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===GDH wiki page===
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Meeting ID: 161 246 1827
==Minutes of meeting ==
passcode: 303252-->
See [https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki-private/index.php/Connect_to_ZoomGov_Meetings log-in information on the GlueX meeting page for]: REGGE meeting 161 246 1827 / 303252
==[[Polarized Target]]==
==Mailing list==
Visit the [https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/halld-regge page] to register to the Regge experiment mailing list.
*Proposal: PR12-20-011
<!--**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/proposal_March19.pdf 03/29/2018 version of the proposal]-->
<!-- **[https://www.overleaf.com/8798533436rgxpyyvcrjrx old Overleaf project]-->
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0044/004404/006/The_GDH_Experiment.pdf Version submitted to PAC48 (June 2020)] and [https://misportal.jlab.org/pacProposals/proposals/4b8cc8ec-c9de-4c0d-86dd-f28b8dd5344b/show_pdf.pdf cover sheet]
**[https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11059 Proposal on arXiv]
**[https://www.overleaf.com/project/5eb2b51ea3179a0001685b23 Current version on Overleaf]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4404 Document on DocDB]
*LOI and reviews
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/GDH_HD_LOI.pdf LOI submitted to PAC 47 (LOI12-19-002)]  
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/GDH_HD_LOI.pdf LOI submitted to PAC 47 (LOI12-19-002)]  
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/TAC_LOI_report.pdf  TAC comments]  
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/TAC_LOI_report.pdf  TAC comments on LOI]  
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/TAC_LOI_Reply.pdf Reply to TAC comments]  
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/TAC_LOI_Reply.pdf Reply to TAC comments on LOI]  
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/PAC47_LOI_Report.pdf PAC47 recommendation]
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/PAC47_LOI_Report.pdf PAC47 recommendation on LOI]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/9/9e/GDH_review_final.pdf Report] from Garth Huber and Frank Nerling recommending to the GlueX board that the proposal be endorsed for review by the collaboration.
<!--Theory report and TAC are not public documents and should be shared beyond the collaboration
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/b/b5/PR12-20-011_phy.pdf TAC comments on proposal (PAC48)]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/6/68/PR12-20-011_Thy.pdf Theory comments on proposal (PAC48)] -->
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/c/c8/PAC48_Preliminary_Report_E12_20_011.pdf PAC48 preliminary report on PR12-20-011]
*5-pages summary for the GlueX physics whitepaper (2019)
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/proposal_March19.pdf 03/29/2018 version of the proposal]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/6/69/GDH_HD_whitepaper.pdf Contribution to the GlueX physics whitepaper]
**Current version on Overleaf
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/Talk_GlueX_Jan18.pdf Talk given at the GlueX collaboration meeting. Jan. 2018 (A. Deur)]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/f/fd/GDH_pwg_Feb2019.pdf Talk given at the GlueX PWG meeting. Feb. 2019 (A. Deur)]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/f/f3/GDH_pwg_May2019.pdf Talk given at the GlueX PWG meeting. May 2019 (A. Deur)]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/8/89/Dalton_GDH_APS_April2020.pdf Talk given at the APS meeting. Apr. 2020 (M. Dalton)]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/0/00/GDH_May2020.pdf Talk given at the GlueX collaboration meeting. May 2020 (A. Deur)]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/File:GDH_PAC48.pdf 20 min PAC 48 Talk. Noon, August 11th 2020 (A. Deur)] ([https://www.jlab.org/indico/event/394/ Indico link tp PAC48 schedule])
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/GDH4HD/Talk_GlueX_Jan18.pdf Talk given at the GlueX collaboration meeting. Jan 2018]
**[https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08133 Article (2021) reporting on data on the Bjorken sum rule, suggesting that polarized cross-sections at large energy are not well understood]
**[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MU4HFs6mBkG2ypWAH1NqMKvzM_5djzB-qU929HlMYw0/edit?usp=sharing Justin's initial document on what is expected from the simulation]
**[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MU4HFs6mBkG2ypWAH1NqMKvzM_5djzB-qU929HlMYw0/edit?usp=sharing Justin's initial document on what is expected from the simulation]
**[https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/9/91/200406_PolarizedHallD.pdf Joe Grame's thoughts on beam polarization in Hall D]
**[https://userweb.jlab.org/~deurpam/poelker_Ops_retreat_bleedthrough.ppt Matt Poelker's 2016 slides on bleedthrough]
==Misc. Tasks and questions==
==Misc. Tasks and questions==
*<strike> Look into the figure of merit of the experiment in the low energy, where the photon beam polarization is low. (To see if constructing an additional tagger is justified). (A. Deur)</strike>
*How well can we check beam charge asymmetry with BPMs?
*Discuss funding options with Eugene, Chris K., Justin, Todd and Dustin
*<strike>Effect of a beam position-helicity correlation on the data. (M. Dalton)</strike>
**Join WM-UVa proposal.
*MC simulation:
*Finalize polarized BH and Compton event generator. S. Širca, M. Dalton
**Produce background and main event rates.
**[[Email from Richard Jones (06/14/2021)]]
**What trigger(s) to use and what would be its efficiency?
*<s>Organize tests on solid targets to measure background and signal rates. J. Stevens</s> Already taken GlueX data are sufficient.
**Should a beam hardener be used?
*Polarized target building. C. Keith.
**Check rates quoted in the proposal (once we decide on beam hardener. Presently, the rates are estimated with a 1 MeV cutoff on the photon flux distribution.
*Bleedthrough issue. A. Deur
**Determine detection efficiency vs photon energy.
**Accelerator reported in [https://halldweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5107 May 2021 GlueX collaboration meeting] that a new system will be installed, probably for the next run (8/2021) that will eliminate bleedthrough in Hall D.
**Optimize experimental setup
*Beam helicity reporting for Hall D. M. Dalton
*Update proposal with: (A. Deur)
*Once the backgrounds are simulated and understood, define trigger. Discussion with Sacha.
**Add to the list of authors
*Look into having an Al. radiator of RL between 2. 10^-5, 10^-4, so that we have some beam current flexibility.
**MC Simulation and set-up optimization
*Design and build a beam hardener.
*Optional Pair Spec. upgrade.
*Study options for the low energy run.  
**Discussion with accelerator on how and when we can run at low energy
**Study how the GlueX apparatus will behave with lower energy electrons (transmission, etc...)
*Extend the doubly polarized experimental program.
**"GDH" on nuclei (shadowing/antishadowing studies). M. Dalton, A. Deur
**Dustin proposal(s):
***eta meson.
***Polarized Compton.
==Student Projects==
* Study beam hardener
==Minutes of meeting ==
2019: [[09/17/2019]] [[10/09/2019]] [[10/23/2019]] [[11/13/2019]] [[11/27/2019]]

