Bug Summary

Location:line 331, column 14
Description:Value stored to 'pedestal' during its initialization is never read

Annotated Source Code

1// $Id$
3// File: JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel.cc
4// Created: Fri Jun 19 13:21:45 EDT 2015
5// Creator: mkamel (on Linux ifarm1401 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 x86_64)
7#include "JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel.h"
8#include "TRIGGER/DTrigger.h"
10// Routine used to create our JEventProcessor
11#include <JANA/JApplication.h>
12#include <JANA/JFactory.h>
13extern "C"{
14void InitPlugin(JApplication *app){
15 InitJANAPlugin(app);
16 app->AddProcessor(new JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel());
18} // "C"
21// JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel (Constructor)
29// ~JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel (Destructor)
35bool DSCHit_fadc_cmp(const DSCDigiHit *a, const DSCDigiHit *b)
37 if (a->sector == b->sector) return (a->pulse_time < b->pulse_time);
38 return (a->sector < b->sector);
41bool DSCHit_tdc_cmp(const DSCTDCDigiHit *a, const DSCTDCDigiHit *b)
43 if (a->sector == b->sector) return (a->time < b->time);
44 return (a->sector < b->sector);
47bool DSCHit_thit_cmp(const DSCHit *a, const DSCHit *b)
49 if (a->sector == b->sector) return (a->t < b->t);
50 return (a->sector < b->sector);
53// init
55jerror_t JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel::init(void)
57 // This is called once at program startup. If you are creating
58 // and filling historgrams in this plugin, you should lock the
59 // ROOT mutex like this:
60 //
61 // japp->RootWriteLock();
62 // ... fill historgrams or trees ...
63 // japp->RootUnLock();
64 //
66 //Create root folder for ST and cd to it, store main dir
67 TDirectory *main = gDirectory(ROOT::Internal::TDirectoryAtomicAdapter(TDirectory::CurrentDirectory
68 gDirectory(ROOT::Internal::TDirectoryAtomicAdapter(TDirectory::CurrentDirectory
70 st_num_events = new TH1I("st_num_events","ST Number of events",1, 0.5, 1.5);
71 //************************************************************************
72 //********************** 1D occupancy Histos *****************************
73 //*************************************************************************
74 h1_adc_sec = new TH1I("h1_adc_sec", "ST fADC250 DigiHit Occupancy; Channel Number; fADC250 Counts", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5);
75 h1_tdc_sec = new TH1I("h1_tdc_sec", "ST TDC DigiHit Occupancy; Channel Number; TDC Counts", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5);
76 h1_hit_sec = new TH1I("h1_hit_sec", "ST Hit Occupancy; Channel Number; Hit Counts", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5);
77 //*************************************************************************
78 //********************** 2D Multiplicity Histos **************************
79 //*************************************************************************
80 h2_st_adc_tdc_multi = new TH2I("h2_st_adc_tdc_multi", "ST Total Multiplicity: TDC vs ADC; f1TDC Multiplicity; fADC250 Multiplicity", TDC_MULTI_BINS, TDC_MULTI_MIN + 0.5, TDC_MULTI_MAX + 0.5, ADC_MULTI_BINS, ADC_MULTI_MIN + 0.5, ADC_MULTI_MAX + 0.5);
81 h2_st_adc_hit_multi = new TH2I("h2_st_adc_hit_multi", "ST Total Multiplicity: HIT vs ADC; Hit Multiplicity; fADC250 Multiplicity", TDC_MULTI_BINS, TDC_MULTI_MIN + 0.5, TDC_MULTI_MAX + 0.5, ADC_MULTI_BINS, ADC_MULTI_MIN + 0.5, ADC_MULTI_MAX + 0.5);
