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Attending: Ilya Larin, David Lawrence
Below is an e-mail I sent out summarizing this meeting.
Hi All,
Today turned out to not be a great day for most people to meet. It ended up being
just Ilya and I. We did have a discussion on what we would like to do with the chamber
and any remaining beam opportunity. Here are the ideas we came up with so others
may comment:
1. Change the gas mixture to 90/10. We have not yet spoken with Tom/Scot on how
difficult this is. We will do that this week.
2. Change the scintillator paddle position to be closer to the beam line.
3. Machine a hole in the 10.75” steel plate and center it on the beam line. This will
give a much closer approximation of beam conditions. The hole should be round with
a diameter between 6.6cm and 8cm. According to my notes, the dead region in this
chamber is 3.4” in diameter (=8.64 cm). Studies from last year set the beam hole
size to 2cm smaller in diameter compared to the dead region so if we follow that,
the hole size should be ~6.6 cm. The final design parameter for the dead region from
those same studies was 10 cm with a beam hole of 8cm diameter.
One option is to try and do both by cutting the smaller hole, taking data, and then cutting
the larger hole. Alternatively, we could cut the larger hole and then make a plug or mask
to get data with the smaller hole size.
The chamber is currently out of the beam. There may be opportunity on Monday to
reinstall it along with any of these modifications. There is also a possibility they will
extend the run for one more week.
Rory and Elton: please think about this and let us know what you think and if there are
any other things you would like to do during the remainder of this run period.

Latest revision as of 07:38, 7 March 2018

Meeting Info.

Meeting Time And Location

10:00 EST (JLab time)

David's Office


You can connect using BlueJeans Video conferencing (ID: 949 429 419). (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):

  1. Make sure you have created a BlueJeans account via your JLab CUE account using this link:

  2. Meeting ID: 949 429 419
    • (you may need to type this in, depending how you connect)

  3. If connecting via Web Browser: click this link (no passcode is needed):

  4. If connecting via iOS or Android App:
    • Use your JLab e-mail address to log in and then enter the meeting ID given above to join the meeting

  5. If connecting via Phone: Dial one of the following numbers and then enter the meeting ID above and hit "#" or "##"

  6. If connecting via Polycom unit:
    • Dial or bjn.vc
    • Enter meeting ID above


  1. Previous meeting: Feb 14, 2018
  2. Announcements
  3. Spring 2018 run
  4. Other business
  5. Next meeting


Attending: Ilya Larin, David Lawrence

Below is an e-mail I sent out summarizing this meeting.

Hi All,

Today turned out to not be a great day for most people to meet. It ended up being
just Ilya and I. We did have a discussion on what we would like to do with the chamber
and any remaining beam opportunity. Here are the ideas we came up with so others
may comment:

1. Change the gas mixture to 90/10. We have not yet spoken with Tom/Scot on how
difficult this is. We will do that this week.

2. Change the scintillator paddle position to be closer to the beam line.

3. Machine a hole in the 10.75” steel plate and center it on the beam line. This will
give a much closer approximation of beam conditions. The hole should be round with
a diameter between 6.6cm and 8cm. According to my notes, the dead region in this
chamber is 3.4” in diameter (=8.64 cm). Studies from last year set the beam hole
size to 2cm smaller in diameter compared to the dead region so if we follow that,
the hole size should be ~6.6 cm. The final design parameter for the dead region from
those same studies was 10 cm with a beam hole of 8cm diameter. 

One option is to try and do both by cutting the smaller hole, taking data, and then cutting
the larger hole. Alternatively, we could cut the larger hole and then make a plug or mask
to get data with the smaller hole size.
The chamber is currently out of the beam. There may be opportunity on Monday to 
reinstall it along with any of these modifications. There is also a possibility they will 
extend the run for one more week.

Rory and Elton: please think about this and let us know what you think and if there are
any other things you would like to do during the remainder of this run period.
