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== Why a standard TTree format? ==
= TTree Format - Overview =
* For any reaction can streamline (and provide a best-practices implementation/examples of): analysis utilities, BDT setup/input, amplitude analysis setup/input(?)
* Physics Analysis Root TTree (PART) format.
* Makes it easy for users to keep everything organized, especially handling of the combinatoric background.
* Output can be enabled/disabled with a single flag.
* Format is designed to be one-size-fits-all, but is still extensible (customizable).
== TTree Format - General ==
=== Data Hierarchy ===
* One <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> per <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span>, each stored in the ROOT files specified by the user.
** e.g., If 2 DReactions: missing & detected recoil proton: 2 different trees, could be in separate files or the same file.
* One <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> entry per event.
* All particle data stored in arrays/<span style="color:#0000FF">TClonesArray</span>'s: one array index per particle.
** Thrown particles
** Reconstructed neutral and charged hypotheses (by default: only used ones, but can save all: DReaction setting)
** Beam photons that are later used in combos (unused beam particles are NOT saved)
** Combo particle information
* Event-independent information (e.g. the target, the <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span> decay chain, etc.) is stored in <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span>::<span style="color:#008000">fUserInfo</span> (a <span style="color:#0000FF">TList</span>*)
=== ROOT Version ===
=== DSelector ===
* ROOT >= v5.32 will be required for building BANA
* Enables C++ interface to TTree data, provides PROOF-Lite launcher, and much more.
** Much easier to code <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> creation: <span style="color:#0000FF">TClonesArray</span>::<span style="color:#008000">ConstructedAt()</span> can be used instead of calls to placement-new
* Instructions for making and using a DSelector can be found at: [[DSelector | Link]]
** Just about any version of ROOT is fine for reading the data
=== Data Hierarchy ===
= TTree Format: Simulated Data =
* One <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> per <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span>
=== Thrown Non-Particle Data ===
** e.g., will have different trees for missing/detected recoil proton for the same final state
* One <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> entry per recorded physics event.
* One <span style="color:#0000FF">TBranch</span> per variable.
"RunNumber": UInt_t
** Branch name format: <span style="color:red">"UniqueParticleName__VariableName"</span> //note double underscore (so that the variable & particle names can have single underscores)
"EventNumber": ULong64_t
** e.g.: <span style="color:red">"RunNumber"</span>, <span style="color:red">"PiMinus__PathLength"</span>, etc.
"MCWeight": Float_t
* Variables that change with <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> will be stored in arrays/TClonesArrays: one array index per <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span>
** e.g.: <span style="color:red">"PiPlus2__ChiSq_Tracking"</span> (<span style="color:#0000FF">double</span>[]), <span style="color:red">"Proton__P4_Measured"</span> (<span style="color:#0000FF">TClonesArray</span>(<span style="color:#0000FF">TLorentzVector</span>))
** Combos will be sorted in the arrays by kinematic fit FOM (if no kinfit performed, then by overall pid FOM) (best listed first)
=== Object-Oriented Programming ===
// # PARTICLES //array size of the thrown particle branches
* Will provide tool to convert tree branch data into the C++ objects for a given event (callable from <span style="color:#0000FF">TSelector</span>::<span style="color:#008000">Process</span>())
"NumThrown": UInt_t
** C++ classes (similar to DANA classes): <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeEvent</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeCombo</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeStep</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeParticle</span> (compiled into ROOT dictionary & loadable shared library)
** Can be used to write/execute reusable software that will work for any reaction (e.g. handling double-counting when filling histograms)
=== Event-Independent Information ===
* Stored in <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span>::<span style="color:#008000">fUserInfo</span> (a <span style="color:#008000">TList</span>*)
"NumPIDThrown_FinalState": ULong64_t //the # of thrown final-state particles (+ pi0) of each type (multiplexed in base 10)
* <span style="color:red">NameToPIDMap"</span>: <span style="color:#0000FF">TMap</span> of <span style="color:red">"UniqueParticleName"</span> (<span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>) -> <span style="color:#008000">Particle_t</span> (actually an unsigned int stored in <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>)
                                      //types (in order from 10^0 -> 10^15): g, e+, e-, nu, mu+, mu-, pi0, pi+, pi-, KLong, K+, K-, n, p, p-bar, n-bar
                                      //e.g. particles decaying from final-state particles are NOT included (e.g. photons from pi0, muons from pions, etc.)
                                    //is sum of #-of-PID * 10^ParticleMultiplexPower() (defined in libraries/include/particleType.h)
                                    //ParticleMultiplexPower() returns a different power of 10 for each final-state PID type.
                                    //A value of 9 should be interpreted as >= 9. 
"PIDThrown_Decaying": ULong64_t //the types of the thrown decaying particles in the event (multiplexed in base 2)
                                //not the quantity of each, just whether or not they were present (1 or 0)
                                //binary power of a PID is given by ParticleMultiplexPower() (defined in libraries/include/particleType.h)
                                //types: most Particle_t's that aren't final state (e.g. lambda, eta, phi, rho0, etc.) see ParticleMultiplexPower()
* <span style="color:red">NameToPositionMap"</span>: <span style="color:#0000FF">TMap</span> of <span style="color:red">"UniqueParticleName"</span> (<span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>) -> "StepIndex_ParticleIndex" (stored in <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>) (ParticleIndex = -1 for initial, -2 for target, 0+ for final state)
=== Thrown Beam Particle ===
* All branch names are prefixed with <span style="color:red">"ThrownBeam__"</span>
"PID": Int_t //PDG ID value
=== Saved Data ===
//KINEMATICS: //At the production vertex
* Event identification: run#, event#, #particle combinations
"X4": TLorentzVector //This is the TAGGED energy //Use THIS for binning your results //Is ZERO if NOT TAGGED
* All particle data in all particle combinations (kinematics, PID chisq, dE/dx, etc.)
"P4": TLorentzVector
* All detected particle hypotheses that are not used in any of the recorded particle combinations
"GeneratedEnergy": Float_t
* All thrown particle data
* Miscellaneous data: kinematic fit chisq, rf time, target type, etc.
=== Unsaved Data ===
=== Thrown Products ===
* Unused beam particles
* All branch names are prefixed with <span style="color:red">"Thrown__"</span>
* Kinematic fit pulls
* NOTE: The only contains particles corresponding to the <span style="color:red">"FinalState"</span> and <span style="color:red">"Decaying"</span> tags of <span style="color:#0000FF">DMCThrown</span>.
* Uncertainties on all quantities
** In other words: No resonances, no decay products of final-state particles, and no orphan particles.
"ParentIndex": Int_t["NumThrown"] //the thrown particle array index of the particle this particle decayed from (-1 if none (e.g. photoproduced))
"PID": Int_t["NumThrown"] //PDG ID value
== TTree Format - Detail ==
//MATCHING //only present if reconstructed data present (i.e. not if thrown-only tree)
"MatchID": Int_t["NumThrown"] //the "NeutralID"/"TrackID" of the reconstructed neutral/track that it is matched with (-1 for no match)
"MatchFOM": Float_t["NumThrown"] //Neutrals: confidence level //Tracks: #-matched-hits * hit_fraction //(-1 for no match)
=== Particle Names ===
//KINEMATICS: //Reported at the particle's production vertex
"X4": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumThrown"])
"P4": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumThrown"])
* Example Reaction:
= TTree Format: Combo-Independent Data =
** &gamma; p &rarr; &eta;'<sub>1</sub>(2300), p
*** &eta;'<sub>1</sub>(2300) &rarr; K*(892)<sup>0</sup>, K<sup>0</sup>_bar
**** K*(892)<sup>0</sup> &rarr; K<sup>+</sup>, &pi;<sup>-</sup>
***** K<sup>0</sup>_bar &rarr; &pi;<sup>+</sup>, &pi;<sup>-</sup>
* '''Reaction Particle Names, Detected''': <span style="color:red">"Proton," "KPlus," "PiMinus1," "PiPlus," "PiMinus2"</span>