82 //**************************************************************************
83 //**** 2D Raw ADC data + TDC time if there is an adc hit Histos ***********
84 //**************************************************************************
85 h2_raw_pi_sector = new TH2I("h2_raw_pi_sector", "ST fADC250 Pulse Integral; Channel Number; Pulse Integral(au)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, PI_BINS, PI_MIN, PI_MAX);
86 h2_raw_ped_sector = new TH2I("h2_raw_ped_sector", "ST fADC250 Pulse Pedestal; Channel Number;Pulse Pedestal(au)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, PED_BINS, PED_MIN, PED_MAX);
87 h2_raw_pt_sector = new TH2I("h2_raw_pt_sector", "ST fADC250 Pulse Time; Channel Number; Pulse Time(ns)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX);
88 h2_tdcTime_sec = new TH2I("h2_tdcTime_sec", "ST TDC Sector vs Time (While ADC hit); Channel Number; TDC Time(ns)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, TDC_DHIT_BINS, TDC_DHIT_MIN, TDC_DHIT_MAX);
89 //***************************************************************************
90 //***************** 2D ADC/TDC data offsets applied ************************
91 //***************************************************************************
92 h2_adc_pp_sector = new TH2I("h2_adc_pp_sector","Pulse peak vs sector;Channel number; Pulse Peak (channels) ",NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5,300,0,3000);
93 h2_adc_pcpi_sector = new TH2I("h2_adc_pcpi_sector", "ST fADC250 Pedstal corrected Pulse Integral; Channel Number; fADC250 Pulse Integral (au)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, PI_BINS, PI_MIN, PI_MAX);
94 h2_adc_pt_sector = new TH2I("h2_adc_pt_sector", "ST fADC250 Pulse Time; Channel Number; fADC250 Pulse Time (ns)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, 320, -80., 80);
95 h2_adc_ped_sector = new TH2I("h2_adc_ped_sector", "ST fADC250 Pedestal; Channel Number; fADC250 Pedestal", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, 100, 1000., 7000.);
96 h2_st_time_vs_pcpi = new TH2I("h2_st_time_vs_pcpi","Ped Corrected Pulse Integral vs #delta (t_{TDC} - t_{ADC});Pulse Integral(cahnnels) ;#delta (t_{TDC} - t_{ADC}) (ns)",PI_BINS, PI_MIN, PI_MAX,32, -4., 4.);
97 h2_st_time_vs_pp = new TH2I("h2_st_time_vs_pp","Pulse Peak vs #delta (t_{TDC} - t_{ADC});Pulse Peak (cahnnels);#delta (t_{TDC} - t_{ADC}) (ns)",300,0,3000,32, -4., 4.);
98 //***************************************************************************
99 //********************** Raw TDC data Histos *******************************
100 //***************************************************************************
101 h2_raw_tdcTime_sec = new TH2I("h2_raw_tdcTime_sec", "ST TDC Sector vs Time; Channel Number; TDC Time(ns)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, TDC_DHIT_BINS, TDC_DHIT_MIN, TDC_DHIT_MAX);
102 //***************************************************************************
103 // ****************** Raw Hit data Histos ***********************************
104 //***************************************************************************
105 h2_t_sec = new TH2I("h2_t_sec", "ST Hit Sector vs Time (walk corrected); Channel Number; TDC Time(ns)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, T_HIT_BINS, T_HIT_MIN, T_HIT_MAX);
106 h2_tTDC_sec = new TH2I("h2_tTDC_sec", "ST Hit Sector vs Time(No walk corrected); Channel Number; TDC Time(ns)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, T_HIT_BINS, T_HIT_MIN, T_HIT_MAX);
