277 if (line == "</HDDM>")
278 {
279 break;
280 }
281 }
282 ofs.close();
285 DOMDocument* document = parseInputDocument(tmpFileStr.str().c_str(),false);
287 DOMDocument* document = buildDOMDocument(tmpFileStr.str().c_str(),false);
289 if (document == 0)
290 {
291 std::cerr
292 << "hddm-xml : Error parsing HDDM document, "
293 << "cannot continue" << std::endl;
294 return 1;
295 }
296 unlink(tmpFileStr.str().c_str());
298 DOMElement* rootEl = document->getDocumentElement();
299 XString rootS(rootEl->getTagName());
300 if (rootS != "HDDM")
301 {
302 std::cerr
303 << "hddm-xml error: root element of input document is "
304 << "\"" << S(rootS)rootS.c_str() << "\", expected \"HDDM\""
305 << std::endl;
306 return 1;
307 }
309 XMLmaker builder;
310 if (xFilename.size())
311 {
312 XString fname(xFilename + ".xml");
313 builder.xout.open(fname.c_str());
314 }
316 builder.writeXML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
317 builder.writeXML(xmlHeader);
319 int event_buffer_size;
320 char *event_buffer = new char[event_buffer_size = 1000000];
321 istreambuffer *isbuf = new istreambuffer(event_buffer,event_buffer_size);
322 xstream::xdr::istream *ifx = new xstream::xdr::istream(isbuf);
323 int integrity_check_mode = 0;
324 int compression_mode = 0;
325 while (reqcount && ifs->good())
326 {
327 DOMNodeList* contList = rootEl->getChildNodes();
328 int contLength = contList->getLength();
329 int tsize;
330 ifs->read(event_buffer,4);
331 if (ifs->eof()) {
332 break;
333 }
334 isbuf->reset();
335 *ifx >> tsize;
337 XString tnameS(rootEl->getTagName());
338 std::cerr << "hddm-xml : tag " << S(tnameS)tnameS.c_str()
339 << " found with size " << tsize
340 << std::endl;
342 if (tsize <= 0)
343 {
344 break;
345 }
346 else if (tsize == 1) {
347 int size, format, flags;
348 ifs->read(event_buffer+4,4);
349 *ifx >> size;
350 ifs->read(event_buffer+8,size);
351 *ifx >> format >> flags;
352 int compression_flags = flags & 0xf0;
353 int integrity_flags = flags & 0x0f;
354 std::streambuf *fin_sb = 0;
355 xstream::z::istreambuf *zin_sb = 0;
356 xstream::bz::istreambuf *bzin_sb = 0;
357 int *leftovers = new int[100];
358 int sizeof_leftovers = sizeof(int[100]);
359 leftovers[0] = 0;
360 if (compression_flags == compression_mode) {
361 fin_sb = ifs->rdbuf();
Value stored to 'fin_sb' is never read
362 }
363 else if (size == 8 && format == 0 && compression_flags == 0x10) {
364 if (compression_mode == 0x20) {
365 bzin_sb = (xstream::bz::istreambuf*)ifs->rdbuf();
366 }
367 compression_mode = compression_flags;
368 zin_sb = new xstream::z::istreambuf(ifs->rdbuf(),
369 leftovers, sizeof_leftovers);
370 ifs->rdbuf(zin_sb);
371 if (bzin_sb != 0)
372 delete bzin_sb;
373 }
374 else if (size == 8 && format == 0 && compression_flags == 0x20) {
375 if (compression_mode == 0x10) {
376 zin_sb = (xstream::z::istreambuf*)ifs->rdbuf();
377 }
378 compression_mode = compression_flags;
379 bzin_sb = new xstream::bz::istreambuf(ifs->rdbuf(),
380 leftovers, sizeof_leftovers);
381 ifs->rdbuf(bzin_sb);
382 if (zin_sb != 0)
383 delete zin_sb;
384 }
385 else {
386 if (compression_mode == 0x20) {
387 bzin_sb = (xstream::bz::istreambuf*)ifs->rdbuf();
388 fin_sb = bzin_sb->get_streambuf();
389 }
390 else if (compression_mode == 0x10) {
391 zin_sb = (xstream::z::istreambuf*)ifs->rdbuf();
392 fin_sb = zin_sb->get_streambuf();
393 }
394 compression_mode = compression_flags;
395 ifs->rdbuf(fin_sb);
396 if (zin_sb != 0)
397 delete zin_sb;
398 if (bzin_sb != 0)
399 delete bzin_sb;
400 }
401 if (size == 8 && format == 0 && integrity_flags == 0x0) {
402 integrity_check_mode = 0;
403 }
404 else if (size == 8 && format == 0 && integrity_flags == 0x1) {
405 integrity_check_mode = 1;
406 }
407 else {
408 std::cerr << "hddm-xml error: unrecognized stream modifier"
409 " encountered, this stream is no longer readable."
