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      <p pageid="16837" ns="0" title="B1pi monitoring dashboard schema" />
      <p pageid="6881" ns="0" title="B1pi tests Sep. 2011" />
      <p pageid="6880" ns="0" title="B1pi with GlueX Monte Carlo" />
      <p pageid="1575" ns="0" title="BCAL" />
      <p pageid="16239" ns="0" title="BCAL-Chiller.MPOD Interlock.jpg" />
      <p pageid="13849" ns="0" title="BCAL Action Items and Working Tasks" />
      <p pageid="1568" ns="0" title="BCAL Angular Coverage" />
      <p pageid="1608" ns="0" title="BCAL Beam Test Plots, November 20, 2006" />
      <p pageid="1373" ns="0" title="BCAL Beam Tests" />
      <p pageid="1570" ns="0" title="BCAL Beam Tests 2006 - Analysis" />