* '''Reaction Particle Names, Beam''': <span style="color:red">"Beam"</span>
* '''Reaction Particle Names, Decaying''': <span style="color:red">"EtaPrime1_2300," "KStar892_0," "KShort"</span>
** No branches are created for these particles.  All of their properties are derivable from the other data in the tree
* '''Thrown MC Particle Name''': <span style="color:red">"Thrown"</span>
** Array entries do NOT correspond to particle combos: just a different particle in each array index
* '''Unused Particle Hypothesis Name''': <span style="color:red">"Unused"</span>
** Array entries do NOT correspond to particle combos: just a different particle in each array index
=== Particle Data : Detected Reaction Particles ===
=== Non-Particle Data ===
"Identifier": (unsigned int)[] //each physical particle has it's own # (to keep track of different pid hypotheses for the same particle)
"RunNumber": UInt_t
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED //At the production vertex
"EventNumber": ULong64_t
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector) //t is the measured value in TOF/BCAL/FCAL projected back to Position_Measured
"L1TriggerBits": UInt_t
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
// KINEMATICS: END //at the reconstructed position of the BCAL/FCAL/TOF hit
"X4_End": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"X4_Production": TLorentzVector //V3 from DVertex (kinfit), t from RF (propagated to V3)
"P4_End": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
//KINEMATICS: KINFIT //At the production vertex //only present if kinfit performed
// # PARTICLES //these are the array sizes for the particle branches
"X4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"NumBeam": UInt_t
"P4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"NumChargedHypos": UInt_t
"NumNeutralHypos": UInt_t
// TOPOLOGY //only present if simulated data
"PathLength": double[] //from dPosition_Start to dPosition_End
"IsThrownTopology": Bool_t //Does the DReaction decay chain match the thrown decay chain
"NDF_Tracking": (unsigned int)[] //for charged only
"NumUnusedTracks": UChar_t
"ChiSq_Tracking": double[] //for charged only
"NDF_Timing": (unsigned int)[]
"ChiSq_Timing": double[] //using kinematic fit data
"ChiSq_Timing_Measured": double[] //using measured data
"NDF_DCdEdx": (unsigned int)[] //for charged only
"ChiSq_DCdEdx": double[] //for charged only
"dEdx_CDC": double[] //for charged only
"NumCombos": UInt_t //size of all of the particle-combo-content arrays
"dEdx_FDC": double[] //for charged only
"dEdx_TOF": double[] //for charged only
"dEdx_ST": double[] //for charged only
"Energy_BCAL": double[]
"Energy_FCAL": double[]
=== Particle Data : Beam Reaction Particles ===
=== Beam Particles <span style="color:blue">(If Used in Combo) ===
* Only the beam particles that are included in at least one combo are present.
* All branch names are prefixed with <span style="color:red">"Beam__"</span>
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED //At the target center
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
//KINEMATICS: KINFIT //At the interaction vertex //only present if kinfit performed
"X4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"PID": Int_t["NumBeam"] //PDG ID value
"P4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"IsGenerator": Bool_t["NumBeam"] // kTRUE/kFALSE if matches the generator beam photon (-1 for no match) //only present if simulated data
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED //At the production vertex
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumBeam"]) //position is at the production vertex (same as X4_Production(), except the time)
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumBeam"])
=== Particle Data : Unused Hypotheses ===
=== Charged Track Hypotheses ===
* Includes all hypotheses, whether they appear in the combos or not.
* All branch names are prefixed with <span style="color:red">"ChargedHypo__"</span>
"Identifier": (unsigned int)[] //each physical particle has it's own # (to keep track of different pid hypotheses for the same particle)
"PID": (unsigned int)[] //Particle_t value
"TrackID": Int_t["NumChargedHypos"] //each physical particle has its own # (to keep track of different pid hypotheses for the same particle)
"PID": Int_t["NumChargedHypos"] //PDG ID value
"ThrownIndex": Int_t["NumChargedHypos"] //the array index of the thrown particle it is matched with (-1 for no match) //only present if simulated data
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED  //At the production vertex  
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED  //At the production vertex  
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumChargedHypos"])
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector) //t is the measured value in TOF/BCAL/FCAL projected back to Position_Measured
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumChargedHypos"]) //t is the measured value in TOF/BCAL/FCAL projected back to Position_Measured
// KINEMATICS: END //at the reconstructed position of the BCAL/FCAL/TOF hit
"P4_End": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"NDF_Tracking": UInt_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"X4_End": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"ChiSq_Tracking": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"NDF_DCdEdx": UInt_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"ChiSq_DCdEdx": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"dEdx_CDC": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"dEdx_FDC": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"PathLength": double[] //from Position_Measured to Position_End
"HitTime": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //the system that is hit is in order of preference: BCAL/TOF/FCAL/ST
                                      //to determine which, look whether energy was deposited in these systems
"RFDeltaTVar": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //Variance of X4_Measured.T() - RFTime, regardless of which RF bunch is chosen.
                                          //Can be used to compute timing ChiSq //RF bunch is combo-dependent
"NDF_Tracking": (unsigned int)[] //for charged only
"Beta_Timing": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
"ChiSq_Tracking": double[] //for charged only
"ChiSq_Timing": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"NDF_Timing": (unsigned int)[]
"NDF_Timing": UInt_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"ChiSq_Timing": double[] //using kinematic fit data
"ChiSq_Timing_Measured": double[] //using measured data
"NDF_DCdEdx": (unsigned int)[] //for charged only
"ChiSq_DCdEdx": double[] //for charged only
"dEdx_CDC": double[] //for charged only
"dEdx_TOF": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"dEdx_FDC": double[] //for charged only
"dEdx_ST": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"dEdx_TOF": double[] //for charged only
"Energy_BCAL": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"dEdx_ST": double[] //for charged only
"Energy_BCALPreshower": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"Energy_BCAL": double[]
"Energy_FCAL": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"Energy_FCAL": double[]
"SigLong_BCAL" Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] // Longitudinal (outward radially from the target) shower width
"SigTheta_BCAL" Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] // Theta shower width
"SigTrans_BCAL" Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] // Transverse (azimuthal) shower width
"TrackBCAL_DeltaPhi": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //999.0 if not matched //units are radians
"TrackBCAL_DeltaZ": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //999.0 if not matched //Track position - BCAL Shower
"TrackFCAL_DOCA": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //999.0 if not matched
=== Particle Data : Thrown ===
=== Neutral Particle Hypotheses ===
* All branch names are prefixed with <span style="color:red">"NeutralHypo__"</span>
* Includes all hypotheses, whether they appear in the combos or not.
* Discussion on P4 & X4:
** Note that P4 is not present because it is defined by X4, and X4 is not present because it is defined by the tracks, which are combo-dependent
** For combo particles, P4 & X4 are listed for each combo
** If not used in a combo, can be computed using the shower hit information and the vertex & RF-time of your choosing (e.g. combo production-vertex, RF-time)
* To determine whether is BCAL or FCAL, see which system has non-zero energy
"Identifier": (unsigned int)[] //each particle has it's own #
"ParentIdentifier": (unsigned int)[] //the "Identifier" of the particle this particle decayed from (0 if none (e.g. photoproduced))
