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===Status of the MOU===
===Status of the MOU===
The FSU/JLab MOU is being reviewed by Alison Lung. The step after that is to pass it through the concurrence chain at the Lab.
The FSU-JLab MOU is being reviewed by Alison Lung. The step after that is to pass it through the concurrence chain at the Lab.

Revision as of 22:40, 17 October 2010

Location, Time

Friday, October 15, 2010
2:00 pm EDT
JLab: CEBAF Center, Room F326/7
ESNet: 8542553
EVO: direct meeting link
Conference Group: 800-377-8846, participant code: 77438230
Slides: talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb1/html/talks/2010-10 on the JLab CUE (you have to be a member of the "halld" group). This directory is accessible from the web at https://halldweb1.jlab.org/talks/2010-10/ .


  1. Announcements
  2. Minutes from the last meeting
  3. Time-of-Flight
    1. Prototype Status
    2. Calibration system
    3. Mechanical interface to support structure: real estate planning
    4. MOU status
  4. Start Counter Status
    1. MOU plans
  5. Target
    1. Refrigerator update
    2. MOU status
  6. Action Items


  • FSU: Sasha Ostrovidov
  • JLab: Eugene Chudakov, Hovanes Egiyan, Mark Ito, Rory Miskimen, Elton Smith, Tim Whitlatch, Beni Zihlmann

Review of last minutes from the last meeting

We reviewed the meeting from the October 1st meeting.

  • All 8 PMT's from Hamamatsu have arrived at FSU and seem to work
    • The gain of these six slightly less than first two that were received: 2.5-3.5×106
  • The splitters Fernando sent to FSU have arrived


  • Refrigerator. We discussed the status of the target refrigerator purchase. There is still a question of whether the refrigerator identified will be sufficient to support a helium target. Chris should be able to turn his attention to this soon, as was his plan. We need to review schedule and target in any case.
  • UMass-JLab MOU. Rory plans to be able to focus on this after the PrimEx run, which is in progress. The UMass responsibilities are in two parts: the target and electronics testing. One undergraduate has already been hired to help with testing, another one will be hired. The plan is to have the students spend time at JLab with Fernando Barbosa to learn the testing procedure and then transfer it to UMass.


Sasha gave a status report on progress at FSU:

  • There is some money to equip the TOF production lab; purchases to outfit lab have started.
  • Paul is having some difficulties with 3M buying ESR material in sheet; he continues to work on it.
  • Three-counter/six-tube testing configuration is up and running.
    • Some mysteries:
      • High incidence of missing TDC and/or ADC's for good trigger.
      • Overflow bits being set in syncronous mode more often than expected.

Status of the MOU

The FSU-JLab MOU is being reviewed by Alison Lung. The step after that is to pass it through the concurrence chain at the Lab.