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Revision as of 12:26, 1 June 2009

== 1. Overview main features of the GlueX subdetectors

  which are planned be integrated to the Level-1 trigger: ==
    - Tagger microscope counters
    - Start Counter
    - FCAL 
    - BCAL
    - TOF


       - feasibility of usage, their role in the Level-1 algorithm,
       - rates induced by electromagnetic and hadronic interactions, 
       - signal responses: pulse shapes and signal propagation timing
         (feedback is needed from the prototypes test: BCAL, TOF)
       - signal thresholds,
       - cabling.

2. Overview the trigger algorithm.

3. Trigger types.

  - global self-triggered types (physics, cosmics, random, calibration ...), 
    external triggers (calibration), and sub-detector standalone triggers  

Feedback is needed from sub-detector and calibration groups.

4. Overview trigger electronics:

Performance of board prototypes:

 - F1ADC (modes, FPGA resources...)
 - Signal Distribution       (SD)  
 - Trigger Interface         (TI)
 - Crate Trigger Processor   (CTP)
 - Results from the 2 crates test stand

Specifications (design) of the board prototypes:

 - Sub-System processor      (SSP)
 - Trigger Distribution      (TD)
 - Trigger Supervisor        (TS)
 - Global Trigger Processor  (GTP)

5. Monitoring of the hardware performance

  - Online monitors ( scalers )
  - algorithm/hardware test using inputs from MC simulation