"NeutralID": Int_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //each physical particle has its own # (to keep track of different pid hypotheses for the same particle)
"PID_PDG": int[]
"PID": Int_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //PDG ID value
"ThrownIndex": Int_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //the array index of the thrown particle it is matched with (-1 for no match) //only present if simulated data
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED  //At the production vertex
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumNeutralHypos"])
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumNeutralHypos"]) //t is the measured value in TOF/BCAL/FCAL projected back to Position_Measured
"Beta_Timing": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
"ChiSq_Timing": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //-1 if not photon
"NDF_Timing": UInt_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //0 if not photon
"X4_Shower": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //location/time of the reconstructed shower
"Energy_BCAL": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is 0.0 if shower in FCAL
"Energy_BCALPreshower": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is 0.0 if shower in FCAL
"Energy_FCAL": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is 0.0 if shower in BCAL
"SigLong_BCAL" Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] // Longitudinal (outward radially from the target) shower width
"SigTheta_BCAL" Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] // Theta shower width
"SigTrans_BCAL" Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] // Transverse (azimuthal) shower width
//KINEMATICS: THROWN  //At the production vertex
"X4_Thrown": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"TrackBCAL_DeltaPhi": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is delta to nearest track, is 999.0 if no tracks on BCAL
"P4_Thrown": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector)
"TrackBCAL_DeltaZ": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is delta to nearest track, is 999.0 if no tracks on BCAL
"TrackFCAL_DOCA": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is DOCA to nearest track, is 999.0 if no tracks on FCAL
  //Computed using DVertex (best estimate of reaction vertex using all "good" tracks)
  //Can be used to compute timing chisq //is invalid (0) for non-photons
"PhotonRFDeltaTVar": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //Variance of DVertexX4.T() - RFTime, regardless of which RF bunch is chosen. //RF bunch is combo-dependent
=== Accessing TClonesArray Data Examples ===
= TTree Format: Combo-Dependent Data =  
* TSelector:
* All particle combo data is stored in arrays: array entries correspond to different particle combos
=== Particle-Independent Data ===
cout << ((TLorentzVector*)PiPlus2__P4_KinFit->At(0))->Px() << endl; //At(): particle combination 0, 1, 2, ...
"IsComboCut": Bool_t["NumCombos"] //if true, combo has been previously cut (all kFALSE originally, user can apply cuts in TSelector, change this flag, and output new TTree)
//COMBO THROWN MATCHING //not present if not simulated data
"IsTrueCombo": Bool_t["NumCombos"] //"IsThrownTopology" = kTRUE, each particle has the right PID, and the combo particle chain matches the thrown decay chain
"IsBDTSignalCombo": Bool_t["NumCombos"] //Similar to "IsTrueCombo", except other thrown topologies that decay to the DReaction topology are marked as signal
                                        //Note that if you have an &omega; or &phi; in your DReaction, you still have to filter your combos prior to BDT
                                        //input to remove duplicate entries. This is because the omega & phi masses are not constrained in the kinematic fit,
                                        //nor should they be in the BDT, so you have duplicate entries from the point-of-view of the BDT due to combinatorics
                                        //(e.g. which pions decayed from the omega, and which ones didn't, are irrelevant to the BDT).
"RFTime_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"] //reported at center of target
"RFTime_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] //reported at center of target //only if spacetime kinematic fit performed
"ChiSq_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] //only if kinematic fit performed
"NDF_KinFit": UInt_t["NumCombos"] //only if kinematic fit performed // = 0 if kinematic fit doesn't converge
"Energy_UnusedShowers": Float_t["NumCombos"] // summed energy of neutral showers in the event not included in the combo (requiring unused showers are in time and have a polar angle > 2 degrees to reduce contamination from EM background)
//UNUSED TRACKS //For tracks unused by combo, the hypo chosen is the one with the best tracking FOM
"SumPMag_UnusedTracks": Float_t["NumCombos"]
"SumP3_UnusedTracks": TClonesArray(TVector3["NumCombos"])
* TTree:
=== Particle Branch-Name Prefixes ===
Example Reaction (b1pi):
* &gamma; p &rarr;&omega;, &pi;<sup>+</sup>, &pi;<sup>-</sup>, (p)
** &omega; &rarr; &pi;<sup>+</sup>, &pi;<sup>-</sup>, &pi;<sup>0</sup>
*** &pi;<sup>0</sup> &rarr; &gamma; &gamma;
'''Branch Names:'''
* Beam: <span style="color:red">"ComboBeam"</span>
* Detected: <span style="color:red">"PiMinus1"</span>, <span style="color:red">"PiPlus1"</span>, <span style="color:red">"PiPlus2"</span>, <span style="color:red">"PiMinus2"</span>, <span style="color:red">"Photon1"</span>, <span style="color:red">"Photon2"</span>
* Decaying: <span style="color:red">"DecayingPi0"</span>
* Missing: <span style="color:red">"MissingProton"</span>
=== Combo Beam Particles <span style="color:blue">(If Any)</span> ===
* All branch names are prefixed with <span style="color:red">"ComboBeam__"</span>
** E.g. <span style="color:red">"ComboBeam__BeamIndex"</span>
MyTree->Draw("PiPlus2__P4_KinFit->Px()"); //draws all particle combinations
"BeamIndex": Int_t["NumCombos"] //array index to the "Beam__" branches that correspond to this particle
== C++ Classes ==
//KINEMATICS: KINFIT //At the interaction vertex //only present if kinfit performed
* '''Data Structures:'''
"X4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //not present if p4-only fit
** <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeParticle</span>: roughly mirrors <span style="color:#0000FF">DKinematicData</span>: kinematics + PID info of track
"P4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //not present if vertex-only or spacetime-only fit, unless beam is charged
** <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeStep</span>: roughly mirrors <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleComboStep</span>: collection of <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeParticle</span>'s for a given step of a reaction (e.g. photoproduction, &Lambda; decay, &pi;<sup>0</sup> decay, etc.)
** <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeCombo</span>: roughly mirrors <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> (collection of <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeStep</span>'s for a given reaction), + detected particles not used in the combo
** <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeEvent</span>: contains <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeCombo</span>'s for each output <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span>, + thrown tracks
* '''Extensible:'''
** Each class has maps to contain additional data (<span style="color:#0000FF">TObject</span>* and double, map keys are string): custom branches in the TTree will be added here.
* '''Usage:'''
** Process with a <span style="color:#0000FF">TSelector</span>.
** <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span>::<span style="color:#008000">Draw</span>() and <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span>::<span style="color:#008000">Project</span>() will not work due to nested classes/containers.
=== DTreeParticle ===
=== Combo Tracks <span style="color:blue">(If Any)</span> ===
* Roughly mirrors <span style="color:#0000FF">DKinematicData</span>: kinematics + PID info of track
* All branch names are prefixed with the particle name
* p3, v3, and t are stored at both the start (production) and end points (decay, TOF/BCAL/FCAL hit) of the track. 
** E.g. <span style="color:red">"Proton__ChargedIndex"</span>, <span style="color:red">"PiMinus1__P4_KinFit"</span>
** This is primarily motivated by the &Xi;<sup>-</sup>, which is long-lived and whose trajectory is bent by the magnetic field before it decays.
* Extensible: maps can be used by users to add their own custom information.
class DTreeParticle : public TObject
"ChargedIndex": Int_t["NumCombos"] //array index to the "ChargedHypo__" branches that correspond to this particle
    // PID:
    Particle_t dPID;
    // KINEMATICS: Start //If kinematic fit was performed, this is the kinematic fit results.  Else are identical to the "Measured" kinematics. 
