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# At the very bottom find <code>User your-CUE-username</code> and replace with your JLab CUE username. I'd also highly recommend following the section "Re-Using Connections" in the same help article
# At the very bottom find <code>User your-CUE-username</code> and replace with your JLab CUE username. I'd also highly recommend following the section "Re-Using Connections" in the same help article
#* Reiterating here from the article, if you do add these <code>Control</code> lines then make sure you make the <code>cm</code> directory in <code>/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.ssh/</code> (or wherever your config file is)
#* Reiterating here from the article, if you do add these <code>Control</code> lines then make sure you make the <code>cm</code> directory in <code>/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.ssh/</code> (or wherever your config file is)
#* <span style="color:blue">Windows users:</span> Windows does not support <code>Control</code> in your SSH configuration, but if you have [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/about Windows Subsystem for Linux] (WSL), you can let the VS Code Remote SSH extension use <code>ssh</code> from WSL using [https://stackoverflow.com/a/75984203 this trick]. Note that you now have to write your SSH configuration (and optionally SSH keys) in <code>~/.ssh</code> on WSL, not in your user folder under Windows.
# Notice there is now a dot next to the file name. This indicates edits have been made and need to be saved. Save the changes with '''File > Save''' and close the file by pressing the '''X''' next to the file name
# Notice there is now a dot next to the file name. This indicates edits have been made and need to be saved. Save the changes with '''File > Save''' and close the file by pressing the '''X''' next to the file name
# Open the command palette again and search/select <code>Preferences: Open User Settings</code>
# Open the command palette again and search/select <code>Preferences: Open User Settings</code>

Latest revision as of 16:35, 11 September 2024

Table of contents

Welcome! Have you ever wanted to edit code for GlueX analysis using smart code completion, debuggers, integrated Git, syntax highlighting, and so much more, all wrapped into one? Well look no further than Visual Studio (VS) Code! By the end of this guide, you will be able to connect to the ifarm and have all these powerful tools right at your fingertips. This includes the Extensions marketplace, which adds incredibly useful features and tools to your programming setup. If you run into any problems then please message me, Kevin Scheuer, over Slack (or email) and let me know!

Windows Users: This guide is primarily aimed at macOS / Linux users, but there will be slight deviations for windows machines. Look for blue text that will denote Windows-specific instructions.


Before beginning, please ensure you have the following:

  • A working JLab Computing account
  • A 2 Factor Authentication Method (2FA) setup. This is MobilePASS or Google Authenticator.
  • Downloaded VS Code for your OS

The .ssh/config file

  1. Your first step for getting onto the ifarm will be creating an ssh config file, which dictates how your device, or “local machine”, will connect to the remote JLab server
  2. Open VS Code and navigate to the Extensions tab on the left-hand sidebar. Copy and paste ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh into the search bar, and install the package.
    • If you can’t see the sidebar, try in the menu View > Appearance > Primary Side Bar
  3. In the menu bar go to View > Command Palette. Search and select Remote-SSH: Open SSH Configuration File
  4. Your default file is likely at /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.ssh/config. Select this file and it should now open in the editor view.
    • If the file is not yet created, no worries. Open VS Code's integrated terminal with Terminal > New Terminal or View > Terminal and navigate to the .ssh folder. Run touch config to create a blank file. Now open the file as instructed.
    • Windows Users: Your file path should be C:/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.ssh/config
  5. If settings already exist in this file they can be kept, so long as they are not ifarm related. We will be using the JLab recommended config file. Copy and paste the contents of the entire first code block into your open config file in VS Code.
  6. At the very bottom find User your-CUE-username and replace with your JLab CUE username. I'd also highly recommend following the section "Re-Using Connections" in the same help article
    • Reiterating here from the article, if you do add these Control lines then make sure you make the cm directory in /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.ssh/ (or wherever your config file is)
    • Windows users: Windows does not support Control in your SSH configuration, but if you have Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you can let the VS Code Remote SSH extension use ssh from WSL using this trick. Note that you now have to write your SSH configuration (and optionally SSH keys) in ~/.ssh on WSL, not in your user folder under Windows.
  7. Notice there is now a dot next to the file name. This indicates edits have been made and need to be saved. Save the changes with File > Save and close the file by pressing the X next to the file name
  8. Open the command palette again and search/select Preferences: Open User Settings
  9. Search Remote.SSH: Remote Server Listen on Socket and ensure this option is selected.
  10. We'll also want to change the default .vscode-server location. This dictates where your Extensions and some other modules will be stored, but can quickly outgrow the limits of its default location on the ifarm at /home/YOUR_USERNAME/. It's highly recommended to put this in a more spacious location, like a user’s directory on the work disk. Search Remote.SSH: Server Install Path in your user settings, and set key to ifarm and Value to be your directory of choice, then click Add item to save your change
    • For example, my path is /w/halld-scshelf2101/kscheuer/
  11. The last setting to change will dictate how long the password prompt will stay up when signing in, as the default of 15 seconds typically feels too short. In user settings, search Remote.ssh: Connect Timeout and change this value to however many seconds you want


