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(Runplan Schedule)
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*# Dec. 7th-8th Electron/Photon beam restoration (1 days)
*# Dec. 7th-8th Electron/Photon beam restoration (1 days)
*# Dec. 8th-16th: Accelerator Fast Feedback commissioning and nA BPM commissioning. Meanwhile, we may parasitically conduct tagger detector tests. We may also have the beam available, typically during the night, to conduct our own commissioning.   
*# Dec. 8th-16th: Accelerator Fast Feedback commissioning and nA BPM commissioning. Meanwhile, we may parasitically conduct tagger detector tests. We may also have the beam available, typically during the night, to conduct our own commissioning.   
* Goals for the Spring 2015 run.
* Goals for the Fall 2015 run.
# Beam transport and control commissioning (accelerator responsibility):
# Beam transport and control commissioning (accelerator responsibility):
## Position Fast Feedback: Trent Allison, Brian Bevins. Expected time: 40h.  
## Position Fast Feedback: Trent Allison, Brian Bevins. Expected time: 40h.  
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## Beam line model test: Todd Satogata). Expected time: 2 h.
## Beam line model test: Todd Satogata). Expected time: 2 h.
# Continue commissioning of the Hall D equipment (Hall D responsibility):
# Continue commissioning of the Hall D equipment (Hall D responsibility):
## [http://argus.phys.uregina.ca/gluex/DocDB/0028/002819/001/TAGMFall2015RunPlan.pdf Tagger detectors commissioning] (Richard J. and Alex B.). Expected time: 7h.
## [https://halldweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0028/002819/001/TAGMFall2015RunPlan.pdf Tagger detectors commissioning] (Richard J. and Alex B.). Expected time: 7h.  
##* Bias voltage study can be done parasitically to the FFB work.
##* Bias voltage study can be done parasitically to the FFB work.
## PS, tagger detectors and trigger studies (Alex S.): Expected time: needs as much data as possible. Main magnetic field is not necessary. Calorimeters, SC and TOF need to be on during theses studies. <span style="color:red">Detailed plan needed from Alex S. </span>
##* Hodoscope Voltage scan (Nathan S.) 1h.
## Trigger tests at high current (μA): Alex S.
## PS, tagger detectors and trigger studies (Alex S.): Expected time: typically, we will do trigger study and take trigger data during 1.5 shift (the second half of the swing shift and during owl shift).
## Trigger tests at high current (μA): Alex S. 2h.
## DAQ (Sergey F). Expected time: about 1h of dedicated DAQ time each day.  
## DAQ (Sergey F). Expected time: about 1h of dedicated DAQ time each day.  
##*The goal is to optimize DAQ performance : data rate, trigger rate, live time. Several parameters have to be defined for every DAQ components independently: detectors readout (for FDC,CDC,FCAL,BCAL,...) , event builder, data concentrators, event recorder, to find the slowest.
## π<sup>0</sup> calibration. (Elton S.) 8h <span style="color:red">Need the luminosity, detector and trigger specifications</span>
##*Optimization includes different triggers and beam currents.
## Trigger Level-3 commissioning. 2-3h during 2 days.  
##*FDC/CDC will be needed for about 30min with a 50-100nA current.  
##*The detectors will be running the same hardware (no new fiber bundles for Fall15) and software as the previous run.
## Transition radiation detector (Lubomir P. and Sergei F.). [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/TRD_Instructions_For_Fall_2015_Run Runplan and instructions are here.] Expected time: Parasitic to other Hall D activities.
## Transition radiation detector (Lubomir P. and Sergei F.). [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/TRD_Instructions_For_Fall_2015_Run Runplan and instructions are here.] Expected time: Parasitic to other Hall D activities.
## FDC straight tracks studies (low luminosity) ? (Lubomir P.)
## Calorimeters, ST and TOF will take parasitic data (for their sake and because of the trigger/DAQ studies).
## Calorimeters, ST and TOF will take parasitic data (for their sake and because of the trigger/DAQ studies).
* Expected Staffing and responsibilities:  
* Expected Staffing and responsibilities:  
