Bug Summary

Location:line 49, column 13
Description:Value stored to 'polAngle' during its initialization is never read

Annotated Source Code

1#include "AMPTOOLS_DATAIO/etapiPlotGenerator.h"
2#include "IUAmpTools/Histogram1D.h"
3#include "IUAmpTools/Kinematics.h"
4#include "TLorentzVector.h"
5#include "TLorentzRotation.h"
7etapiPlotGenerator::etapiPlotGenerator( const FitResults& results ) :
8PlotGenerator( results )
10 bookHistogram( khm12, new Histogram1D( 400, 1.0, 5.0, "hm12", "Mass( 1 2 )" ) );
11 bookHistogram( khm13, new Histogram1D( 400, 1.0, 5.0, "hm13", "Mass( 1 3 )" ) );
12 bookHistogram( khm23, new Histogram1D( 100, 1.04, 2.56, "hm23", "M(#eta#pi) [GeV/c^{2}]" ) );
13 bookHistogram( khm1, new Histogram1D( 200, 0.5, 1.5, "hm1", "Mass( 1 )" ) );
14 bookHistogram( khm2, new Histogram1D( 200, 0.0, 1.0, "hm2", "Mass( 2 )" ) );
15 bookHistogram( khm3, new Histogram1D( 200, 0.0, 1.0, "hm3", "Mass( 3 )" ) );
16 bookHistogram( kdltz, new Histogram2D( 80, 0.0, 25.0, 80, 0.0, 9.0, "dltz", "Dalitz Plot" ) );
17 bookHistogram( cosT, new Histogram1D( 220, -1.1, 1.1, "cosT", "CosTheta") );
18 bookHistogram( phiAng, new Histogram1D(200, -3.2, 3.2, "phiAng", "#phi") );
19 bookHistogram( cosT_lab, new Histogram1D( 220, -1.1, 1.1, "cosT_lab", "CosThetaLab") );
20 bookHistogram( phiAng_lab, new Histogram1D(200, -3.2, 3.2, "phiAng_lab", "#phi_{lab}") );
21 bookHistogram( cosT_m23_lab, new Histogram2D(200, 0.6, 2.6, 100, -1.0, 1.0, "cosTLab_m23", "cos(#theta_{lab}) vs. Mass(#eta #pi^{0})" ) );
22 bookHistogram( phi_m23_lab, new Histogram2D(200, 0.6, 2.6, 100, -3.2, 3.2, "PhiLab_m23", "#phi_{lab} vs. Mass(#eta #pi^{0})" ) );
23 bookHistogram( PhiT, new Histogram1D(200, -3.2, 3.2, "PhiT", "#Phi") );
24 bookHistogram( Omega, new Histogram1D(100, -3.2, 3.2, "Omega", "#Omega") );
25 bookHistogram( cosT_m23, new Histogram2D(200, 0.7, 2.7, 100, -1.0, 1.0, "cosT_m23", "cos(#theta) vs. Mass(#eta #pi^{0})" ) );
26 bookHistogram( cosT_phi, new Histogram2D(40, -3.2, 3.2, 100, -1.0, 1.0, "cosT_phi", "cos(#theta) vs. #phi" ) );
27 bookHistogram( cosT_Phi, new Histogram2D(40, -3.2, 3.2, 100, -1.0, 1.0, "cosT_Phi", "cos(#theta) vs. #Phi" ) );
30void etapiPlotGenerator::projectEvent( Kinematics* kin ){
32 // this function will make this class backwards-compatible with older versions
33 // (v0.10.x and prior) of AmpTools, but will not be able to properly obtain
34 // the polariation plane in the lab when multiple orientations are used
35 projectEvent( kin, "" );
38void etapiPlotGenerator::projectEvent( Kinematics* kin, const string& reactionName ){
40 // obtain the polarzation angle for this event by getting the list of amplitudes
41 // associated with this reaction -- we assume here that the first amplitude in the list is a Zlm amplitude
42 // take the sixth argument of the first factor of the first amplitude in the first sum
