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Revision as of 14:03, 28 July 2006

Attendees: Matt, Eric (Indiana), Elton, David, Elliott, Simon (JLab), Dan Sober (CU), Blake, Rafael, Zisis (Regina)

  1. Business Arising
    • Wiki Postings: Everyone was reminded to keep an eye on the many Wiki postings.
    • Action Items: The Action Items list was reviewed and no changes were made.
  2. Detector Setup/Mechanics
    • Indiana: The IU and FSU machine shops are done. CMU info is pending. All parts will be shipped to IU for fitting before going to JLab. The light guides are nearing completion as well.
    • Regina: Crate has been ordered and will be ready next week.
    • Mu Metal Shields: Results from measurements done at Regina are on the Wiki. These show no gain effect due to Earth's field in the vertical direction and a 25% drop in the horizontal. Eric measured the field inside the inserts and found 0.5 G near the photocathode location and 1-3G near the inner perimeter of the insert. George order a mu-metal sheet (0.02" thick x 30" x 120") from 'Mu Metal' and it will be drop shipped to IU. Eric will remeasure the field once he gets this material and makes a single mu-metal cylinder. The rest can be made at JLab if time runs out at IU.
  3. Hall-B Tasks:
    • Beamline/alcove: All work is proceeding as expected.
    • Cable and trigger timing: David reported measurements that fine tuned the cable length: 80->100ns and 250->310ns. The longer, actual length is to our advantage. Chris Cuevas will assit in getting a fast trigger cable from the tagger MOR to the Alcove. Fernando Barbosa will get us low HV cables for the BPM (if not in stick, they will be made). The CAEN ADC has 12-bits verus the 10-bit LeCroy 2249A that Regina is using for the cosmic tests. The dynamic range appears adequate.
    • DAQ/Online/Counting Room: Chris and Bill (last names?) moved the electronics from the DAQ lab to the Pi tower. Mike (lastname?) is installing the netwrorking and as soon as this and the IP addresses are settled, David will work on communications from the counting room to the Alcove.
  4. Monte Carlo:
    • Simulations done at Regina by Rafael were discussed. The effect of the misalignment of the beam becomes critical beyond 0.5cm from the horizontal centerline of the Module, both for timing and energy quantities.
  5. Any other business
    • Run plan: Regina is working on this and it wil include a calibration procedure. The number of trigger counters for cosmics was discussed and simultaneous measurements at three locations (middle and two ends, neading 6 counters) is desired if feasible (ie if counters can be found). Otherwise, we will use 2 counters and move them to the locations.
    • Travel Plans: Zisis will communicate with Linda Ceraul to arrange for the travel and accommodations of the Regina personnel.

Action Items

  1. Alcove/beamline: Elliott, Zisis and Eric S. will work out details and communicate to H-B engineers.
  2. BPM, Veto: David and Elliott will work on making this a functioning system.
  3. Cosmics counters: Regina will provide.
  4. Mu metal foil: Eric will measure the field inside the insert and mu-metal by making a single mu-metal shield out of the sheet that Regina has ordered.
  5. PMTs & cosmics counters:: Regina will ship theirs to IU within a week for a fitting test.
  6. Tagger and Trigger: Paul Smith, Elliott, Franz Klein and Zisis will refine the trigger logic and tagger demands offline.
  7. Data storage/Silo Request: David and Zisis will deal with this offline.
  8. Online Macros/MC Data steam/MC Validation & Binning: David and Zisis will work on these offline. Zisis will provide requirements for ROOT trees.
  9. Beam Request: Elton, David and Zisis will carry this discussion offline.
  10. Safety, COOP: Elliott will investigate. IU will provide safety documentation for the cart. IU and Regina will complete the installation procedures.
  11. Run Plan: Regina will draft this and the calibration procedure with cosmics and beam.