Current halld group members as of 28-Oct-2009. Note that membership in the halld group means you can edit our group area files, including web pages. In most cases anyone can read the files in the group area. ** for people I think no longer belong in halld group or I don't know. * for people who aren't Hall D members but perhaps should remain in the halld group. No star for Hall D members or people I believe are actively working on Hall D. aamer ** abbottd * ballard barbosa bellis ** biallas biselli ** boeglinw brash ** capstick ** carman carstens chandra * ckourk cmeyer craigb cuevas davidl dnapier * doughty dzierba * elke * elton ent * eugenio fklein flood fmartin gen gluex * (not sure why this is here) gurjyan * heckman * herun ** huttonc ** jastrzem * jlagner jonesrt jstewart * klein ** kornicer kross kuhnj lcarlson leverinb marki mikewood * ostrov pavel pawel reinhard ** remitche riccardi ** ryan saw ** seema semenov shepherd somov staylor stepi stevensm sullivak teymuraz timmer veilleux vgr vtarasov ** wcrahen weihl * whitey wissmann wolin zihlmann zisis zorn