//PID INFO: MEASURED //using combo RF bunch
    TVector3 dPosition_Start; //the position where the particle is produced
"Beta_Timing_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
    double dTime_Start; //time of the track at dPosition_Start
"ChiSq_Timing_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"]
    TVector3 dMomentum_Start; //momentum of the track at dPosition_Start
    // KINEMATICS: End
//PID INFO: KINFIT //using combo RF bunch //not present if time constrained //uses combo vertex & p4 if kinfit
    TVector3 dPosition_End; //detected particles: the reconstructed position of the BCAL/FCAL/TOF hit; decaying particles: the point where it decays
"Beta_Timing_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
    double dTime_End; //time of the track at dPosition_End
"ChiSq_Timing_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"]
    TVector3 dMomentum_End; //momentum of the track at dPosition_End
    // KINEMATICS: Measured
//KINEMATIC FIT KINEMATICS //only present if kinfit performed
    TVector3 dPosition_Measured; //the position where the particle is produced
"X4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //not present if p4-only fit
    double dTime_Measured; //time of the track at dPosition_Measured, projected from the TOF/BCAL/FCAL hit
"P4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"])
    TVector3 dMomentum_Measured; //momentum of the track at dPosition_Start
    // KINEMATICS: Other
=== Combo Neutrals <span style="color:blue">(If Any)</span> ===
    double dPathLength; //from dPosition_Start to dPosition_End
* All branch names are prefixed with the particle name
** E.g. <span style="color:red">"Photon1__NeutralIndex"</span>, <span style="color:red">"Neutron__P4_KinFit"</span>
"NeutralIndex": Int_t["NumCombos"] //array index to the "NeutralHypo__" branches that correspond to this particle
                                  //Note that they may not have the same PID (and thus P4) as this!!
                                      //If this is a PID not created by default (e.g. K0Long)
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED  //At the production vertex
    unsigned int dNDF_Tracking;
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"])
    double dChiSq_Tracking;
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //t is the measured value in TOF/BCAL/FCAL projected back to Position_Measured
    unsigned int dNDF_Timing;
    double dChiSq_Timing;
    unsigned int dNDF_DCdEdx;
    double dChiSq_DCdEdx;
    map<DetectorSystem_t, double> dDepositedEnergies; //Is dE/dx for all but BCAL/FCAL (shower energies)
"Beta_Timing_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
"ChiSq_Timing_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"] //only present if photon
    const DTreeStep* dProductionStep; //the step object in which this DTreeParticle is produced (is a final-state particle)
"Beta_Timing_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t) //not present if p4-only fit
    const DTreeStep* dDecayStep; //the step object in which this DTreeParticle decays (is an initial-state particle) (will be null if not a decaying particle!)
"ChiSq_Timing_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] //only present if photon //not present if p4-only fit
//KINEMATIC FIT KINEMATICS //only present if kinfit performed
    map<string, double> dCustomVariables; //key is unique string, double is value
"X4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //not present if p4-only fit
    map<string, const TObject*> dCustomObjects; //key is unique string, TObject* is object
"P4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"])
=== Combo Decaying Particles <span style="color:blue">(If Any, If Detached/KinFit)</span> ===
* All branch names are prefixed with <span style="color:red">"Decaying"</span> and the particle name
** E.g.: <span style="color:red">"DecayingPi0__X4"</span>
  ClassDef(DTreeParticle, 1)
//KINEMATICS: //At the decay vertex
"X4": TLorentzVector["NumCombos"] //only present if has a detached vertex //kinematic fit result if kinfit performed, else reconstructed from detected particles
"PathLengthSigma": Float_t["NumCombos"] //only present if has a detached vertex and both vertices are fit
"P4_KinFit": TLorentzVector["NumCombos"] //only present if kinfit performed
=== DTreeStep ===
=== Combo Missing Particles <span style="color:blue">(If Any & If KinFit)</span> ===
* Roughly mirrors <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleComboStep</span>: collection of <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeParticle</span>'s for a given step of a reaction (e.g. photoproduction, &Lambda; decay, &pi;<sup>0</sup> decay, etc.)
* All branch names are prefixed with <span style="color:red">"Missing"</span> and the particle name
* Extensible: maps can be used by users to add their own custom information.
** E.g.: <span style="color:red">"MissingProton__P4_KinFit"</span>
class DTreeStep : public TObject
//KINFIT KINEMATICS: //At its production vertex //only present if kinfit performed
"P4_KinFit": TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]
    const DTreeParticle* dInitialParticle; //if is null: decaying or beam particle not yet set!
    const DTreeParticle* dTargetParticle; //NULL for no target
= TTree Format: <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span> Info =
    deque<DParticle_t> dFinalParticleIDs; //separate in case particle is NULL (e.g. decaying resonance)
* Stored in <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span>::<span style="color:#008000">fUserInfo</span> (a <span style="color:#0000FF">TList</span>*)
    deque<const DTreeParticle*> dFinalParticles; //particle may be NULL if it is decaying or missing (especially if no kinematic fit was performed!!)
* <span style="color:red">"ParticleNameList"</span>: <span style="color:#0000FF">TList</span> of the names of the reaction particles in the tree, in the order they were specified in the <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span>.
    map<string, double> dCustomVariables; //key is unique string, double is value
    map<string, const TObject*> dCustomObjects; //key is unique string, TObject* is object
  ClassDef(DTreeStep, 1)
* <span style="color:red">"MiscInfoMap"</span>: <span style="color:#0000FF">TMap</span> of <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>
** <span style="color:red">"KinFitType"</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">DKinFitType</span> (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>)
** <span style="color:red">"Target__PID"</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">int</span> (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>): PDG PID of target particle //if a target particle was specified
** <span style="color:red">"Target__Mass"</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">double</span> (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>): Mass of the target particle. //if a target particle was specified
** <span style="color:red">"Missing__PID"</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">int</span> (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>): PDG PID of missing particle //if a missing particle was specified
** <span style="color:red">"Target__CenterX"</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">double</span> (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>): x-coordinate of target center
** <span style="color:red">"Target__CenterY"</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">double</span> (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>): y-coordinate of target center
** <span style="color:red">"Target__CenterZ"</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">double</span> (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>): z-coordinate of target center
** <span style="color:red">"MissingNAME__Mass"</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">double</span> (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>): Mass of the <span style="color:red">'NAME'</span> missing particle (e.g. <span style="color:red">'NAME'</span> = <span style="color:red">Proton</span>). //if a missing particle was specified
** <span style="color:red">"DecayingNAME__Mass"</span> -> <span style="color:#0000FF">double</span> (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>): Mass of the <span style="color:red">'NAME'</span> decaying particle (e.g. <span style="color:red">'NAME'</span> = <span style="color:red">Pi0</span>). //if decaying particles were present
=== DTreeCombo ===
* <span style="color:red">"NameToPIDMap"</span>: <span style="color:#0000FF">TMap</span> of <span style="color:red">"UniqueParticleName"</span> (<span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>) -> <span style="color:#0000FF">int</span> (PDG) (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>)