410 << std::endl;
411 break;
412 }
413 continue;
414 }
415 else if (tsize+4 > event_buffer_size) {
416 delete ifx;
417 delete isbuf;
418 char *new_buffer = new char[event_buffer_size = tsize+1000];
419 isbuf = new istreambuffer(new_buffer,event_buffer_size);
420 ifx = new xstream::xdr::istream(isbuf);
421 memcpy(new_buffer,event_buffer,4);
422 *ifx >> tsize;
423 delete[] event_buffer;
424 event_buffer = new_buffer;
425 }
426 ifs->read(event_buffer+4,tsize);
427 --reqcount;
429 if (integrity_check_mode == 1) {
430 char crcbuf[10];
431 istreambuffer sbuf(crcbuf,10);
432 xstream::xdr::istream xstr(&sbuf);
433 unsigned int recorded_crc;
434 ifs->read(crcbuf,4);
435 xstr >> recorded_crc;
436 xstream::digest::crc32 crc;
437 std::ostream out(&crc);
438 out.write(event_buffer,tsize+4);
439 out.flush();
440 if (crc.digest() != recorded_crc) {
442 static int bad_crc_warning_needed = true;
443 char errmsg[] =
444 "WARNING: data integrity crc check failed on input.\n"
445 "This may be the result of a bug in the xstream library\n"
446 "if you are analyzing a data file that was generated by\n"
447 "code prior to svn rev 18530. If this concerns you, \n"
448 "regenerate the file using a newer build of the sim-recon\n"
449 "tools and it should go away.\n";
450 if (bad_crc_warning_needed) {
451 std::cerr << errmsg << std::endl;
452 bad_crc_warning_needed = false;
453 }
455 std::cerr << "hddm-xml error: crc32 check error on input stream"
456 " encountered, this stream is no longer readable."
457 << std::endl;
458 break;
460 }
461 }
463 for (int c = 0; c < contLength; c++)
464 {
465 DOMNode* cont = contList->item(c);
466 short type = cont->getNodeType();
467 if (type == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
468 {
469 DOMElement* contEl = (DOMElement*) cont;
470 int size;
471 *ifx >> size;
473 XString cnameS(contEl->getTagName());
474 std::cerr << "hddm-xml : top-level tag " << S(cnameS)cnameS.c_str()
475 << " found with size " << size
476 << std::endl;
478 if (size > 0)
479 {
480 builder.constructXML(ifx,contEl,size,1);
481 }
482 else {
483 XString repS(contEl->getAttribute(X("minOccurs")XString("minOccurs").unicode_str()));
484 int rep = (repS == "")? 1 : atoi(S(repS)repS.c_str());
485 if (rep != 0) {
486 XString conameS(contEl->getTagName());
487 std::cerr << "hddm-xml warning: top-level tag " << S(conameS)conameS.c_str()
488 << " found with zero size "
489 << "inside an event with size " << tsize
490 << " continue? [y/n] ";
491 std::string ans;
492 std::cin >> ans;
493 if (ans[0] != 'y' && ans[0] != 'Y') {
494 exit(5);
495 }
496 }
497 }
498 }
499 }
500 }
502 builder.writeXML("</HDDM>\n");
504 if (ifs != &std::cin)
505 {
506 ((std::ifstream*)ifs)->close();
507 }
508 XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
509 return 0;
512/* write a string to xml output stream, either stdout or a file */
514void XMLmaker::writeXML(const XString& s)
516 if (xout.is_open())
517 {
518 xout << s;
519 }
520 else
521 {
522 std::cout << s;
523 }
526/* Generate the output xml document according the DOM;
527 * at entry the buffer pointer bp points the the word after the word count
528 */
530void XMLmaker::constructXML(xstream::xdr::istream *ifx,
531 DOMElement* el, int size, int depth)
533 XString tagS(el->getTagName());
534 XString repS(el->getAttribute(X("maxOccurs")XString("maxOccurs").unicode_str()));
535 int rep = (repS == "unbounded")? INT_MAX2147483647 :
536 (repS == "")? 1 :
537 atoi(S(repS)repS.c_str());
538 if (explicit_repeat_count && rep > 1)
539 {
540 *ifx >> rep;
541 size -= 4;
542 }
544 int r;
545 for (r = 0; r < rep && size > 0; r++)
546 {