**The Run Coordinator (RC, Alexandre Deur) oversees the commissioning.  
**The Run Coordinator (RC, Alexandre Deur) oversees the commissioning.  
**The Physics Division Liaison (PDL, Benedikt Zihlmann) and Hall D Work Coordinator/Safety Warden (T. Carstens) verify that the proper safety rules are followed.  
**The Physics Division Liaison (PDL, Benedikt Zihlmann until Dec. 15th. Mark Ito from Dec 15th to 21st) and Hall D Work Coordinator/Safety Warden (T. Carstens) verify that the proper safety rules are followed.  
**Shifts: 2 persons per shift. The usual requirement that at least one of the shift taker has Solenoid training is not in effect for the Fall 15 run (Solenoid field will be off).
**Shifts: 2 persons per shift. The usual requirement that at least one of the shift taker has Solenoid training is not in effect for the Fall 15 run (Solenoid field will be off).
* Coordination Activities:
* Coordination Activities:
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***[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/3/33/Memo_and_schedule_20151113_public.pdf long term calendar]
***[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/3/33/Memo_and_schedule_20151113_public.pdf long term calendar]
***[https://accweb.acc.jlab.org/calendar/  Scheduled Accelerator Down (SAD)/Maintenance Calendar]
***[https://accweb.acc.jlab.org/calendar/  Scheduled Accelerator Down (SAD)/Maintenance Calendar]
***[http://accboard.acc.jlab.org/ http://accboard.acc.jlab.org/]
***[http://accboard.acc.jlab.org/ http://accboard.acc.jlab.org/]
**Links to previous runplans
***[https://halldweb.jlab.org/hdops/wiki/index.php/Fall_2014_Commissioning_Plan 10.5 GeV Fall 2014]
***[https://halldweb.jlab.org/hdops/wiki/index.php/Spring_2015_6GeV_Commissioning_Plan  6 GeV spring 2015]
** Links to beam parameters/radiation level monitoring:
** Links to beam parameters/radiation level monitoring:
***[https://www.jlab.org/accel/RadCon/opsgraphs/8h/halld_8h.pdf Last 8-hours plots showing 1-minute, 10-minute, and hourly averages]  
***[https://www.jlab.org/accel/RadCon/opsgraphs/8h/halld_8h.pdf Last 8-hours plots showing 1-minute, 10-minute, and hourly averages]  
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*  Beam energy expected: 12.047 GeV (1.090 GeV/linac and 0.123 GeV for the injector and -0.066 GeV of synchrotron radiation losses. This set-up should also be used for the Spring 16 run)
*  Beam energy expected: 12.047 GeV (1.090 GeV/linac and 0.123 GeV for the injector and -0.066 GeV of synchrotron radiation losses. This set-up should also be used for the Spring 16 run)
* Solenoid off.  
* Solenoid off.  
* Beam current: CW 5 na-3 μA. 250 MHz frequency.
* Beam current: CW 5 na-3 μA. 250 MHz frequency. Default current and radiator: 100 nA/1.12&middot;10<sup>-4</sup> R.L. However, if DAQ supports it, we should run with 200 nA/1.12&middot;10<sup>-4</sup> R.L since it is close to the expected luminosity for the first GlueX run.
* Radiators:  
* Radiators:  
** 1.5 &micro;m Al (1.7&middot;10<sup>-5</sup> R.L.)
** 1.64 &micro;m Al (1.86&middot;10<sup>-5</sup> R.L., see [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3631428 study])
** 10 &micro;m Al (11.2&middot;10<sup>-5</sup> R.L.)
** 10 &micro;m Al (11.2&middot;10<sup>-5</sup> R.L.)
** 30 &micro;m Al (33.7&middot;10<sup>-5</sup> R.L.)
** 30 &micro;m Al (33.7&middot;10<sup>-5</sup> R.L.)
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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
We expect a very limited amount of beam time (approx. 1 to 1.5 weeks) and will run a reduced program. The schedule of the runplan will be done once the accelerator commission plans (FFB, nA BPM) are finalized.
We expect a very limited amount of beam time (approx. 1 to 1.5 weeks) and will run a reduced program. The schedule of the runplan will be done once the accelerator commission plans (FFB, nA BPM) are finalized.
==Runplan Schedule==
[[File:schedule_fall15.gif | 1001px]]
==Tune Electron Beam==
==Tune Electron Beam==
The goal is to tune the beam so that the FFB commissioning (done during day shifts) is done with a beam as close as possible to the one we will use. This entails tuning the photon beam as well. Photon beam must also be properly setup in order to carry out our commissioning during swing and owl shifts.  
The goal is to tune the beam so that the FFB commissioning (done during day shifts) is done with a beam as close as possible to the one we will use. This entails tuning the photon beam as well. Photon beam must also be properly setup in order to carry out our commissioning during swing and owl shifts.  
*I<b>on Chambers trip threshold must be set.<b>
*<b>Ion Chambers trip threshold must be set.</b>
*Tune electron beam with radiator retracted   
*Tune electron beam with radiator retracted   
