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July 5, 2012 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • Production status
    • Fourth package tests
    • Refurbishment preparations
  2. Engineering update
  3. Electronics update (Chris)
  4. LV cable assignment (Vlad)
  5. Test set-up in 126 (Beni)
  6. Other


Participants: Bill, Glen, Eugene, Chris, Nick, Simon, Vlad, Beni, and Lubomir


- Dave was absent but he updated the production tracking linked above: last two spare cathodes are almost ready. Spare wire frames: third wire frame (#6) is being tested already for a week, the current is very high (~1100nA) which doesn't surprise anybody since the caps were not replaced. Bill wanted to know if we have to order additional g10 frames. We have one spare frame now that will be used to replace wire frame #1. First we will try to fix #6, if it doesn't work we have to order g10 frames. The problem with #6 is that the caps are covered with Himiseal. Bill suggested, first, removing the caps (say on one HV sector) and then cleaning the Humiseal. Chirs: aceton cleans Humiseal very well (we can't use it inside the chamber!), but one can also use alcohol; have to soak the Humiseal first and after 5min start cleaning. We will try that.

- Started preparations of the first package (which is at Blue Crab) for refurbishment: HV cables were disconnected from the cables connected to the two HV connectors. Later we may have problems to reconnect them since the cables were cut to the proper length, we have to route them exactly in the same way. Copper tubes (together with the one part of the pre-amp brackets that is glued to the tube) and the pre-amps were removed from the package.

- Fourth package tests: Vlad tested cell #4 which is OK. On cell #3 (with wire frame #28) the current was very high (~800-1000nA) and doesn't go down already four days, but never tripped: most likely the HV caps have problems. Other than that all the channels on #3 are fine. Vlad applied today HV on cell #2, the current was initially 500nA but then started going up. It turned out Anatoly doesn't have a record that he replaced the HV caps on #27.