107 h2_tfADC_sec= new TH2I("h2_tfADC_sec", "ST Hit Sector vs ADC-Time; Channel Number; ADC Time(ns)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, T_HIT_BINS, T_HIT_MIN, T_HIT_MAX);
108 h2_dE_sec = new TH2I("h2_dE_sec", "ST Hit Sector vs dE; Channel Number; dE(GeV)", NCHANNELS, 0.5, NCHANNELS + 0.5, 80, 0.0, 0.004);
109 //***************************************************************************
110 //======================== Creat root folder for waveforms and cd to it======
111 //***************************************************************************
112 gDirectory(ROOT::Internal::TDirectoryAtomicAdapter(TDirectory::CurrentDirectory
113 //***************************************************************************
114 //******************* Waveform Histos **************************************
115 //***************************************************************************
116 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NCHANNELS; i++)
117 {
118 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan[i] = new TH1I(Form("amp_vs_sampl_chan_%i", i+1), Form("Channel %i, #phi #in [%i^{#circ}, %i^{#circ}]; fADC250 Sample Number; fADC250 Pulse Height (au)", i+1, 0+12*i, 12+12*i), 100, 0, 100);
119 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan150[i] = new TH1I(Form("amp_vs_sampl_chan150_%i", i+1), Form("Channel %i, #phi #in [%i^{#circ}, %i^{#circ}]; fADC250 Sample Number; fADC250 Pulse Height (au)", i+1, 0+12*i, 12+12*i), 100, 0, 100);
121 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan1000[i] = new TH1I(Form("amp_vs_sampl_chan1000_%i", i+1), Form("Channel %i, #phi #in [%i^{#circ}, %i^{#circ}]; fADC250 Sample Number; fADC250 Pulse Height (au)", i+1, 0+12*i, 12+12*i), 100, 0, 100);
123 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan2000[i] = new TH1I(Form("amp_vs_sampl_chan2000_%i", i+1), Form("Channel %i, #phi #in [%i^{#circ}, %i^{#circ}]; fADC250 Sample Number; fADC250 Pulse Height (au)", i+1, 0+12*i, 12+12*i), 100, 0, 100);
125 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan3000[i] = new TH1I(Form("amp_vs_sampl_chan3000_%i", i+1), Form("Channel %i, #phi #in [%i^{#circ}, %i^{#circ}]; fADC250 Sample Number; fADC250 Pulse Height (au)", i+1, 0+12*i, 12+12*i), 100, 0, 100);
127 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan4000[i] = new TH1I(Form("amp_vs_sampl_chan4000_%i", i+1), Form("Channel %i, #phi #in [%i^{#circ}, %i^{#circ}]; fADC250 Sample Number; fADC250 Pulse Height (au)", i+1, 0+12*i, 12+12*i), 100, 0, 100);
128 // ========================Define Boolians Arrays to be false==================
129 bool_sec[i] = false;
130 bool_sec150[i] = false;
131 bool_sec1000[i] = false;
132 bool_sec2000[i] = false;
133 bool_sec3000[i] = false;
134 bool_sec4000[i] = false;
135 // ============================================================================
136 }
137 // cd back to main directory
138 main->cd();
140 return NOERROR;
144// brun
146jerror_t JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel::brun(JEventLoop *eventLoop, int32_t runnumber)
148 // load scale factors
149 map<string,double> scale_factors;
150if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/START_COUNTER/digi_scales", scale_factors))
151 jout << "Error loading /START_COUNTER/digi_scales !" << endl;
152 // t_scale (SC_ADC_SCALE)
153 if (scale_factors.find("SC_ADC_TSCALE") != scale_factors.end())
154 t_scale = scale_factors["SC_ADC_TSCALE"];
155 else
156 jerr << "Unable to get SC_ADC_TSCALE from /START_COUNTER/digi_scales !"