Latest revision as of 15:44, 25 June 2024

See log-in information on the GlueX meeting page for: REGGE meeting 161 246 1827 / 303252

Polarized Target

Mailing list

Visit the page to register to the Regge experiment mailing list.


Misc. Tasks and questions

  • Discuss funding options with Eugene, Chris K., Justin, Todd and Dustin
    • Join WM-UVa proposal.
  • Finalize polarized BH and Compton event generator. S. Širca, M. Dalton
  • Organize tests on solid targets to measure background and signal rates. J. Stevens Already taken GlueX data are sufficient.
  • Polarized target building. C. Keith.
  • Bleedthrough issue. A. Deur
  • Beam helicity reporting for Hall D. M. Dalton
  • Once the backgrounds are simulated and understood, define trigger. Discussion with Sacha.
  • Look into having an Al. radiator of RL between 2. 10^-5, 10^-4, so that we have some beam current flexibility.
  • Design and build a beam hardener.
  • Optional Pair Spec. upgrade.
  • Study options for the low energy run.
    • Discussion with accelerator on how and when we can run at low energy
    • Study how the GlueX apparatus will behave with lower energy electrons (transmission, etc...)
  • Extend the doubly polarized experimental program.
    • "GDH" on nuclei (shadowing/antishadowing studies). M. Dalton, A. Deur
    • Dustin proposal(s):
      • eta meson.
      • Polarized Compton.

Student Projects

  • Study beam hardener

Minutes of meeting

2019: 09/17/2019 10/09/2019 10/23/2019 11/13/2019 11/27/2019



















