November 20, 2024 Calorimeter

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Meeting Day/Time: every other WEDNESDAY at 11:00 a.m. JLab time

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  1. FCAL HDFCAL log book
  2. ECAL HDECAL log book
  3. BCAL HDBCAL log book
  4. CCAL HDCCAL log book
  5. Calibrations: 2020 Data Production; RunPeriod-2019-11 Validation; Offline Monitoring Data Validation
  6. Photon Reconstruction Task Force
  7. BCAL calibration links, 2020, PrimEx, SRC
  8. BCAL pi0 calibration
  9. FCAL calibration

Goals for Calorimetry Group

  1. Determine preliminary photon reconstruction efficiencies as a function of E, phi and theta in data and simulation with a point-to-point precision of at least 5%.
  2. Measure systematics of pi0/eta mass calibration as a function of detector position to a precision of at least 5 MeV.
  3. Demonstrate agreement of photon resolution between data and simulation as a function of E, phi and theta to within 5%.
  4. Demonstrate agreement of photon reconstruction efficiency between data and simulation as a function of E, phi and theta to within 5%.

Action Items

  1. Short term CALWG Items
  2. Long term items
  3. Calorimeter work packages
  4. AI - BCAL Monitoring:
    1. Hydra Real-Time Dashboard
    2. Hydra 24-hr Monitoring Logs

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Past Meeting Minutes
  3. Review Action Items
  4. Detectors
    1. FCAL/ECAL
    2. BCAL
  5. Calibration
  6. Monitoring
  7. Reconstruction
  8. Simulations
  9. Any other business


Attendees: Matt, Mark, Malte, Igal, Simon, Zisis

  1. Announcements: plans were discussed for the next paper vote and ideas for PAC proposals, both to be held the week of Dec 2 (in Physics meeting and possibly borrowing the VecPS meeting).
  2. Past Meeting Minutes: none to discuss.
  3. Review Action Items: no review is needed at this time.
  4. Detectors: no DAQ/Trigger is available for any detector systems but this is being pursued. Once available, many systems will begins checks.
    1. BCAL: Mark does not anticipate any issues in firing up the BCAL, owing to its past stability. Once the DAQ is available Regina will run the LED monitoring (for the ongoing SiPM damage study).
    2. FCAL/ECAL:
      • Malte reported that the cosmics in FCAL-LG look better than expected. Signals (Edep) are just above threshold but straight tracks can be seen. More stats will be collected and Igal will take a closer look. Lots of bases were swapped out last week by Mark and Malte. Chris S replaced damaged LEMO connectors. Remaining loose ends are being pursued to be completed before the Frascati meeting.
      • Room is dark since yesterday with a tedlar cover. The techs built a light-proof, protective box around the fibers. A CO2 mitigation system will be installed (A/C fan and drip pan).
      • Scripts will be needed to check all FCAL2 plots at the start and during commissioning. Such scripts could be a student task.
  5. Calibration: Igal reported that he is working on macros and scripts to calibrate ECAL and FCAL independently. When ready, he will upload his code to github/hdutils.
  6. Monitoring:
    • Regina will continue the LED 24 hours expert and cumulative monitoring for the BCAL. Regina people can also participate in tasks related to FCAL2. Student jobs will be discuss in CALWG in early January.
    • Hydra for BCAL will be assumed from Tolga. Hydra will need to be retrained for FCAL2. Matt will email Thomas to discuss ideas.
  7. Reconstruction
  8. Simulations: Matt asked about the FCAL2 readiness assessment based on simulations. The idea is to run an event simulator through the new XML geometry and do a survey launch to check reconstruction efficiency and ensure the output can serve as input to kinfit. Mark had done the FCAL1 error matrix using a photon gun. The new geometry is in ccdb (Stjepan has used it extensively for his studies). Simon has produced an error matrix with only the diagonal elements populated so far, which should be good enough as a start.
  9. Any other business: none.