Dose Calculation

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Dose (C/cm):

{\frac  {\#e}{1cm}}\times 1.60\cdot 10^{{-19}}C/e\times gasgain

  • Lamina 300 A:
    3.6\cdot 10^{{11}}\times 1.6\cdot 10^{{-19}}\times 2\cdot 10^{{5}}=0.01~C/cm
  • Lamina 12 \mu m:
    1.2\cdot 10^{{11}}\times 1.6\cdot 10^{{-19}}\times 2\cdot 10^{{5}}=0.004~C/cm
  • CMU mylar:
    1.4\cdot 10^{{11}}\times 1.6\cdot 10^{{-19}}\times 2\cdot 10^{{5}}=0.004~C/cm
  • CMU kapton:
    2.9\cdot 10^{{11}}\times 1.6\cdot 10^{{-19}}\times 2\cdot 10^{{5}}=0.009~C/cm

EM background: 40~kHz/strawor 267~Hz/cm

  • 1 year of running (= 1/3 year beam on target) = 1.1\cdot 10^{{7}}s\times 267{\frac  {e}{s\cdot cm}}\times 1.60\cdot 10^{{-19}}C/e\times 2\cdot 10^{{5}}=9.0\cdot 10^{{-5}}C/cm
  • Irradiation dose = \geq 44 years of running