157 << endl;
159 // load base time offset
160 map<string,double> base_time_offset;
161 // t_base (SC_BASE_TIME_OFFSET)
162 if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/START_COUNTER/base_time_offset",base_time_offset))
163 jout << "Error loading /START_COUNTER/base_time_offset !" << endl;
164 if (base_time_offset.find("SC_BASE_TIME_OFFSET") != base_time_offset.end())
165 t_base = base_time_offset["SC_BASE_TIME_OFFSET"];
166 else
167 jerr << "Unable to get SC_BASE_TIME_OFFSET from /START_COUNTER/base_time_offset !" << endl;
168 // t_tdc_base (SC_TDC_BASE_TIME_OFFSET)
169 if (base_time_offset.find("SC_TDC_BASE_TIME_OFFSET") != base_time_offset.end())
170 t_tdc_base = base_time_offset["SC_TDC_BASE_TIME_OFFSET"];
171 else
172 jerr << "Unable to get SC_BASE_TIME_OFFSET from /START_COUNTER/base_time_offset !" << endl;
173 // load constant tables
174 // a_pedestals (pedestals)
175 if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/START_COUNTER/pedestals", a_pedestals))
176 jout << "Error loading /START_COUNTER/pedestals !" << endl;
177 // adc_time_offsets (adc_timing_offsets)
178 if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/START_COUNTER/adc_timing_offsets", adc_time_offsets))
179 jout << "Error loading /START_COUNTER/adc_timing_offsets !" << endl;
180 // tdc_time_offsets (tdc_timing_offsets)
181 if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/START_COUNTER/tdc_timing_offsets", tdc_time_offsets)) jout << "Error loading /START_COUNTER/tdc_timing_offsets !" << endl;
182 // This is called whenever the run number changes
183 return NOERROR;
187// evnt
189jerror_t JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel::evnt(JEventLoop *loop, uint64_t eventnumber)
191 // Get the data objects first so we minimize the time we hold the ROOT mutex lock
192 vector<const DSCDigiHit*> dscdigihits; // ST fADC250 DigiHits
193 vector<const DSCTDCDigiHit*> dsctdcdigihits; // ST f1TDC DigiHits
194 vector<const DSCHit*> dschits; // ST hits
195 const DTTabUtilities* TTabUtilities = NULL__null;
197 const DTrigger* locTrigger = NULL__null;
198 loop->GetSingle(locTrigger);
199 if(locTrigger->Get_L1FrontPanelTriggerBits() != 0)
200 return NOERROR;
202 loop->Get(dscdigihits);
203 loop->Get(dsctdcdigihits);
204 loop->Get(dschits);
205 loop->GetSingle(TTabUtilities);
206 uint32_t ADC_hits = dscdigihits.size();
207 uint32_t TDC_hits = dsctdcdigihits.size();
208 uint32_t Hits = dschits.size();
211 // Since we are filling histograms local to this plugin, it will not interfere with other ROOT operations: can use plugin-wide ROOT fill lock
212 japp->RootFillLock(this); //ACQUIRE ROOT FILL LOCK
214 if( (dscdigihits.size()>0) || (dsctdcdigihits.size()>0) || (dschits.size()>0) )
215 st_num_events->Fill(1);
216 //******** Fill 2D multiplicity histos ********************************
217 h2_st_adc_tdc_multi->Fill(TDC_hits, ADC_hits); //ADC single hit object
218 h2_st_adc_hit_multi->Fill(Hits, ADC_hits);
219 //========================== DSCDigiHits ** ADC Hits=================
220 //*******************************************************************
221 for(uint32_t i = 0; i < ADC_hits; i++) {
222 //***************************************************************
223 //=========== Wave Form online O'Scope ==========================
224 // **************************************************************
225 // Define some objects
226 const Df250PulseIntegral *pulseintegral = nullptr;
227 const Df250WindowRawData *windowrawdata = nullptr;
228 // Define a vector to store the adc samples
229 vector<uint16_t> samples; // Declare empty vector
230 // Get the sector values
231 Int_t hit_sector_adc = dscdigihits[i]->sector;
232 Int_t hit_sector_adc_index = hit_sector_adc - 1;
234 dscdigihits[i]->GetSingle(pulseintegral);
235 dscdigihits[i]->GetSingle(windowrawdata);
236 // Obtain the pedestal and raw window data
237 if (pulseintegral != nullptr) {
238 pulseintegral->GetSingle(windowrawdata);
239 }
240 // Histogram the raw window data
241 if (windowrawdata != nullptr) {
242 adc_pp = dscdigihits[i]->pulse_peak;
243 if ((100 < adc_pp) && (adc_pp <= 150)) {
244 if (!bool_sec150[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