* Roughly mirrors <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> (collection of <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeStep</span>'s for a given reaction), + detected particles not used in the combo
* Extensible: maps can be used by users to add their own custom information.
class DTreeCombo : public TObject
    // STEPS:
    deque<const DTreeStep*> dTreeSteps;
    // RF:
* <span style="color:red">"NameToPositionMap"</span>: <span style="color:#0000FF">TMap</span> of <span style="color:red">"UniqueParticleName"</span> (<span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>) -> <span style="color:red">"StepIndex_ParticleIndex"</span> (stored in <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>) (ParticleIndex = <span style="color:red">-1</span> for initial, <span style="color:red">-2</span> for target, <span style="color:red">0+</span> for final state)
    double dRFTime;
* <span style="color:red">"PositionToNameMap"</span>: <span style="color:#0000FF">TMap</span> of <span style="color:red">"StepIndex_ParticleIndex"</span> (stored in <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>) (ParticleIndex = <span style="color:red">-1</span> for initial, <span style="color:red">-2</span> for target, <span style="color:red">0+</span> for final state) -> <span style="color:red">"UniqueParticleName"</span> (<span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>)
    vector<const DTreeParticle*> dUnusedDetectedParticles;
    vector<const DTreeShower*> dUnusedDetectedShowers;
* <span style="color:red">"PositionToPIDMap"</span>: <span style="color:#0000FF">TMap</span> of <span style="color:red">"StepIndex_ParticleIndex"</span> (stored in <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>) (ParticleIndex = <span style="color:red">-1</span> for initial, <span style="color:red">-2</span> for target, <span style="color:red">0+</span> for final state) -> <span style="color:#0000FF">int</span> (PDG) (converted to <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>)
    DKinFitType dKinematicFitType; //Defined in DKinFitResults.h //d_NoFit if not performed
    double dChiSq_KinematicFit; //NaN if not performed
    unsigned int dNDF_KinematicFit; //0 if not performed
* <span style="color:red">"DecayProductMap"</span>: <span style="color:#0000FF">TMap</span> of <span style="color:red">"DecayingParticleName"</span> (<span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span>) -> <span style="color:red">"DecayProductNames"</span> (stored in a <span style="color:#0000FF">TList</span> of <span style="color:#0000FF">TObjString</span> objects).  Excludes resonances and intermediate decays (e.g. if &Xi;<sup>-</sup>&rarr;&pi;<sup>-</sup>&Lambda;&rarr;&pi;<sup>-</sup>&pi;<sup>-</sup>p: will be &Xi;<sup>-</sup>&rarr;&pi;<sup>-</sup>&pi;<sup>-</sup>p and &Lambda; decay not listed)
    map<string, double> dCustomVariables; //key is unique string, double is value
    map<string, const TObject*> dCustomObjects; //key is unique string, TObject* is object
  ClassDef(DTreeCombo, 1)
= Usage =
=== Create TTrees ===
* To save data to a <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> for a given <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span>, <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> output must be first be enabled for that reaction.  See [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Analysis_DReaction#DReaction_Control_Variables DReaction Control Variables] for details. 
** Note: Only one thrown tree will be created during program execution. If the <span style="color:#0000FF">DEventWriterROOT</span>::<span style="color:#008000">Create_ThrownTree</span>() function is called more than once, nothing happens on subsequent calls.
#include "ANALYSIS/DEventWriterROOT.h"
//In plugin brun():
const DEventWriterROOT* locEventWriterROOT = NULL;
locEventWriterROOT->Create_DataTrees(locEventLoop); //creates TTrees for all output-enabled DReactions
locEventWriterROOT->Create_ThrownTree("tree_b1pi_thrownmc.root"); //optional: create a ttree containing only the thrown data //string is output file name
=== DTreeEvent ===
=== Save Data to TTree ===
* Contains <span style="color:#0000FF">DTreeCombo</span>'s for each output <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span>, + thrown tracks
* The below only saves the particle combinations (for <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span>-output-enabled <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span>'s created in the factory specified by the tag) that survived all of the <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> cuts.  
* Extensible: maps can be used by users to add their own custom information.  
class DTreeEvent : public TObject
//In plugin evnt()
const DEventWriterROOT* locEventWriterROOT = NULL;
    // RUN, EVENT #'s:
locEventWriterROOT->Fill_DataTrees(locEventLoop, "b1pi_hists"); //string is the DReaction factory tag that the DReactions were created in
    unsigned int dRunNumber;
    unsigned int dEventNumber;
    // DATA:
* The below allows you to choose which <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span>'s (<span style="color:#008000">locParticleCombos</span>) of which <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span>'s (<span style="color:#008000">locReaction</span>) to save.
    map<string, deque<const DTreeCombo*> > dTreeCombos; //string key is (D)Reaction name, deque is the particle combos
** Beware: the <span style="color:#008000">locParticleCombos</span> MUST have originated from the <span style="color:#008000">locReaction</span> or else this will probably crash (can check <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span>::<span style="color:#008000">Get_Reaction</span>()).
    deque<const DTreeParticle*> dThrownParticles;
//In plugin evnt()
#include "ANALYSIS/DEventWriterROOT.h"
vector<const DEventWriterROOT*> locEventWriterROOTVector;
locEventLoop->Get(locEventWriterROOTVector); //creates the TTrees for all DReactions upon first call
locEventWriterROOTVector[0]->Fill_Tree(locEventLoop, locReaction, locParticleCombos);
* The below fills a <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> that only contains the thrown particle data.
    map<string, double> dCustomVariables; //key is unique string, double is value
    map<string, const TObject*> dCustomObjects; //key is unique string, TObject* is object
//In plugin evnt()
const DEventWriterROOT* locEventWriterROOT = NULL;
  ClassDef(DTreeEvent, 1)
=== Accessing TTree Data ===
* <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span>:
MyTree->Draw("PiMinus1__P4_Measured->Theta()"); //draws all particle combinations
* <span style="color:#0000FF">TBrowser</span> (draws all particle combinations):
[[Image:Mattione_TTreeFormat_b1piTBrowserExample.png|thumb|left|900px|b1pi Events]]
<br style="clear:both;"/>
=== TSelector / TPROOF Links===
* [https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/proof Documentation Link: PROOF]
* [https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/proof-multicore-desktop-laptop-proof-lite Documentation Link: PROOF-Lite]
* [https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/developing-tselector Documentation Link: TSelector]
* [https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/processing-proof Documentation Link: Full TSelector Example (with PROOF-Lite)]
* [https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/basic-processing Documentation Link: Process Examples]
* [https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/handling-large-outputs-root-files Documentation Link: Large Output Files]
* [https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/loading-macro-or-class Documentation Link: Loading a macro for PROOF]
* [https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/working-packages-par-files Documentation Link: Working with packages]
= Usage - Advanced =
=== Custom Branches ===
* You can create and fill custom branches by inheriting from the  <span style="color:#0000FF">DEventWriterROOT</span> class to create your own writer class.
* Use the <span style="color:red">trunk/scripts/analysis/MakeEventWriterROOT.pl</span> script to generate the necessary code to do this.
* Run this perl script with no arguments to get complete usage instructions.
=== Preventing Double-Counting ===
* Since you can have multiple particle combinations per event, you have to be very careful to make sure you aren't double-counting when filling your histograms. 
** For example, if you're histogramming the invariant mass of the &pi;<sup>0</sup>'s decay to &gamma;&gamma; in b1pi events using the measured photon data, multiple combinations may use the same showers for the photons, while having different tracks for the other particles.
= Converting for AmpTools =
* To convert the <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> for use as input to AmpTools, use the tree_to_amptools in the gluex_root_analysis repository. Run with no arguments for instructions.