  1. Before we go about connecting with VS Code, let's test the config file and ensure the connection can be established. Open a terminal via Terminal > New Terminal or View > Terminal and simply run ssh ifarm. Note that even though the terminal is "integrated" as part of VS Code, for the most part, it functions just like any terminal window
  2. You should be prompted to enter a password, which will be your 2FA method (MobilePASS or Google Authenticator). Click enter and another prompt will appear. This time enter your JLab CUE password.
  3. You should be taken to your home directory on an ifarm node. We now know the connection can be made. Type exit and click enter to close the session
  4. From the Command Palette run Remote-SSH: Connect to Host. Select the option ifarm
    • If you’d prefer a new window to not be opened, execute Remote-SHH: Connect Current Window to Host
  5. It may ask what type of system this is, select Linux. Similar to the connection we did in the terminal, you will be prompted for 2 consecutive passcode inputs. The first will be the 2FA method, and the second your CUE password
  6. VS Code will configure the connection, and if successful there should be a green (or blue, depending on your color theme) status bar in the lower left corner. You can even open a terminal and see what node you are on, and verify that you are in your home directory
  7. Congratulations, you are now connected and ready to code! You can exit at any time by clicking on that green status bar and selecting Close Remote Connection.

Using ssh keys

This section is completely optional, but if working correctly it means you'll never have to enter your CUE password again! In short, we'll make 2 ssh keys: one that sits on our local machine, and the "public" key that we'll place on the ifarm. There are different algorithms and key sizes you can use, here we'll be using ecdsa.

  1. Navigate to the directory of your config file and run ssh-keygen -t ecdsa
  2. It then asks for an optional passphrase for the keys. To leave it empty, just press enter
    • Note: using a non-empty passphrase has yet to be tested
  3. Now we can copy the public key to the ifarm. Run ssh-copy-id -i YOUR_KEY_NAME.pub ifarm replacing YOUR_KEY_NAME with the key name that was generated
    • Windows Users: type $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\id_ecdsa.pub | ssh ifarm "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"
  4. Enter the requested passwords. If no errors occur, then both terminal and VS Code connection methods should recognize these keys and no longer require a CUE password to be entered!


  • I was able to connect before, but now it's failing and/or repeatedly asks for the password prompt
    1. To verify this is an issue with just VS Code, check that you can connect normally by running ssh ifarm in a terminal
    2. If that works, then in the command palette perform “Remote SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host” and select ifarm. Doing this once should reset the connection
      • This shouldn't remove your extensions, but if you want to be safe you can make a backup of your .vscode-server on the ifarm
    3. If the issue persists, open Preferences: Open User Settings using the command palette and search for remote.SSH.useExecServer and make sure this box is not checked
  • In step 4 of Connecting I don't see an option for ifarm
    1. Set the absolute path to your custom config file by opening Preferences: Open User Settings in the command palette and searching for Remote.SSH: Config File

Working With VS Code

A full tutorial on how to use VS Code is beyond the extent (and reasonable length) of this guide, but the official getting started webpage for VS Code is highly recommended.


