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Revision as of 07:17, 9 May 2013

On May 1st, 2013 an effort was made to map the solenoid. One set of points was taken along he z-axis at the center of the magnet (r=0) with 1300A of current. After that, the magnet quenched as it was being ramped up to 1500A do to the full mapping. Below are plots comparing the one data set obtained from mapping to a Poisson calculation of the field at 1300A.

The configuration files used for the Poisson calculation can be found in the subversion repository here:


The relevant files are:


The source code, binaries, and instructions on calculating the field can also be found in the subversion repository here:


The data file containing the measured values is:


Below are plots showing a comparison of the measured and calculated fields. Note that due to technical issues with the software, the calculated values correspond to r=1inch from the beam line while the measured values should be at r=0.

Bfield compare 20130509.png

Bfield zdiff 20130509.png

Bfield Br 20130509.png