Latest revision as of 10:41, 19 October 2017

TTree Format - Overview

  • Physics Analysis Root TTree (PART) format.

Data Hierarchy

  • One TTree per DReaction, each stored in the ROOT files specified by the user.
    • e.g., If 2 DReactions: missing & detected recoil proton: 2 different trees, could be in separate files or the same file.
  • One TTree entry per event.
  • All particle data stored in arrays/TClonesArray's: one array index per particle.
    • Thrown particles
    • Reconstructed neutral and charged hypotheses (by default: only used ones, but can save all: DReaction setting)
    • Beam photons that are later used in combos (unused beam particles are NOT saved)
    • Combo particle information
  • Event-independent information (e.g. the target, the DReaction decay chain, etc.) is stored in TTree::fUserInfo (a TList*)


  • Enables C++ interface to TTree data, provides PROOF-Lite launcher, and much more.
  • Instructions for making and using a DSelector can be found at: Link

TTree Format: Simulated Data

Thrown Non-Particle Data

"RunNumber": UInt_t
"EventNumber": ULong64_t
"MCWeight": Float_t
// # PARTICLES //array size of the thrown particle branches
"NumThrown": UInt_t
"NumPIDThrown_FinalState": ULong64_t //the # of thrown final-state particles (+ pi0) of each type (multiplexed in base 10)
                                       //types (in order from 10^0 -> 10^15): g, e+, e-, nu, mu+, mu-, pi0, pi+, pi-, KLong, K+, K-, n, p, p-bar, n-bar
                                       //e.g. particles decaying from final-state particles are NOT included (e.g. photons from pi0, muons from pions, etc.)
                                     //is sum of #-of-PID * 10^ParticleMultiplexPower() (defined in libraries/include/particleType.h)
                                     //ParticleMultiplexPower() returns a different power of 10 for each final-state PID type. 
                                     //A value of 9 should be interpreted as >= 9.  
"PIDThrown_Decaying": ULong64_t //the types of the thrown decaying particles in the event (multiplexed in base 2)
                                //not the quantity of each, just whether or not they were present (1 or 0)
                                //binary power of a PID is given by ParticleMultiplexPower() (defined in libraries/include/particleType.h)
                                //types: most Particle_t's that aren't final state (e.g. lambda, eta, phi, rho0, etc.) see ParticleMultiplexPower()

Thrown Beam Particle

  • All branch names are prefixed with "ThrownBeam__"
"PID": Int_t //PDG ID value
//KINEMATICS: //At the production vertex 
"X4": TLorentzVector //This is the TAGGED energy //Use THIS for binning your results //Is ZERO if NOT TAGGED
"P4": TLorentzVector
"GeneratedEnergy": Float_t

Thrown Products

  • All branch names are prefixed with "Thrown__"
  • NOTE: The only contains particles corresponding to the "FinalState" and "Decaying" tags of DMCThrown.
    • In other words: No resonances, no decay products of final-state particles, and no orphan particles.
"ParentIndex": Int_t["NumThrown"] //the thrown particle array index of the particle this particle decayed from (-1 if none (e.g. photoproduced))
"PID": Int_t["NumThrown"] //PDG ID value
//MATCHING //only present if reconstructed data present (i.e. not if thrown-only tree)
"MatchID": Int_t["NumThrown"] //the "NeutralID"/"TrackID" of the reconstructed neutral/track that it is matched with (-1 for no match)
"MatchFOM": Float_t["NumThrown"] //Neutrals: confidence level //Tracks: #-matched-hits * hit_fraction //(-1 for no match)
//KINEMATICS: //Reported at the particle's production vertex 
"X4": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumThrown"])
"P4": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumThrown"])

TTree Format: Combo-Independent Data

Non-Particle Data

"RunNumber": UInt_t
"EventNumber": ULong64_t
"L1TriggerBits": UInt_t
"X4_Production": TLorentzVector //V3 from DVertex (kinfit), t from RF (propagated to V3)
// # PARTICLES //these are the array sizes for the particle branches
"NumBeam": UInt_t
"NumChargedHypos": UInt_t
"NumNeutralHypos": UInt_t
// TOPOLOGY //only present if simulated data
"IsThrownTopology": Bool_t //Does the DReaction decay chain match the thrown decay chain
"NumUnusedTracks": UChar_t
"NumCombos": UInt_t //size of all of the particle-combo-content arrays

Beam Particles (If Used in Combo)

  • Only the beam particles that are included in at least one combo are present.
  • All branch names are prefixed with "Beam__"
"PID": Int_t["NumBeam"] //PDG ID value
"IsGenerator": Bool_t["NumBeam"] // kTRUE/kFALSE if matches the generator beam photon (-1 for no match) //only present if simulated data
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED //At the production vertex
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumBeam"]) //position is at the production vertex (same as X4_Production(), except the time)
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumBeam"])

