// $Id$ // // File: JEventProcessor_EventReader.cc // Created: Fri Apr 7 14:45:08 EDT 2017 // Creator: tbritton (on Linux ifarm1401.jlab.org 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 x86_64) // #include #include "JEventProcessor_EventReader.h" #include "Tracking.h" #include "FCAL.h" #include "TOF.h" #include "BCAL.h" #include "CDC.h" #include "FDC.h" #include "SC.h" #include #include using namespace jana; vector toprint; bool ACTIVATE_ALL = false; extern string OUTPUT_FILENAME; #define ansi_escape ((char)0x1b) #define ansi_bold ansi_escape<<"[1m" #define ansi_red ansi_escape<<"[31m" #define ansi_normal ansi_escape<<"[0m" // Routine used to create our JEventProcessor #include extern DApplication *gDana; //------------------ // JEventProcessor_EventReader (Constructor) //------------------ JEventProcessor_EventReader::JEventProcessor_EventReader(hdvis::ApplicationContext &context): _context(context) { } //------------------ // ~JEventProcessor_EventReader (Destructor) //------------------ JEventProcessor_EventReader::~JEventProcessor_EventReader() { //Close the ROOT file } //------------------ // init //------------------ jerror_t JEventProcessor_EventReader::init(void) { return NOERROR; } //------------------ // brun //------------------ jerror_t JEventProcessor_EventReader::brun(JEventLoop *eventLoop, int32_t runnumber) { // This is called whenever the run number changes vector factory_names; eventLoop->GetFactoryNames(factory_names); usleep(100000); //this just gives the Main thread a chance to finish printing the "Launching threads" message cout << endl; // If ACTIVATE_ALL is set then add EVERYTHING. if (ACTIVATE_ALL) { toprint = factory_names; } else { // make sure factories exist fdor all requested data types // If a factory isn't found, but one with a "D" prefixed // is, go ahead and correct the name. vector really_toprint; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < toprint.size(); i++) { int found = 0; int dfound = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < factory_names.size(); j++) { if (factory_names[j] == toprint[i])found = 1; if (factory_names[j] == "D" + toprint[i])dfound = 1; } if (found) really_toprint.push_back(toprint[i]); else if (dfound) really_toprint.push_back("D" + toprint[i]); else cout << ansi_red << "WARNING:" << ansi_normal << " Couldn't find factory for \"" << ansi_bold << toprint[i] << ansi_normal << "\"!" << endl; } toprint = really_toprint; } // At this point, toprint should contain a list of all factories // in dataClassName:tag format, that both exist and were requested. // Seperate the tag from the name and fill the fac_info vector. fac_info.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < toprint.size(); i++) { string name = toprint[i]; string tag = ""; unsigned int pos = uint(name.rfind(":", name.size() - 1)); if (pos != (unsigned int) string::npos) { tag = name.substr(pos + 1, name.size()); name.erase(pos); } factory_info_t f; f.dataClassName = name; f.tag = tag; fac_info.push_back(f); } Bfield=gDana->GetBfield(uint(runnumber)); Geom=gDana->GetDGeometry(uint(runnumber)); Geom->GetFDCWires(FDCwires); Geom->GetFDCCathodes(FDCcathodes); cout << endl; return NOERROR; } //------------------ // evnt //------------------ jerror_t JEventProcessor_EventReader::evnt(JEventLoop *loop, uint64_t eventnumber) { // This is called for every event. Use of common resources like writing // to a file or filling a histogram should be mutex protected. Using // loop->Get(...) to get reconstructed objects (and thereby activating the // reconstruction algorithm) should be done outside of any mutex lock // since multiple threads may call this method at the same time. // Here's an example: // // vector mydataclasses; // loop->Get(mydataclasses); // // // japp->RootFillLock(this); // ... fill historgrams or trees ... // japp->RootFillUnLock(this); { static bool isFirstGoodEvent = true; auto lock = std::unique_lock(hdvis::ApplicationContext::InnerLoopMutex); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < toprint.size(); i++) { string name = fac_info[i].dataClassName; string tag = fac_info[i].tag; JFactory_base *factory = loop->GetFactory(name, tag.c_str()); if (!factory)factory = loop->GetFactory("D" + name, tag.c_str()); if (factory) { try { factory->GetNrows(); } catch (...) { // someone threw an exception } } } if(!loop->GetJEvent().GetStatusBit(kSTATUS_PHYSICS_EVENT)) { return NOERROR; } std::ostringstream event_out; std::cout<<"opened/created event json "< ChargedTracks; vector NeutralTracks; vector TrackCandidates; vector FCALHits; //vector FDCHits; //vector FCALDigiHits; vector FCALClusters; vector FCALShowers; //vector FCALTruthShowers; vector TOFHits; vector TOFPoints; vector BCALHits; vector BCALPoints; vector BCALShowers; vector CDCHits; vector FDCHits; vector FDCPseudos; vector SCHits; loop->Get(FCALHits); //loop->Get(FCALDigiHits); //loop->Get(FCALClusters); loop->Get(FCALShowers); //loop->Get(FCALTruthShowers); loop->Get(TrackCandidates); loop->Get(ChargedTracks); loop->Get(NeutralTracks); loop->Get(TOFPoints); loop->Get(TOFHits); loop->Get(BCALHits); loop->Get(BCALPoints); loop->Get(BCALShowers); loop->Get(CDCHits); loop->Get(FDCHits); loop->Get(FDCPseudos); loop->Get(SCHits); try { //Setup the tracking to display tracking info Tracking Tracks(Bfield,Geom); //Will take the Charged Tracks given and visualize them auto chargedTracksJson = Tracks.Add_DChargedTracks(ChargedTracks); auto neutralTracksJson = Tracks.Add_DNeutralParticles(NeutralTracks); // StartCounter auto scdHitsJson = StartC::Add_SCHits(SCHits); //TOF auto tofPointsJson = TOF::Add_TOFPoints(TOFPoints); auto tofHitsJson = TOF::Add_TOFHits(TOFHits); // FCAL; auto fcalHitsJson = FCAL::Add_FCALHits(FCALHits); auto fcalShowersJson = FCAL::Add_FCALShowers(FCALShowers); // BCAL auto bcalHitsJson = BCAL::Add_BCALHits(BCALHits); auto bcalPointsJson = BCAL::Add_BCALPoints(BCALPoints); auto bcalShowersJson = BCAL::Add_BCALShowers(BCALShowers); // CDC auto cdcHitsJson = CDC::Add_CDCHits(CDCHits); // FDC auto fdcHitsJson = FDC::Add_FDCHits(FDCHits,FDCwires,FDCcathodes); auto fdcPseudosJson = FDC::Add_FDCPseudos(FDCPseudos); tao::json::value eventJson ({ { "charged_tracks", chargedTracksJson }, { "neutral_tracks", neutralTracksJson }, { "SC_hits", scdHitsJson }, { "TOF_points", tofPointsJson }, { "TOF_hits", tofHitsJson }, { "FCAL_hits", fcalHitsJson }, { "FCAL_showers", fcalShowersJson }, { "BCAL_hits", bcalHitsJson }, { "BCAL_points", bcalPointsJson }, { "BCAL_showers", bcalShowersJson }, { "CDC_hits", cdcHitsJson }, { "FDC_hits", fdcHitsJson }, { "FDC_pseudos", fdcPseudosJson }, {"event_number",eventnumber} }); std::ofstream eventFile; eventFile.open("www/event.json", std::ofstream::trunc); std::cout<<"opened/created event json "<