BCAL Readout Segmentation Task group Meeting: Oct. 24, 2011

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Meeting Info


  • 1:30 JLab
  • 11:30 Regina


  • CC F326


  • ESNet 8542553
  • EVO

  • Phone connection:
    • +1-866-740-1260 : US+Canada
    • +1-303-248-0285 : International
    • then enter participant code: 3421244# (remember the "#").
    • or www.readytalk.com (and code without the #)


Review action items from previous meeting

  1. MIA

New Agenda items

  1. Neutron/photon discrimination (Beni)
  2. BCAL energy/time Resolution Comparison to 2006 beam test (David L.)
  3. BCAL Reconstructed Time Resolution (Paul M.)
  4. Discussion on argument sharpening (All)



David L., Paul M., Zisis P, George L., Curtis M., Matt S., Beni Z., Eugene C (partial)

Neutron/photon discrimination

Beni showed some plots from simulated data indicating the discriminating power of the BCAL between neutrons and photons. The plots were uploaded recently and missing some labels:

  • Red = neutron
  • Black = photon
  • x-axis:
    • bins 1-4 represent the number of neighboring readout cells that fired
    • bin 5 represents events where only the 4th cell (outermost) fired
    • bin 6 represents events when two non-adjacent cells fired

(A page describing the plots has since been put up)

The plots are normalized to indicate neutron and photon probabilities for each topology. These could be used to form likelihoods of a shower being due to photon and not a neutron and vice versa.

Beni will add labels to the plots and generate some for particles at different angles.

BCAL energy/time Resolution Comparison to 2006 beam test

Dave showed some plots showing he is able to match the 2006 beam test results in both energy and time difference resolution using the special simulation tool he has developed.

It was suggested that dark hits be turned back on to see how that would affect the energy resolution.

The work done has been summarized in a brief GlueX note.

BCAL Reconstructed Time Resolution

Paul showed some plots indicating the differences in timing resolution for various angles using parameters he obtained from David. The values were fit as a function of angle and then used to smear the "reconstructed" photon resolutions for b1π events. Plots showing the momentum vs. angle of tracks was then shown. The separation of the protons and pions was evident in plots made for the 1234 and the 334 schemes, but it was difficult to quantify by eye.

Paul will continue working on this by looking at a π(1600) channel which will have larger proton momentum and should make the separation more difficult. This might make a better discriminator between the 1234 and 334 schemes.

Action Items

  1. Look at π(1600) events with higher proton mass to see if better proton/pion separation exists for the 1234 than 334 scheme. (Paul)
  2. Add more labels and more angles to plots showing neutron/photon discriminating power (Beni)
  3. Resolve issues with extracting proton timing resolutions from existing MC (David)
  4. Write ITYS section of minutes (George)