**<b>Amorphous Radiator (and diamond) must be retracted. Collimator should be in blocking position. CDC/FDC are off</b>
**<b>Amorphous Radiator (and diamond) must be retracted. Collimator should be in blocking position. CDC/FDC are off</b>
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**<b>Hall D tagger  CARMS, Ion Chamber and BLM threshold for beam trips should not be changed without approval of Hall D leader.</b>
**<b>Hall D tagger  CARMS, Ion Chamber and BLM threshold for beam trips should not be changed without approval of Hall D leader.</b>
*Establish good photon beam  
*Establish good photon beam  
**Insert 10<sup>-5</sup> RL radiator.
**Insert 10<sup>-5</sup> RL radiator. (Call MCC and ask to mask the FSD each time the radiator is moved)
#* Typical levels are (for 2*10^-5 radiator, electron beam current 50 nA)
#* Typical levels are (for 2*10^-5 radiator, electron beam current 50 nA)
#**RAD102_P1= <span style="color:#ff00ff">2-10  mrad/hr</span> (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
#**RAD102_P1= <span style="color:#ff00ff">2-10  mrad/hr</span> (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
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#**RAD102_P3= <span style="color:#ff00ff"> ~0.5 mrem/hr</span> (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
#**RAD102_P3= <span style="color:#ff00ff"> ~0.5 mrem/hr</span> (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
#**RAD101_P1= <span style="color:#ff00ff">~10 mrad/hr</span> (collimator cave, gammas).
#**RAD101_P1= <span style="color:#ff00ff">~10 mrad/hr</span> (collimator cave, gammas).
#**Record neutron radiation levels of the new neutron probe in the Hall.
*Once radiation levels are good, proceed with radiation level study (1h):
**Run 5 min without radiator (Call MCC and ask to mask the FSD each time the radiator is moved). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 100 nA and 200 nA
**Run 5 min with the 10^-4 radiator (Call MCC). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 100 nA and 200 nA
**Run 3 min with the 3*10^-4 radiator (Call MCC). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 100 nA and 200 nA
* Active Collimator calibration.
**re-Insert the 2*10^-5 radiator (Call MCC).
**It should be done MCC following an automatic procedure. If it is not in place, then do the following:
***Determine maximum photon beam transmission by doing 2D scans (x: beam scan, y: beam scan. ±5cm with 0.5cm steps). Stay 5 seconds with stable beam for each steps <b> Remind MCC that they should use only the last corrector (5C11A) to adjust the beam position. If the adjustment results in unacceptable e- beam position in the tagger dump, remind MCC that they should use the tagger magnet only to readjust the e- beam position in the tagger dump.</b>Meanwhile, monitor the rate at the active target and rates (including coinc.) in the pair spectrometer.
**Record on the white board what is the profiler position corresponding to the center of the A.C.
*Hodoscope Bias voltage: Nathan Sparks.
==Fast Feedback and nA commissioning. Beam transport and control commissioning.==
==Fast Feedback and nA commissioning. Beam transport and control commissioning.==
*Accelerator responsibility.
*Accelerator responsibility.
*#Commissioning will be done everyday during day shift for 4-8h.
*#The test will start at 1μA, and possibly 3μA. No radiator will be in place but, due to the nature of the commissioning, beam scrapping will certainly occur. FFB commissioning will be concluded by low current (5nA) nA-BPM commissioning.
*#The test will start at 1μA, and possibly 3μA. No radiator will be in place but, due to the nature of the commissioning, beam scrapping will certainly occur. FFB commissioning will be concluded by low current (5nA) nA-BPM commissioning.
*#Beam line FOPT. About 2h of data. Data for beam energy stability study will be gathered at the same time.
*#Beam line FOPT. About 2h of data. Data for beam energy stability study will be gathered at the same time.
*Bias voltage studies can be done parasitically (4h, Alex B.)
*Once the fast feedback work is done, restore the photon Beam.
*#Prerequisites:</b> Amorphous (and diamond) radiator retracted. Collimator should be in blocking position. Electron beam is restored and radiation levels are acceptable. <b> Optional: Pair Spectrometer detectors/field on and its DAQ is running
*#Call MCC to inform them we will Insert 2*10^-5 radiator. Insert the radiator. Check the beam position on the profiler (see whiteboard). Adjust it if necessary.  <b>  If such adjustments are necessary, remind MCC that they should use only the last corrector (5C11A) to adjust the beam position. If the adjustment results in unacceptable e- beam position in the tagger dump, remind MCC that they should use the tagger magnet only to readjust the e- beam position in the tagger dump.</b>