A lot of the power of VS Code comes from its “Extensions”. Below are listed some necessary ones that allow VS Code to interact with C++ or Python nicely, but also some incredibly useful ones and highlights of their features. You can search for each extension by name, or copy-paste its ID into the search bar. Note that extensions are stored in the .vscode-server on the ifarm, and in .vscode on your local machine, and so you can have different extensions for each location.


  • C/C++ Extension Pack ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack
  • Python ms-python.python
  • Pylance ms-python.vscode-pylance
  • Python Debugger ms-python.debugpy
  • Jupyter ms-toolsai.jupyter

GitHub Copilot

  • Github Copilot is an AI Pair Programming tool trained on public GitHub repos. Copilot features in-line suggestion (think "smarter" tab-completion), chat bot, and more. It is an extremely useful tool that you should take advantage of. A more in-depth explanation of Copilot in VSCode, as well as instructions to get started, can be found here.
    • While Copilot generally has a fee for access, graduate students can use the tool for free via the GitHub Student Developer Pack (in addition to much, much more. Seriously, sign up for it if you're a student).



  • Pylint ms-python.pylint
    • Helps you to keep your Python code straight
  • Python Indent kevinrose.vsc-python-indent
    • Improves indentation of Python code
  • Python Type Hint njqdev.vscode-python-typehint
    • Great if you use type hints (you should)

Documentation / Editing

  • Docs View bierner.docs-view
    • Adds a tab in the explorer sidebar to view documentation of any function you select in the editor
    • Works for any object, not just the standard packages! This means while editing you can select your favorite AmpTools class/function and see its documentation on the fly
  • GitLens eamodio.gitlens
    • View the history and author of any line in a file (that’s in a GitHub repo of course)
    • See a graph of all the commit history
  • Git Graph mhutchie.git-graph
    • Free alternative to graph feature of GitLens if you have private repos
  • Code Spell Checker streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
    • Helps you to cut down the typos in variable names and comments.
    • Really handy for spell checking Jupyter notebook markdown cells
  • Diff tabs jozefchmelar.compare
    • See diff of two tabs, even if they're not saved
  • Partial Diff ryu1kn.partial-diff
    • Diff text selections within a file, across files, or to the clipboard
  • indent-rainbow oderwat.indent-rainbow
    • Makes indentations easier to read
  • Path Intellisense christian-kohler.path-intellisense
    • Autocompletes file paths
  • Todo Tree gruntfuggly.todo-tree
    • Helps you to keep track of your TODOs and FIXMEs
  • Trailing Spaces shardulm94.trailing-spaces
    • If you worry about whitespace errors
  • Better PageUp/PageDown russelldavis.better-pageup-pagedown
    • If you do not like the default way scrolling with PageUp/Down works, give this a try
  • Better Markdown Preview shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced
    • Nice way to preview your github README files


  • ROOT File Viewer albertopdrf.root-file-viewer
    • Like a TBrowser, but all within VSCode!
  • Emacs keymapping hiro-sun.vscode-emacs
    • Note that it doesn’t always work perfectly, I think it tries not to override any VS Code keymaps, but this can be configured
    • Oh, and if for some reason you like vim… vscodevim.vim
  • Microsoft's Data Wrangler ms-toolsai.datawrangler
    • Your all-in-one csv / pandas dataframe editor. Operate on columns, clean your data, view distributions, and so much more!
    • Integrated with jupyter notebook, meaning if you've loaded a pandas dataframe in a cell, it can be opened by Wrangler
  • CSV to Table phplasma.csv-to-table
    • This extension gives you a command-palette option Convert to Table from CSV that gives you a very nice table-style view of any CSV file
  • Edit csv janisdd.vscode-edit-csv
    • Lets you edit CSV files with a table UI similar to Excel
  • Rainbow CSV mechatroner.rainbow-csv
    • Makes viewing and editing CSV files easier by coloring columns
  • VSCode is also a great platform for writing LaTeX documents
    • LaTeX Workshop james-yu.latex-workshop
      • Provides preview, compile, autocomplete, syntax highlighting, sync, and more
    • LTeX – LanguageTool grammar/spell checking valentjn.vscode-ltex
      • Grammar/spell checker using LanguageTool with support for LaTeX, Markdown, and others