246 bool_sec150[hit_sector_adc_index] = true;
247 if (bool_sec150[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
248 for (uint32_t j = 0; j < windowrawdata->samples.size(); j++) {
249 samples.push_back(windowrawdata->samples[j]);
250 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan150[hit_sector_adc_index]->Fill(j, samples[j]);
251 }
252 }
253 }
254 }
255 if ((150 < adc_pp) && (adc_pp <= 1000)) {
256 if (!bool_sec[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
257 bool_sec[hit_sector_adc_index] = true;
258 if (bool_sec[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
259 for (uint32_t j = 0; j < windowrawdata->samples.size(); j++) {
260 samples.push_back(windowrawdata->samples[j]);
261 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan[hit_sector_adc_index]->Fill(j, samples[j]);
262 }
263 }
264 }
265 }
266 if ( (1000 < adc_pp) && (adc_pp <= 2000)) {
267 if (!bool_sec1000[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
268 bool_sec1000[hit_sector_adc_index] = true;
269 if (bool_sec1000[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
270 for (uint32_t j = 0; j < windowrawdata->samples.size(); j++) {
271 samples.push_back(windowrawdata->samples[j]);
272 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan1000[hit_sector_adc_index]->Fill(j, samples[j]);
273 }
274 }
275 }
276 }
277 if ( (2000 < adc_pp) && (adc_pp <= 3000)) {
278 if (!bool_sec2000[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
279 bool_sec2000[hit_sector_adc_index] = true;
280 if (bool_sec2000[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
281 for (uint32_t j = 0; j < windowrawdata->samples.size(); j++) {
282 samples.push_back(windowrawdata->samples[j]);
283 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan2000[hit_sector_adc_index]->Fill(j, samples[j]);
284 }
285 }
286 }
287 }
288 if ( (3000 < adc_pp) && (adc_pp <= 4000)) {
289 if (!bool_sec3000[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
290 bool_sec3000[hit_sector_adc_index] = true;
291 if (bool_sec3000[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
292 for (uint32_t j = 0; j < windowrawdata->samples.size(); j++) {
293 samples.push_back(windowrawdata->samples[j]);
294 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan3000[hit_sector_adc_index]->Fill(j, samples[j]);
295 }
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 if ( (4000 < adc_pp)) {
300 if (!bool_sec4000[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
301 bool_sec4000[hit_sector_adc_index] = true;
302 if (bool_sec4000[hit_sector_adc_index]) {
303 for (uint32_t j = 0; j < windowrawdata->samples.size(); j++) {
304 samples.push_back(windowrawdata->samples[j]);
305 h_amp_vs_sampl_chan4000[hit_sector_adc_index]->Fill(j, samples[j]);
306 }
307 }
308 }
309 }
310 } // Windowrawdata cut
311 //****************************************************************************
312 // ================= Get the raw data variables from ADC digihit object======
313 //****************************************************************************
314 int hit_channel = dscdigihits[i]->sector - 1; // channel hit (ranging from 0 to NCHANNELS-1)
315 int adc_sector = dscdigihits[i]->sector ; // channel hit (ranging from 1 to NCHANNELS)
316 uint32_t avg_pedestal = (dscdigihits[i]->nsamples_pedestal == 0 ) ? 0.0 : dscdigihits[i]->pedestal/dscdigihits[i]->nsamples_pedestal; // average single-sample pedestal (should be around 100 chan1)
317 uint32_t pulse_time = dscdigihits[i]->pulse_time*ADC_PT_RES; // converted pulse time to ns
318 uint32_t pulse_integral= dscdigihits[i]->pulse_integral; // pulse integral
319 //Occupancy Histo
320 h1_adc_sec->Fill(adc_sector);
321 // Fill the 2D histo
322 h2_raw_pi_sector->Fill(adc_sector,pulse_integral);
323 h2_raw_ped_sector->Fill(adc_sector,avg_pedestal);
324 h2_raw_pt_sector->Fill(adc_sector,pulse_time);
325 //************************************************************************
326 //=================Apply the calibration constants========================
327 //************************************************************************
328 // maybe throw away bad hits?