44 int nargs = cfgInfo()->amplitudeList( reactionName, "", "" ).at(0)->factors().at(0).size();
45 TVector3 eps;
46 TLorentzVector P0;
48 if(nargs==7) {
49 double polAngle = stod(cfgInfo()->amplitudeList( reactionName, "", "" ).at(0)->factors().at(0).at(6));
Value stored to 'polAngle' during its initialization is never read
50 polAngle = 0.0;
51 eps.SetXYZ(cos(polAngle*TMath::DegToRad()), sin(polAngle*TMath::DegToRad()), 0.0); // beam polarization vector
52 P0 = kin->particle(0);
53 } else if(nargs==5) {
54 P0.SetPxPyPzE(0., 0., kin->particle(0).E(),kin->particle(0).E());
55 eps.SetXYZ(kin->particle(0).Px(),kin->particle(0).Py(), 0.);
56 } else {
57 std::cout << "Zlm does not have required number of arguments (4 OR 6, but found " << nargs << ")! Aborting." << std::endl;
58 std::cout << cfgInfo()->amplitudeList( reactionName, "", "" ).at(0)->factors().at(0).at(0) << std::endl;
59 return;
60 }
62 TLorentzVector P1 = kin->particle(1); //proton
63 TLorentzVector P2 = kin->particle(2); //eta
64 TLorentzVector P3 = kin->particle(3); //pi0
66 fillHistogram( khm12, (P1+P2).M() );
67 fillHistogram( khm13, (P1+P3).M() );
68 fillHistogram( khm23, (P2+P3).M() );
69 fillHistogram( khm1, (P1).M() );
70 fillHistogram( khm2, (P2).M() );
71 fillHistogram( khm3, (P3).M() );
72 fillHistogram( kdltz, (P1+P2).M2(), (P2+P3).M2() );
74 TLorentzVector resonance = P2 + P3;
75 TLorentzRotation resRestBoost( -resonance.BoostVector() );
77 TLorentzVector beam_res = resRestBoost * P0;
78 TLorentzVector recoil_res = resRestBoost * P1;
79 TLorentzVector p3_res = resRestBoost * P3;
81 // Angles of etapi system in LAB frame:
82 GDouble locCosT_lab = resonance.CosTheta();
83 GDouble locPhi_lab = resonance.Phi();
85 fillHistogram( cosT_lab, locCosT_lab );
86 fillHistogram( phiAng_lab, locPhi_lab );
87 fillHistogram( cosT_m23_lab, resonance.M(), locCosT_lab );
88 fillHistogram( phi_m23_lab, resonance.M(), locPhi_lab );
90 // Helicity Frame:
91 TVector3 z = -1. * recoil_res.Vect().Unit();
92 // or GJ frame?
93// TVector3 z = beam_res.Vect().Unit();
95 TVector3 y = (P0.Vect().Unit().Cross(-P1.Vect().Unit())).Unit();
97 TVector3 x = y.Cross(z);
99 TVector3 angles( (p3_res.Vect()).Dot(x),
100 (p3_res.Vect()).Dot(y),
101 (p3_res.Vect()).Dot(z) );
103 Double_t cosTheta = angles.CosTheta();
104 Double_t phi = angles.Phi();
106 GDouble Phi = atan2(y.Dot(eps), P0.Vect().Unit().Dot(eps.Cross(y)));
108 TVector3 eta = P3.Vect();
109 GDouble omega = atan2(y.Dot(eta), P0.Vect().Unit().Dot(eta.Cross(y)));
112 fillHistogram( PhiT, Phi);
113 fillHistogram( cosT, cosTheta);
114 fillHistogram( phiAng, phi);
115 fillHistogram( Omega, omega);
116 fillHistogram( cosT_m23, (P2+P3).M(), cosTheta);
117 fillHistogram( cosT_phi, phi, cosTheta);
118 fillHistogram( cosT_Phi, Phi, cosTheta);