*#Insert the 5mm collimator. Check beam position on the Profiler and Active collimator. Check that radiation levels are good. Run for 7min to gather enough data for radiation level studies.
*#* Typical levels are (for 2*10^-5 radiator, electron beam current 50 nA)
*#**RAD102_P1= <span style="color:#ff00ff">2-10  mrad/hr</span> (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
*#**RAD102_P2= <span style="color:red"> 10-20  mrad/hr</span> (tagger area, gammas, near electronics racks)
*#**RAD102_P3= <span style="color:#ff00ff"> ~0.5 mrem/hr</span> (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
*#**RAD101_P1= <span style="color:#ff00ff">~10 mrad/hr</span> (collimator cave, gammas).
*#**Record neutron radiation levels of the new neutron probe in the Hall.
==Restore Photon Beam.==
==DAQ Test==
#Prerequisites:</b> Amorphous (and diamond) radiator retracted. Collimator should be in blocking position. Electron beam is restored and radiation levels are acceptable. <b> Optional: Pair Spectrometer detectors/field on and its DAQ is running
*1h of DAQ test: Sergey F.
#Call MCC to inform them we will Insert 2*10^-5 radiator. Insert the radiator. Check the beam position on the profiler. Adjust it if necessary. x and y should be 0±0.5cm. <b>  If such adjustments are necessary, remind MCC that they should use only the last corrector (5C11A) to adjust the beam position. If the adjustment results in unacceptable e- beam position in the tagger dump, remind MCC that they should use the tagger magnet only to readjust the e- beam position in the tagger dump.</b>
*#The goal is to optimize DAQ performance : data rate, trigger rate, live time. Several parameters have to be defined for every DAQ components independently: detectors readout (for FDC,CDC,FCAL,BCAL,...) , event builder, data *concentrators, event recorder, to find the slowest.  
#Insert the 5mm collimator. Check beam position on the Profiler and Active collimator. Check that radiation levels are good. Run for 7min to gather enough data for radiation level studies.  
*#Optimization includes different triggers and beam currents.  
#* Typical levels are (for 2*10^-5 radiator, electron beam current 50 nA)
*#FDC/CDC will be needed for about 30min with a 50-100nA current.  
#**RAD102_P1= <span style="color:#ff00ff">2-10  mrad/hr</span> (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
*#The detectors will be running the same hardware (no new fiber bundles for Fall15) and software as the previous run.
#**RAD102_P2= <span style="color:red"> 10-20  mrad/hr</span> (tagger area, gammas, near electronics racks)
#**RAD102_P3= <span style="color:#ff00ff"> ~0.5 mrem/hr</span> (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
#**RAD101_P1= <span style="color:#ff00ff">~10 mrad/hr</span> (collimator cave, gammas).
==Fast Active Collimator calibration (5 min)==
==Trigger Test/Setup==
*Accelerator responsibility.
*2h of trigger setup/test each day. 1.5 shifts for 4 days and 1 shift for the last two days. Alex. S.
*Bias voltage studies can be done parasitically (4h, Alex B.)
*[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/November_30,_2015 Runplan for the trigger commissioning] 
*Calorimeters, SC and TOF may need to be on during theses studies.
==Fast Feedback and nA commissionings==
==Tagger detector commissioning==
*Accelerator responsibility.
12h. Alex. B. [https://halldweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0028/002819/001/TAGMFall2015RunPlan.pdf Tagger detectors commissioning plan]
==Runplan Schedule==
==π<sup>0</sup> calibration ==
[[File:schedule_fall15.gif | 1000px]]
*12h. Elton S.
*Run conditions: Default settings for trigger settings with solenoid off and current beam conditions.
*Highest beam current but safely away from pileup.
**Nominal Beam current: 100 nA
**Nominal Radiator: 1.12·10-4 R.L.
*All detectors on, except for FDC.
*Inner FCAL rings removed from trigger sum based on trigger studies.
*Data mode: 7 (75%) and mode 8 (25%) of runs.
*Nominal trigger (same as spring configuration):
**FCAL_BCAL trigger .or. FCAL only .or. BCAL only (see below)
**Thresholds for the BCAL should be the same as for the spring run. FADC250_TRIG_THR = 110 = (110-100)*0.041 MeV/count = 0.4 MeV per cell threshold
**Thresholds for the FCAL should be the same as for the spring run. FADC250_TRIG_THR = 165 = (165-100)*0.27 MeV/count = 18 MeV per cell threshold
==Level-3 trigger==
*2-3h. David L.
*Run at the highest luminosity possible. CDC/FDC desirable but not necessary if this limits the luminosity