329 // Initialize pedestal to one found in CCDB, but override it
330 // with one found in event if is available
331 double pedestal = a_pedestals[hit_channel];
Value stored to 'pedestal' during its initialization is never read
332 double single_sample_ped = (double)dscdigihits[i]->pedestal;
333 double nsamples_integral = (double)dscdigihits[i]->nsamples_integral;
334 double nsamples_pedestal = (double)dscdigihits[i]->nsamples_pedestal;
335 pedestal = single_sample_ped * nsamples_integral/nsamples_pedestal;
337 // Apply calibration constants here
338 adc_ped = pedestal;
339 adc_pi = dscdigihits[i]->pulse_integral;
340 adc_pcpi = adc_pi - adc_ped;
341 adc_pp = dscdigihits[i]->pulse_peak;
342 adc_t = dscdigihits[i]->pulse_time * t_scale - adc_time_offsets[hit_channel] + t_base; // Convert to ns
343 //Fill 2D Histos
344 h2_adc_pp_sector->Fill(adc_sector,adc_pp);
345 h2_adc_pcpi_sector->Fill(adc_sector,adc_pcpi);
346 h2_adc_pt_sector->Fill(adc_sector,adc_t);
347 h2_adc_ped_sector->Fill(adc_sector,adc_ped);
348 //******************************************************************************
349 // Aquire the TDC DigiHits******* get the tdc hits when there is an adc hit*****
350 //******************************************************************************
351 for(uint32_t i = 0; i < TDC_hits; i++) {
352 //sort(dsctdcdigihits.begin(), dsctdcdigihits.end(), DSCHit_tdc_cmp);
353 const DSCTDCDigiHit *tdc_dhit = dsctdcdigihits[i];
354 float tdc_dhit_time = TTabUtilities->Convert_DigiTimeToNs_F1TDC(tdc_dhit);//tdc_dhit->time*TDC_RES;
355 int tdc_sector = tdc_dhit->sector;
356 if (adc_sector == tdc_sector) {
357 h2_tdcTime_sec->Fill(tdc_sector,tdc_dhit_time);
358 tdc_t = TTabUtilities->Convert_DigiTimeToNs_F1TDC(tdc_dhit) - tdc_time_offsets[tdc_sector] + t_tdc_base;
359 st_time = tdc_t - adc_t;
360 h2_st_time_vs_pcpi->Fill(adc_pcpi,st_time);
361 h2_st_time_vs_pp->Fill(adc_pp,st_time);
362 }
363 }// End TDC loop
364 }// End ADC loop
365 //************************************************************************
366 //========================== DSCTDCDigiHits ** TDC Hits=================
367 //************************************************************************
368 for(uint32_t i = 0; i < TDC_hits; i++)
369 {
370 const DSCTDCDigiHit *tdc_dhit = dsctdcdigihits[i];
371 float tdc_dhit_time = TTabUtilities->Convert_DigiTimeToNs_F1TDC(tdc_dhit);
372 int tdc_sec = tdc_dhit->sector;
373 //Fill tdc occupancy histo
374 h1_tdc_sec->Fill(tdc_sec);
375 //Fill 2D histo
376 h2_raw_tdcTime_sec->Fill(tdc_sec,tdc_dhit_time);
378 }// End TDC loop
379 //*******************************************************************************
380 //========================== DSCHits ** Hits after hit factory=================
381 //*******************************************************************************
382 for(uint32_t i = 0; i < dschits.size(); i++)
383 {
384 const DSCHit *hit = dschits[i];
385 int hit_sector = hit->sector;
386 float dE = hit->dE; // Energy loss in GeV
387 float t = hit->t; // best time (walk-corrected tdc)
388 float t_TDC = hit->t_TDC; // time from TDC, no walk correction
389 float t_fADC = hit->t_fADC; // time from fADC
391 h1_hit_sec->Fill(hit_sector);
392 //Fill 2D histos
393 h2_t_sec->Fill(hit_sector,t); // walk corrected tdc time vs sector
394 h2_tTDC_sec->Fill(hit_sector,t_TDC); // No walk correction TDC time vs sector
395 h2_tfADC_sec->Fill(hit_sector,t_fADC);// ADC time vs Sector
396 h2_dE_sec->Fill(hit_sector,dE); // dE vs sector
398 }// End Hit loop
399 // Lock ROOT mutex so other threads won't interfere
400 japp->RootFillUnLock(this); //RELEASE ROOT FILL LOCK
402 return NOERROR;
406// erun
408jerror_t JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel::erun(void)
410 // This is called whenever the run number changes, before it is
411 // changed to give you a chance to clean up before processing
412 // events from the next run number.
413 return NOERROR;
417// fini
419jerror_t JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel::fini(void)
421 // Called before program exit after event processing is finished.
422 return NOERROR;