Π polarizability Meeting Jun 30, 2021
From GlueXWiki
Meeting Time And Location
09:00 EST (JLab time) Weekly Meeting
REMOTE during Covid-19
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- Meeting ID: 949 429 419
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Action Items
Preliminary Agenda
- Previous CPP meeting: Jun 23, 2021
- Announcements
- Eugene sent an approved list of users on site. Rory, Ilya, Andrew and Albert are on the list.
- CPP Design meeting tomorrow at 3:00 pm. (Tim will send out an announcement).
- Action Items
- CPP and NPP Readiness Review
- MWPC Testing
- OSP (Beni)
- hdgeant4 updates (Beni and Simon)
- GlueX Data Analysis
- CPP Simulations
- BH of mu+mu-?
- PID + AI
- Other business
- Next meeting
Attending: Albert, Alex, Andrew, David, Ilya, Mark, Richard, Simon, Beni, Elton
- Previous CPP meeting: Jun 23, 2021
- Announcements
- Eugene sent an approved list of users on site. Rory, Ilya, Andrew and Albert are on the list.
- CPP Design meeting tomorrow at 3:00 pm. (Tim will send out an announcement).
- Action Items
- CPP and NPP Readiness Review
- MWPC Testing (Beni)
- OSP for MWPC testing has been signed off
- Beni is at the lab collecting electronics needed for the test.
- A computer from the Hall is being reconfigured by Paul Letta to serve as our DAQ computer. Serguei has checked that the necessary subnet is available in EEL 126. Beni is preparing setup so that it will be ready for configuration when Serguei returns from vacation next week. Alex is also willing to help out with setup.
- Scintillators need to be moved from the hall into the EEL.
- Beni will connect with Chris Stanislav to make appropriate mods for the LV. Care needs to be taken so that each MWPC is assigned a specific orientation consistent with its planned location in the hall and access to electronic boards and Dsub connectors. Elton: Suggest that each MWPC be assigned a specific plane number and orientation so that mods can be made consistent with that choice.
- Beni estimates that the MWPC testing station will be in place by the end of next week.
- Albert: Has completed all offline training and has been in contact with Lorelei to obtain a badge upon arrival.
- Tentative plans for Rory and Albert to come to JLab is the week of July 19.
- TOF. Air light guides for center (half) paddles
- It has been decided to postpone these modifications till after CPP.
- Nevertheless, Ilya has completed simulations to estimate the impact: Using the test data, he estimates an increase in backgrounds of about 5%. Elton: This does not include hits generated by Cerenkov light in the air light guide. Richard: The Cerenkov signal is proportional to sin2theta, or about a few photons/ m, i.e. small.
- hdgeant4 updates (Richard)
- hdgeant4 has the capability to generate BH with either electrons (capability exposed in control.in commands) and muons (option cannot presently be set in control.in). Richard will add an option, so that one may select BH muons in the hdgeant4 configuration control.in file, and update documentation on the wiki. This will require a pull request to hdgeant4.
- Light from light guide (Richard)
- Cerenkov light in the light guide was added to the simulation. However, it is currently stored separately and not added to the FCAL block energy. The reason is that the normalization between the two energy loss responses is not known and should be obtained from data if possible. Elton and Andrew will try to find a sample of events that could be used to determine this scale factor. Need a good sample of punch-through pions, which Andrew may have available, but not with all the raw data.
- GlueX Data Analysis
- Andrew has been using the new branch from Simon that allows access to the FcalEnergySingleHits. He noted two anomalies: 1) zeros en the single hits. Elton: Could be blocks identified by track extrapolation but hit in neighbor? 2) Small energy peak at 0.4 GeV (compared to large peak at 0.8 GeV). Richard: The small peak may be energy loss from a single muon, and most of the sample has two muons at twice the energy.
- Question from Andrew: Is the TOF trigger implemented in the analysis? Simon: Not presently, only the Fcal trigger, which is applied prior to REST output. He will look into implementing the TOF trigger. Ilya could provide necessary code/algorithm.
- Elton: Can use the TRIG:BYPASS=1 flag for hd_root to avoid the trigger requirement for now in order to provide an early sample to David to work on PID issues.
- CPP Simulations
- BH of mu+mu-? See above under hdgeant4
- PID + AI
- Other business
- Next meeting