Latest revision as of 15:28, 26 November 2018

This page gives the run plan for the Fall 2015 commissioning. It is a controlled document that can be edited only by E. Chudakov, E. Smith, A. Deur or David Lawrence. Suggestions and comments should be send to them.

Items in red indicate missing information.

Items in pink indicate information requiring verification.

General Information

This document describes the run plan and procedures for the Hall D Fall 2015 commissioning.

  • Schedule for the Fall 2015 run. (Dates are according to the long term calendar. They will be updated if necessary in the run coordination meeting pages)
    1. Dec. 7th-8th Electron/Photon beam restoration (1 days)
    2. Dec. 8th-16th: Accelerator Fast Feedback commissioning and nA BPM commissioning. Meanwhile, we may parasitically conduct tagger detector tests. We may also have the beam available, typically during the night, to conduct our own commissioning.
  • Goals for the Fall 2015 run.
  1. Beam transport and control commissioning (accelerator responsibility):
    1. Position Fast Feedback: Trent Allison, Brian Bevins. Expected time: 40h.
    2. nA BPM: Trent Allison, Brian Bevins. Expected time: ?? h.
    3. Beam line model test: Todd Satogata). Expected time: 2 h.
  2. Continue commissioning of the Hall D equipment (Hall D responsibility):
    1. Tagger detectors commissioning (Richard J. and Alex B.). Expected time: 7h.
      • Bias voltage study can be done parasitically to the FFB work.
      • Hodoscope Voltage scan (Nathan S.) 1h.
    2. PS, tagger detectors and trigger studies (Alex S.): Expected time: typically, we will do trigger study and take trigger data during 1.5 shift (the second half of the swing shift and during owl shift).
    3. Trigger tests at high current (μA): Alex S. 2h.
    4. DAQ (Sergey F). Expected time: about 1h of dedicated DAQ time each day.
    5. π0 calibration. (Elton S.) 8h Need the luminosity, detector and trigger specifications
    6. Trigger Level-3 commissioning. 2-3h during 2 days.
    7. Transition radiation detector (Lubomir P. and Sergei F.). Runplan and instructions are here. Expected time: Parasitic to other Hall D activities.
    8. FDC straight tracks studies (low luminosity) ? (Lubomir P.)
    9. Calorimeters, ST and TOF will take parasitic data (for their sake and because of the trigger/DAQ studies).
  • Expected Staffing and responsibilities:
    • The Run Coordinator (RC, Alexandre Deur) oversees the commissioning.
    • The Physics Division Liaison (PDL, Benedikt Zihlmann until Dec. 15th. Mark Ito from Dec 15th to 21st) and Hall D Work Coordinator/Safety Warden (T. Carstens) verify that the proper safety rules are followed.
    • Shifts: 2 persons per shift. The usual requirement that at least one of the shift taker has Solenoid training is not in effect for the Fall 15 run (Solenoid field will be off).
  • Coordination Activities:
    • The RC will attend the MCC meetings at 7:45am and 8:00am and the weekly MCC meeting (Wednesday, 1:30pm). The PDL will attend the weekly MCC meeting.
    • Daily run meetings broadcasted on Bluejeans will occur at 8:45am in the counting house conference room. The Run Coordinator will be responsible for organizing and chairing the meeting.
  • Useful links:

