CDC readout requirements

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Aim to establish how many bits are needed for each quantity, then later fit the quantities into the words.

First word has (header +) 15 bits available for data Second word has 31 bits for data


11 bits, 0-2047, firm (minimum)

I expect max drift time of 155 samples, to record time in tenths of samples, I need max value of 1550 which requires 11 bits, 0-2047.

I am using units of sample/10 because the upsampling works in units of sample/5 and it is straightforward to find the threshold crossing and then interpolate using units of sample/10. Multiplying this x 1.25 to give ns is possible but it makes the output number larger without adding precision, and it uses more clock cycles (ie the calculation takes longer), I think it is better to keep the firmware to the minimum and then convert to ns later on somewhere else. If the FDC needs better precision than 0.8ns then I could have it interpolate further but this takes yet more clock cycles.


16 bits, 0-65536

Scale integral x 1/2 to fit into 16 bits. This is ample, enough for 130 samples at 1000, scaled x 1/2.


8 bits, 0-255 (OK to scale this down by factor of 4 to take up 6 bits instead).

No scaling; output 255 for 255 and higher. Expect pedestal width < 20. Set pedestal height at 4sigma=80 and expect it to vary between 1sigma=20 and 7sigma=140.

Max amplitude

Could be useful for dedx; also MIP gives a handle on gain shifts

QF time

1 bit (firm)

1 bit to indicate that less accurate time is being returned

QF overflow

3 bits, 0-7

Count up to 6 (and indicate 7 or more) overflow samples; this info might also be deduced from the integral if it maxes out.