Analysis TTreeFormat

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class DTreeParticle : public TObject
    Particle_t dPID;
    //KINEMATICS: If kinematic fit was performed, this is the kinematic fit results.  Else is measured results. 
    TVector3 dPosition_Start; //the position where the particle is produced
    double dTime_Start; //time of the track at dPosition_Start: if value is not kinfit, is projected from measured TOF/BCAL/FCAL time
    TVector3 dMomentum_Start; //momentum of the track at dPosition_Start
    TVector3 dPosition_End; //detected particles: the reconstructed position of the BCAL/FCAL/TOF hit; decaying particles: the point where it decays
    double dTime_End; //time of the track at dPosition_End
    TVector3 dMomentum_End; //momentum of the track at dPosition_End
    double dPathLength; //from dPosition_Start to dPosition_End
    TMatrixDSym dCovarianceMatrix; //at dPosition_Start // Order is (px, py, pz, x, y, z, t)
    unsigned int dNDF_Tracking; //NaN if neutral or decaying
    double dChiSq_Tracking; //NaN if neutral or decaying
    unsigned int dNDF_Timing;
    double dChiSq_Timing;
    unsigned int dNDF_DCdEdx; //NaN if neutral or decaying
    double dChiSq_DCdEdx; //NaN if neutral or decaying
    double ddEdx_FDC;
    double ddEdx_CDC;
    double dEnergy_BCAL;
    double dEnergy_FCAL;
    double dEnergy_TOF;
    DTreeStep* dProductionStep; //the step object in which this DTreeParticle is produced (is a final-state particle)
    DTreeStep* dDecayStep; //the step object in which this DTreeParticle decays (is an initial-state particle) (will be null if not a decaying particle!)
    map<string, double> dCustomVariables; //key is unique string, double is value
    map<string, const TObject*> dCustomObjects; //key is unique string, TObject* is object
  ClassDef(DTreeParticle, 1)
class DTreeStep : public TObject
    const DTreeParticle* dInitialParticle; //if is null: decaying or beam particle not yet set!
    const DTreeParticle* dTargetParticle; //NULL for no target
    deque<DParticle_t> dFinalParticleIDs; //separate in case particle is NULL (e.g. decaying resonance)
    deque<const DTreeParticle*> dFinalParticles; //particle may be NULL if it is decaying or missing (especially if no kinematic fit was performed!!)
    map<string, double> dCustomVariables; //key is unique string, double is value
    map<string, const TObject*> dCustomObjects; //key is unique string, TObject* is object
  ClassDef(DTreeStep, 1)