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* This directory is a partial copy of the /group/halld disk at JLab.
* This directory is a partial copy of the /group/halld disk at JLab.
* Files are rsynched to the master node at 01:00, 07:00, 13:00, and 19:00 every day.
* Files are rsynched to the CVMFS master node at 01:00, 07:00, 13:00, and 19:00 every day. It runs as a cron job by user gluex on sandd1.jlab.org. The script is /home/gluex/bin/oasis_update.sh. That script will show which files a are copied and which are ignored.
* Only software builds under /group/halld/Software/builds/Linux_CentOS7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5-cntr are put out on Oasis.
* In addition to the standard builds of tagged version, an almost-nightly build is done on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. These consist of the master branch versions of hdds, halld_recon, halld_sim, hdgeant4, and gluex_root_analysis.
* CVMFS: The CernVM File System (CVMFS) is an HTTP-based file distribution service used to provide data and software for jobs.
* OASIS: OSG Application Software Installation Service
* OSG: Open Science Grid

Latest revision as of 08:07, 13 September 2023

  • Complete builds of the GlueX Software stack and supporting files are kept on a CVMFS share maintained by the Open Science Grid. On scosg16.jlab.org, the directory is
  • This directory is a partial copy of the /group/halld disk at JLab.
  • Files are rsynched to the CVMFS master node at 01:00, 07:00, 13:00, and 19:00 every day. It runs as a cron job by user gluex on sandd1.jlab.org. The script is /home/gluex/bin/oasis_update.sh. That script will show which files a are copied and which are ignored.
  • Only software builds under /group/halld/Software/builds/Linux_CentOS7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5-cntr are put out on Oasis.
  • In addition to the standard builds of tagged version, an almost-nightly build is done on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. These consist of the master branch versions of hdds, halld_recon, halld_sim, hdgeant4, and gluex_root_analysis.
  • CVMFS: The CernVM File System (CVMFS) is an HTTP-based file distribution service used to provide data and software for jobs.
  • OASIS: OSG Application Software Installation Service
  • OSG: Open Science Grid