Studies of the Newport XPS controller by Vanik

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These studies were done using halldxps1 XPS-C8 controller from Newport.

1. Configuration of the XPS Controller

1.1 Configuration of motor and stage

Building of "stages.ini" file which is located in the "CONFIG" folder of the controller.

  • Connect to the XPS Controller halldxps1 using an internet browser.
  • Login as Administrator.
  • Select STAGE, then "Add Custom Stage" and fill all fields.

I defined Stage1 (Stage_ST55D) Stage for the stepper motor ST55D without encoder and Stage for microscope beam test as follows:

"stages.ini" file :



; Position servo loop type



Driver command interface







; Motor driver model




; Position encoder interface

Backlash=0 CurrentVelocityCutOffFrequency=100



; Limit sensors input plug











; Home search process


; HomeSearchSequenceType=CurrentPositionAsHome
; HomeSearchSequenceType=PlusEndOfRunHomeSearch
; HomeSearchSequenceType=MechanicalZeroHomeSearch




1.2 Configuration of system and motion groups

Building of "sistem.ini" file which is located in the "CONFIG" folder of the controller.

  • Select SYSTEM, then "Manual Configuration" and define motion groups and stages on them.

I defined one MultipleAxes group - Mult1 with Stage1 stage as follows:


BootScriptFileName =

BootScriptArguments =


SingleAxisInUse =

SpindleInUse =

XYInUse =

XYZInUse =

MultipleAxesInUse = Mult1


PositionerNumber = 1

PositionerInUse = P1

InitializationAndHomeSearchSequence = Together


PlugNumber = 1

StageName = Stage1

Time flasher filter

TimeFlasherBaseFrequency = 40e6 ; Hz

2. Testing of the XPS Controller by WEB interface

  • Connect to the XPS Controller halldxps1 using an internet browser.
  • Login as Administrator or User.
  • Select "FRONT PANEL", then "Move".
  • Select "Initialize" button for the initialization of the positioner (motion system).
  • Select "Home" for homing. After initialization, any motion group must first be homed befor any motion can be executed. After homing the Controller and the Positioner are ready.
  • "Move" button under the "FRONT PANEL". In this site, one can select some velocity and number of Absolute or Relative movements and press "Go" button. "Position" field indicates position of stage during and after movement.
  • "Jog" button under the "FRONT PANEL". I tested the jog motion, where only motion direction and speed are defined. Any time it is possible to stop movement pressing "STOP" button.
  • If the limit switch (high or low) is detected during movements then an emergency brake and the positioner will go in "NOT INITIALIZED" status. So, it is neseccary to make a new "Initialization" and "Homing" to start a new motion. To protect these situations there is a possibility to use software limits (see stage.ini file).
  • The "TERMINAL" tool allows to execute all functions (more 100) of the XPS controller.
  • The "STAGE - Modify" tool allows to review and modify all parameters of stage included in the stages.ini file.
  • Using the "Positioner errors", "Hardware status", "Driver status" under the "FRONT PANEL" or "Error file display" under the "SYSTEM" one can check errors and statuses of the motion system.

No any problem. Everything is working.

3. Testing of Home search process

After initialization, any motion group must be homed i.e. define an reference point as an origin. There are different homing processes available in the XPS controller. I tested several types of home definitions:

  • CurrentPositionAsHome. In this option current position is defined as a home. There is no any absolute reference point. We have no idea where is stage after shut down or a power-off cycle. This option works, but it is not useful for us.
  • Home switch as home. The home switch was put at the middle part of the stage. The homing procedure is different for the cases with and without encoder. SST55D motor has not an encoder and in this case XPS suportes
MechanicalZeroHomeSearch option when only mechanical zero signal from home switch is used for home search process. XPS always defines fixed home searching direction -from high position to low position. If After initialization the current position of positioner is greater than home switch position everything is OK. Home switch will be found and positioner is ready for any type of movements. But  if  current position of positioner is less than home switch position we have a big problem. It will be impossible to find home switch. So, we have refused this option and we will investigate this later with the motor with encoder. 
  • Low/High Limit Switch As Home. In this case one of limit switches is defined as a home. I tested both but used

4. Testing of the XPS Controller by EPICS