Beam and Hall Configurations

  • Beam energy expected: 12.047 GeV (1.090 GeV/linac and 0.123 GeV for the injector and -0.066 GeV of synchrotron radiation losses. This set-up should also be used for the Spring 16 run)
  • Solenoid off.
  • Beam current: CW 5 na-3 μA. 250 MHz frequency. Default current and radiator: 100 nA/1.12·10-4 R.L. However, if DAQ supports it, we should run with 200 nA/1.12·10-4 R.L since it is close to the expected luminosity for the first GlueX run.
  • Radiators:
    • 1.64 µm Al (1.86·10-5 R.L., see study)
    • 10 µm Al (11.2·10-5 R.L.)
    • 30 µm Al (33.7·10-5 R.L.)
    • The goniometer with the diamond radiators will not be used.
  • Collimator hole: 5 mm diameter.
  • Target: 10mm thick disk (3.19 cm diameter) of CH2 located on the nose of the ST. (HDPE, high density polyethylene, density 0.93-0.97 g/cm3 ), 0.95 g/cm2, ~1.2% R.L.
  • The LH2 target will be empty (i.e. with warm 2H gas at 1 atm.).
  • Solenoid cool down: may need accesses (controlled or restricted). This interferes with accelerator operations (even without beam in Hall D) since moving from Beam Permit to Controlled or Restricted access drops the injector PSS status.
  • List of devices that will not be used during the Fall 2015 run:
    • Goniometer.
    • Polarimeter.
    • Total Absorption Counter.

Run Plan


We expect a very limited amount of beam time (approx. 1 to 1.5 weeks) and will run a reduced program. The schedule of the runplan will be done once the accelerator commission plans (FFB, nA BPM) are finalized.

Runplan Schedule

Schedule fall15.gif

Tune Electron Beam

The goal is to tune the beam so that the FFB commissioning (done during day shifts) is done with a beam as close as possible to the one we will use. This entails tuning the photon beam as well. Photon beam must also be properly setup in order to carry out our commissioning during swing and owl shifts.

  • Ion Chambers trip threshold must be set.
  • Tune electron beam with radiator retracted
    • Amorphous Radiator (and diamond) must be retracted. Collimator should be in blocking position. CDC/FDC are off
    • Radiation levels should be closely monito#ff00ff by MCC crew.
      • Typical levels are (for radiator retracted, collimator fully blocking, electron beam current 50 nA)
        • RAD102_P1 ~ 3 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
        • RAD102_P2 ~ 15 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, near electronics racks).
        • RAD102_P3 ~ 0.1 mrem/hr (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
        • RAD101_P1 < 0.1 mrad/hr (collimator cave, gammas).
      • Record neutron radiation levels of the new neutron probe in the Hall. (Should be 0)
    • Hall D tagger CARMS, Ion Chamber and BLM threshold for beam trips should not be changed without approval of Hall D leader.
  • Establish good photon beam
    • Insert 10-5 RL radiator. (Call MCC and ask to mask the FSD each time the radiator is moved)
    • Typical levels are (for 2*10^-5 radiator, electron beam current 50 nA)
      • RAD102_P1= 2-10 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
      • RAD102_P2= 10-20 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, near electronics racks)
      • RAD102_P3= ~0.5 mrem/hr (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
      • RAD101_P1= ~10 mrad/hr (collimator cave, gammas).
      • Record neutron radiation levels of the new neutron probe in the Hall.
  • Once radiation levels are good, proceed with radiation level study (1h):
    • Run 5 min without radiator (Call MCC and ask to mask the FSD each time the radiator is moved). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 100 nA and 200 nA
    • Run 5 min with the 10^-4 radiator (Call MCC). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 100 nA and 200 nA
    • Run 3 min with the 3*10^-4 radiator (Call MCC). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 100 nA and 200 nA
  • Active Collimator calibration.
    • re-Insert the 2*10^-5 radiator (Call MCC).
    • It should be done MCC following an automatic procedure. If it is not in place, then do the following:
      • Determine maximum photon beam transmission by doing 2D scans (x: beam scan, y: beam scan. ±5cm with 0.5cm steps). Stay 5 seconds with stable beam for each steps Remind MCC that they should use only the last corrector (5C11A) to adjust the beam position. If the adjustment results in unacceptable e- beam position in the tagger dump, remind MCC that they should use the tagger magnet only to readjust the e- beam position in the tagger dump.Meanwhile, monitor the rate at the active target and rates (including coinc.) in the pair spectrometer.
    • Record on the white board what is the profiler position corresponding to the center of the A.C.
  • Hodoscope Bias voltage: Nathan Sparks.