Charged Track Hypotheses

  • Includes all hypotheses, whether they appear in the combos or not.
  • All branch names are prefixed with "ChargedHypo__"
"TrackID": Int_t["NumChargedHypos"] //each physical particle has its own # (to keep track of different pid hypotheses for the same particle)
"PID": Int_t["NumChargedHypos"] //PDG ID value
"ThrownIndex": Int_t["NumChargedHypos"] //the array index of the thrown particle it is matched with (-1 for no match) //only present if simulated data
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED  //At the production vertex 
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumChargedHypos"])
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumChargedHypos"]) //t is the measured value in TOF/BCAL/FCAL projected back to Position_Measured
"NDF_Tracking": UInt_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"ChiSq_Tracking": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"NDF_DCdEdx": UInt_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"ChiSq_DCdEdx": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"dEdx_CDC": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"dEdx_FDC": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"HitTime": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //the system that is hit is in order of preference: BCAL/TOF/FCAL/ST 
                                      //to determine which, look whether energy was deposited in these systems
"RFDeltaTVar": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //Variance of X4_Measured.T() - RFTime, regardless of which RF bunch is chosen. 
                                          //Can be used to compute timing ChiSq //RF bunch is combo-dependent
"Beta_Timing": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
"ChiSq_Timing": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"NDF_Timing": UInt_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"dEdx_TOF": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"dEdx_ST": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"Energy_BCAL": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"Energy_BCALPreshower": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"Energy_FCAL": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"]
"SigLong_BCAL" Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] // Longitudinal (outward radially from the target) shower width
"SigTheta_BCAL" Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] // Theta shower width
"SigTrans_BCAL" Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] // Transverse (azimuthal) shower width 
"TrackBCAL_DeltaPhi": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //999.0 if not matched //units are radians
"TrackBCAL_DeltaZ": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //999.0 if not matched //Track position - BCAL Shower
"TrackFCAL_DOCA": Float_t["NumChargedHypos"] //999.0 if not matched

Neutral Particle Hypotheses

  • All branch names are prefixed with "NeutralHypo__"
  • Includes all hypotheses, whether they appear in the combos or not.
  • Discussion on P4 & X4:
    • Note that P4 is not present because it is defined by X4, and X4 is not present because it is defined by the tracks, which are combo-dependent
    • For combo particles, P4 & X4 are listed for each combo
    • If not used in a combo, can be computed using the shower hit information and the vertex & RF-time of your choosing (e.g. combo production-vertex, RF-time)
  • To determine whether is BCAL or FCAL, see which system has non-zero energy
"NeutralID": Int_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //each physical particle has its own # (to keep track of different pid hypotheses for the same particle)
"PID": Int_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //PDG ID value
"ThrownIndex": Int_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //the array index of the thrown particle it is matched with (-1 for no match) //only present if simulated data
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED  //At the production vertex 
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumNeutralHypos"])
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumNeutralHypos"]) //t is the measured value in TOF/BCAL/FCAL projected back to Position_Measured
"Beta_Timing": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
"ChiSq_Timing": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //-1 if not photon
"NDF_Timing": UInt_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //0 if not photon
"X4_Shower": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //location/time of the reconstructed shower
"Energy_BCAL": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is 0.0 if shower in FCAL
"Energy_BCALPreshower": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is 0.0 if shower in FCAL
"Energy_FCAL": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is 0.0 if shower in BCAL
"SigLong_BCAL" Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] // Longitudinal (outward radially from the target) shower width
"SigTheta_BCAL" Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] // Theta shower width
"SigTrans_BCAL" Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] // Transverse (azimuthal) shower width 
"TrackBCAL_DeltaPhi": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is delta to nearest track, is 999.0 if no tracks on BCAL
"TrackBCAL_DeltaZ": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is delta to nearest track, is 999.0 if no tracks on BCAL
"TrackFCAL_DOCA": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //is DOCA to nearest track, is 999.0 if no tracks on FCAL
   //Computed using DVertex (best estimate of reaction vertex using all "good" tracks)
   //Can be used to compute timing chisq //is invalid (0) for non-photons
"PhotonRFDeltaTVar": Float_t["NumNeutralHypos"] //Variance of DVertexX4.T() - RFTime, regardless of which RF bunch is chosen. //RF bunch is combo-dependent

TTree Format: Combo-Dependent Data

  • All particle combo data is stored in arrays: array entries correspond to different particle combos

Particle-Independent Data

"IsComboCut": Bool_t["NumCombos"] //if true, combo has been previously cut (all kFALSE originally, user can apply cuts in TSelector, change this flag, and output new TTree)
//COMBO THROWN MATCHING //not present if not simulated data
"IsTrueCombo": Bool_t["NumCombos"] //"IsThrownTopology" = kTRUE, each particle has the right PID, and the combo particle chain matches the thrown decay chain
"IsBDTSignalCombo": Bool_t["NumCombos"] //Similar to "IsTrueCombo", except other thrown topologies that decay to the DReaction topology are marked as signal
                                        //Note that if you have an &omega; or &phi; in your DReaction, you still have to filter your combos prior to BDT 
                                        //input to remove duplicate entries. This is because the omega & phi masses are not constrained in the kinematic fit, 
                                        //nor should they be in the BDT, so you have duplicate entries from the point-of-view of the BDT due to combinatorics 
                                        //(e.g. which pions decayed from the omega, and which ones didn't, are irrelevant to the BDT). 
"RFTime_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"] //reported at center of target
"RFTime_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] //reported at center of target //only if spacetime kinematic fit performed
"ChiSq_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] //only if kinematic fit performed
"NDF_KinFit": UInt_t["NumCombos"] //only if kinematic fit performed // = 0 if kinematic fit doesn't converge
"Energy_UnusedShowers": Float_t["NumCombos"] // summed energy of neutral showers in the event not included in the combo (requiring unused showers are in time and have a polar angle > 2 degrees to reduce contamination from EM background)
//UNUSED TRACKS //For tracks unused by combo, the hypo chosen is the one with the best tracking FOM
"SumPMag_UnusedTracks": Float_t["NumCombos"]
"SumP3_UnusedTracks": TClonesArray(TVector3["NumCombos"])

Particle Branch-Name Prefixes

Example Reaction (b1pi):

  • γ p →ω, π+, π-, (p)
    • ω → π+, π-, π0
      • π0 → γ γ

Branch Names:

  • Beam: "ComboBeam"
  • Detected: "PiMinus1", "PiPlus1", "PiPlus2", "PiMinus2", "Photon1", "Photon2"
  • Decaying: "DecayingPi0"
  • Missing: "MissingProton"

Combo Beam Particles (If Any)

  • All branch names are prefixed with "ComboBeam__"
    • E.g. "ComboBeam__BeamIndex"
"BeamIndex": Int_t["NumCombos"] //array index to the "Beam__" branches that correspond to this particle
//KINEMATICS: KINFIT //At the interaction vertex //only present if kinfit performed
"X4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //not present if p4-only fit
"P4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //not present if vertex-only or spacetime-only fit, unless beam is charged

Combo Tracks (If Any)

  • All branch names are prefixed with the particle name
    • E.g. "Proton__ChargedIndex", "PiMinus1__P4_KinFit"
"ChargedIndex": Int_t["NumCombos"] //array index to the "ChargedHypo__" branches that correspond to this particle
//PID INFO: MEASURED //using combo RF bunch
"Beta_Timing_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
"ChiSq_Timing_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"]
//PID INFO: KINFIT //using combo RF bunch //not present if time constrained //uses combo vertex & p4 if kinfit
"Beta_Timing_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
"ChiSq_Timing_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"]
//KINEMATIC FIT KINEMATICS //only present if kinfit performed
"X4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //not present if p4-only fit
"P4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"])

Combo Neutrals (If Any)