547 for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++)
548 {
549 writeXML(" ");
550 }
551 writeXML("<");
552 writeXML(S(tagS)tagS.c_str());
553 DOMNamedNodeMap* attrList = el->getAttributes();
554 int listLength = attrList->getLength();
555 for (int a = 0; a < listLength; a++)
556 {
557 XString nameS(attrList->item(a)->getNodeName());
558 XString typeS(attrList->item(a)->getNodeValue());
559 std::ostringstream attrStr;
560 if (typeS == "int")
561 {
562 int32_t value;
563 *ifx >> value;
564 size -= 4;
565 attrStr << " " << nameS << "=\"" << value << "\"";
566 }
567 else if (typeS == "long")
568 {
569 int64_t value;
570 *ifx >> value;
571 size -= 8;
572 attrStr << " " << nameS << "=\"" << value << "\"";
573 }
574 else if (typeS == "float")
575 {
576 float value;
577 *ifx >> value;
578 size -= 4;
579 attrStr << " " << nameS << "=\"" << value << "\"";
580 }
581 else if (typeS == "double")
582 {
583 double value;
584 *ifx >> value;
585 size -= 8;
586 attrStr << " " << nameS << "=\"" << value << "\"";
587 }
588 else if (typeS == "boolean")
589 {
590 bool_t value;
591 *ifx >> value;
592 size -= 4;
593 attrStr << " " << nameS << "=\"" << value << "\"";
594 }
595 else if (typeS == "Particle_t")
596 {
597 int32_t value;
598 *ifx >> value;
599 size -= 4;
600 attrStr << " " << nameS << "=\"" << ParticleType((Particle_t)value) << "\"";
601 }
602 else if (typeS == "string" || typeS == "anyURI")
603 {
604 std::string value;
605 *ifx >> value;
606 int strsize = value.size();
607 size -= strsize + 4 + ((strsize % 4)? 4-(strsize % 4) : 0);
608 attrStr << " " << nameS << "=\"" << value << "\"";
609 }
610 else if (nameS == "minOccurs" || nameS == "maxOccurs")
611 {
612 ;
613 }
614 else
615 {
616 attrStr << " " << nameS << "=\"" << typeS << "\"";
617 }
618 writeXML(attrStr.str());
619 }
621 DOMNodeList* contList = el->getChildNodes();
622 int contLength = contList->getLength();
623 if (contLength > 1)
624 {
625 writeXML(">\n");
626 }
627 else
628 {
629 writeXML(" />\n");
630 }
632 for (int c = 0; c < contLength; c++)
633 {
634 DOMNode* cont = contList->item(c);
635 short type = cont->getNodeType();
636 if (type == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
637 {
638 DOMElement* contEl = (DOMElement*) cont;
639 int csize;
640 *ifx >> csize;
641 size -= 4;
643 XString cnameS(contEl->getTagName());
644 std::cerr << "hddm-xml : tag " << S(cnameS)cnameS.c_str()
645 << " found with size " << csize
646 << std::endl;
648 if (csize > 0) {
649 constructXML(ifx,contEl,csize,depth +1);
650 size -= csize;
651 }
653 else {
654 XString irepS(contEl->getAttribute(X("minOccurs")XString("minOccurs").unicode_str()));
655 int irep = (irepS == "")? 1 : atoi(S(irepS)irepS.c_str());
656 if (irep != 0) {
657 XString conameS(contEl->getTagName());
658 std::cerr << "hddm-xml warning: tag " << S(conameS)conameS.c_str()
659 << " found with zero size, "
660 << "continue? [y/n] ";
661 std::string ans;
662 std::cin >> ans;
663 if (ans[0] != 'y' && ans[0] != 'Y') {
664 exit(5);
665 }
666 }
667 }
669 }
670 }
672 if (contLength > 1)
673 {
674 for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++)
675 {
676 writeXML(" ");
677 }
678 XString endTag("</"+tagS+">\n");
679 writeXML(endTag);
680 }
681 }
682 if (size != 0) {
683 std::cerr << "hddm-xml : size mismatch in tag " << S(tagS)tagS.c_str()
684 << ", remainder is " << size
685 << ", cannot continue." << std::endl;
686 exit(5);
687 }
688 else if (explicit_repeat_count && r != rep) {
689 std::cerr << "hddm-xml : repeat count mismatch in tag " << S(tagS)tagS.c_str()
690 << ", expected " << rep << " but saw " << r
691 << ", cannot continue." << std::endl;
692 exit(5);
693 }