Fast Feedback and nA commissioning. Beam transport and control commissioning.

  • Accelerator responsibility.
    1. Commissioning will be done everyday during day shift for 4-8h.
    2. The test will start at 1μA, and possibly 3μA. No radiator will be in place but, due to the nature of the commissioning, beam scrapping will certainly occur. FFB commissioning will be concluded by low current (5nA) nA-BPM commissioning.
    3. Beam line FOPT. About 2h of data. Data for beam energy stability study will be gathered at the same time.
  • Bias voltage studies can be done parasitically (4h, Alex B.)
  • Once the fast feedback work is done, restore the photon Beam.
    1. Prerequisites:</b> Amorphous (and diamond) radiator retracted. Collimator should be in blocking position. Electron beam is restored and radiation levels are acceptable. Optional: Pair Spectrometer detectors/field on and its DAQ is running
    2. Call MCC to inform them we will Insert 2*10^-5 radiator. Insert the radiator. Check the beam position on the profiler (see whiteboard). Adjust it if necessary. <b> If such adjustments are necessary, remind MCC that they should use only the last corrector (5C11A) to adjust the beam position. If the adjustment results in unacceptable e- beam position in the tagger dump, remind MCC that they should use the tagger magnet only to readjust the e- beam position in the tagger dump.
    3. Insert the 5mm collimator. Check beam position on the Profiler and Active collimator. Check that radiation levels are good. Run for 7min to gather enough data for radiation level studies.
      • Typical levels are (for 2*10^-5 radiator, electron beam current 50 nA)
        • RAD102_P1= 2-10 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
        • RAD102_P2= 10-20 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, near electronics racks)
        • RAD102_P3= ~0.5 mrem/hr (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
        • RAD101_P1= ~10 mrad/hr (collimator cave, gammas).
        • Record neutron radiation levels of the new neutron probe in the Hall.

DAQ Test

  • 1h of DAQ test: Sergey F.
    1. The goal is to optimize DAQ performance : data rate, trigger rate, live time. Several parameters have to be defined for every DAQ components independently: detectors readout (for FDC,CDC,FCAL,BCAL,...) , event builder, data *concentrators, event recorder, to find the slowest.
    2. Optimization includes different triggers and beam currents.
    3. FDC/CDC will be needed for about 30min with a 50-100nA current.
    4. The detectors will be running the same hardware (no new fiber bundles for Fall15) and software as the previous run.

Trigger Test/Setup

  • 2h of trigger setup/test each day. 1.5 shifts for 4 days and 1 shift for the last two days. Alex. S.
  • Runplan for the trigger commissioning
  • Calorimeters, SC and TOF may need to be on during theses studies.

Tagger detector commissioning

12h. Alex. B. Tagger detectors commissioning plan

π0 calibration

  • 12h. Elton S.
  • Run conditions: Default settings for trigger settings with solenoid off and current beam conditions.
  • Highest beam current but safely away from pileup.
    • Nominal Beam current: 100 nA
    • Nominal Radiator: 1.12·10-4 R.L.
  • All detectors on, except for FDC.
  • Inner FCAL rings removed from trigger sum based on trigger studies.
  • Data mode: 7 (75%) and mode 8 (25%) of runs.
  • Nominal trigger (same as spring configuration):
    • FCAL_BCAL trigger .or. FCAL only .or. BCAL only (see below)
    • Thresholds for the BCAL should be the same as for the spring run. FADC250_TRIG_THR = 110 = (110-100)*0.041 MeV/count = 0.4 MeV per cell threshold
    • Thresholds for the FCAL should be the same as for the spring run. FADC250_TRIG_THR = 165 = (165-100)*0.27 MeV/count = 18 MeV per cell threshold

Level-3 trigger

  • 2-3h. David L.
  • Run at the highest luminosity possible. CDC/FDC desirable but not necessary if this limits the luminosity