  • All branch names are prefixed with the particle name
    • E.g. "Photon1__NeutralIndex", "Neutron__P4_KinFit"
"NeutralIndex": Int_t["NumCombos"] //array index to the "NeutralHypo__" branches that correspond to this particle
                                   //Note that they may not have the same PID (and thus P4) as this!!
                                      //If this is a PID not created by default (e.g. K0Long)
//KINEMATICS: MEASURED  //At the production vertex 
"P4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"])
"X4_Measured": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //t is the measured value in TOF/BCAL/FCAL projected back to Position_Measured
"Beta_Timing_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t)
"ChiSq_Timing_Measured": Float_t["NumCombos"] //only present if photon
"Beta_Timing_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] // = Path_Length/(c*Delta_t) //not present if p4-only fit
"ChiSq_Timing_KinFit": Float_t["NumCombos"] //only present if photon //not present if p4-only fit
//KINEMATIC FIT KINEMATICS //only present if kinfit performed
"X4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]) //not present if p4-only fit
"P4_KinFit": TClonesArray(TLorentzVector["NumCombos"])

Combo Decaying Particles (If Any, If Detached/KinFit)

  • All branch names are prefixed with "Decaying" and the particle name
    • E.g.: "DecayingPi0__X4"
//KINEMATICS: //At the decay vertex 
"X4": TLorentzVector["NumCombos"] //only present if has a detached vertex //kinematic fit result if kinfit performed, else reconstructed from detected particles
"PathLengthSigma": Float_t["NumCombos"] //only present if has a detached vertex and both vertices are fit
"P4_KinFit": TLorentzVector["NumCombos"] //only present if kinfit performed

Combo Missing Particles (If Any & If KinFit)

  • All branch names are prefixed with "Missing" and the particle name
    • E.g.: "MissingProton__P4_KinFit"
//KINFIT KINEMATICS: //At its production vertex //only present if kinfit performed
"P4_KinFit": TLorentzVector["NumCombos"]

TTree Format: DReaction Info

  • Stored in TTree::fUserInfo (a TList*)
  • "ParticleNameList": TList of the names of the reaction particles in the tree, in the order they were specified in the DReaction.
  • "MiscInfoMap": TMap of TObjString -> TObjString
    • "KinFitType" -> DKinFitType (converted to TObjString)
    • "Target__PID" -> int (converted to TObjString): PDG PID of target particle //if a target particle was specified
    • "Target__Mass" -> double (converted to TObjString): Mass of the target particle. //if a target particle was specified
    • "Missing__PID" -> int (converted to TObjString): PDG PID of missing particle //if a missing particle was specified
    • "Target__CenterX" -> double (converted to TObjString): x-coordinate of target center
    • "Target__CenterY" -> double (converted to TObjString): y-coordinate of target center
    • "Target__CenterZ" -> double (converted to TObjString): z-coordinate of target center
    • "MissingNAME__Mass" -> double (converted to TObjString): Mass of the 'NAME' missing particle (e.g. 'NAME' = Proton). //if a missing particle was specified
    • "DecayingNAME__Mass" -> double (converted to TObjString): Mass of the 'NAME' decaying particle (e.g. 'NAME' = Pi0). //if decaying particles were present
  • "NameToPIDMap": TMap of "UniqueParticleName" (TObjString) -> int (PDG) (converted to TObjString)
  • "NameToPositionMap": TMap of "UniqueParticleName" (TObjString) -> "StepIndex_ParticleIndex" (stored in TObjString) (ParticleIndex = -1 for initial, -2 for target, 0+ for final state)
  • "PositionToNameMap": TMap of "StepIndex_ParticleIndex" (stored in TObjString) (ParticleIndex = -1 for initial, -2 for target, 0+ for final state) -> "UniqueParticleName" (TObjString)
  • "PositionToPIDMap": TMap of "StepIndex_ParticleIndex" (stored in TObjString) (ParticleIndex = -1 for initial, -2 for target, 0+ for final state) -> int (PDG) (converted to TObjString)
  • "DecayProductMap": TMap of "DecayingParticleName" (TObjString) -> "DecayProductNames" (stored in a TList of TObjString objects). Excludes resonances and intermediate decays (e.g. if Ξ-→π-Λ→π-π-p: will be Ξ-→π-π-p and Λ decay not listed)


Create TTrees

  • To save data to a TTree for a given DReaction, TTree output must be first be enabled for that reaction. See DReaction Control Variables for details.
    • Note: Only one thrown tree will be created during program execution. If the DEventWriterROOT::Create_ThrownTree() function is called more than once, nothing happens on subsequent calls.
#include "ANALYSIS/DEventWriterROOT.h"
//In plugin brun():
const DEventWriterROOT* locEventWriterROOT = NULL;
locEventWriterROOT->Create_DataTrees(locEventLoop); //creates TTrees for all output-enabled DReactions
locEventWriterROOT->Create_ThrownTree("tree_b1pi_thrownmc.root"); //optional: create a ttree containing only the thrown data //string is output file name

Save Data to TTree

  • The below only saves the particle combinations (for TTree-output-enabled DReaction's created in the factory specified by the tag) that survived all of the DAnalysisAction cuts.
//In plugin evnt()
const DEventWriterROOT* locEventWriterROOT = NULL;
locEventWriterROOT->Fill_DataTrees(locEventLoop, "b1pi_hists"); //string is the DReaction factory tag that the DReactions were created in
  • The below allows you to choose which DParticleCombo's (locParticleCombos) of which DReaction's (locReaction) to save.
    • Beware: the locParticleCombos MUST have originated from the locReaction or else this will probably crash (can check DParticleCombo::Get_Reaction()).
//In plugin evnt()
#include "ANALYSIS/DEventWriterROOT.h"
vector<const DEventWriterROOT*> locEventWriterROOTVector;
locEventLoop->Get(locEventWriterROOTVector); //creates the TTrees for all DReactions upon first call
locEventWriterROOTVector[0]->Fill_Tree(locEventLoop, locReaction, locParticleCombos);
  • The below fills a TTree that only contains the thrown particle data.
//In plugin evnt()
const DEventWriterROOT* locEventWriterROOT = NULL;

Accessing TTree Data

  • TTree:
MyTree->Draw("PiMinus1__P4_Measured->Theta()"); //draws all particle combinations
  • TBrowser (draws all particle combinations):
b1pi Events

TSelector / TPROOF Links

Usage - Advanced

Custom Branches

  • You can create and fill custom branches by inheriting from the DEventWriterROOT class to create your own writer class.
  • Use the trunk/scripts/analysis/MakeEventWriterROOT.pl script to generate the necessary code to do this.
  • Run this perl script with no arguments to get complete usage instructions.

Preventing Double-Counting

  • Since you can have multiple particle combinations per event, you have to be very careful to make sure you aren't double-counting when filling your histograms.
    • For example, if you're histogramming the invariant mass of the π0's decay to γγ in b1pi events using the measured photon data, multiple combinations may use the same showers for the photons, while having different tracks for the other particles.

Converting for AmpTools

  • To convert the TTree for use as input to AmpTools, use the tree_to_amptools in the gluex_root_analysis repository. Run with no arguments for instructions.