HOWTO Run Gluex Software with GCC 8 in a CentOS 7 Container

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The following assumes that you are using the bash shell. tcsh can be used as well with appropriate modifications.

Log into the ifarm at JLab

Enable Singularity

module use /apps/modulefiles
module load singularity/3.7.1

Enter the Singularity Container

singularity shell --cleanenv --bind /group/halld $container_file

You will be placed in a bash shell session. Your home directory will be available automatically. The --bind option gives you access to the group disk inside the container. If you need other filesystems, use additional --bind options, e.g., "--bind /work/halld".

Set Up to Use Developer Toolset 8

scl enable devtoolset-8 bash

This sets you up to use GCC 8.3.1. To check, to a "gcc --version".

Set Up the GlueX Environment

source /group/halld/Software/build_scripts/
gxenv $HALLD_VERSIONS/version_beta_1.0.xml

This is no different than usual.

Run hd_root


You should see the usage message. From this point forward, things should be like a normal session on the ifarm, except that not all of the packages you normally see on the ifarm proper are available in the container.

--marki (talk) 21:25, 17 July 2021 (EDT)