CDC 55 45

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55/45 Ar/CO2 and cosmics, prototype horizontal

Short runs for range of HV, check pedestal is ok and find MPV

2000V, 55/45 gas, prototype horizontal
Pedestal mean of samples 0-99, ch20, over 1 day
Pedestal std. dev. of samples 0-99, ch20, over 1 day
2025V, 55/45 gas, prototype horizontal
Pedestal mean of samples 0-99, ch20, over 1 day
Pedestal std. dev. of samples 0-99, ch20, over 1 day

2050V, 55/45 gas, prototype horizontal
Pedestal mean of samples 0-99, ch20, over 1 day
Pedestal std. dev. of samples 0-99, ch20, over 1 day
2100V, 55/45 gas, prototype horizontal
Pedestal mean of samples 0-99, ch20, over 1 day
Pedestal std. dev. of samples 0-99, ch20, over 1 day

55/45 gas, prototype horizontal, 4pedestalsigma (gray) and 5pedestalsigma (blue) hit threshold, fit range 5pedestalsigma+
2000V, lines show 99.7%, 99% and 95% of landau summed 0-4000 (47, 60, 85)
2025V, lines show 99.7%, 99% and 95% of landau summed 0-4000 (49, 65, 98)
2050V, lines show 99.7%, 99% and 95% of landau summed 0-4000 (65, 88, 134)
2100V, lines show 99.7%, 99% and 95% of landau summed 0-4000 (94, 130, 201)

55/45 gas, noise std dev 16.5, hit threshold 5x16.5 = 82.5, fit range 5pedestalsigma+
HV Fit MPV Fit sigma (FWHM/4) Fit 4sigma/MPV MPV/sigma 4045/MPV 99% point 97% point 95% point
2000 149 42 1.14 3.5 27 60 76 85
2025 181 55 1.21 3.3 22 65 86 98
2050 251 77 1.23 3.2 16 88 117 134
2100 380 119 1.25 3.2 11 130 174 201

Fit drift time histogram

Drift time for 1975V, hit thresholds 5sigma, timing thresholds 4sigma, 1sigma, pedestal at t(t4sig)-13, tz_add=0
1975V, hit threshold 5sigma, time thresholds 4 and 1 sigma Estimate of t0 is 88 and tmax is 661, difference is 573, straight-line intercept is 81.7, to match histogram fit t0, use tz_add 6.4

Tracking efficiency plot

Tracks/Triggers, hit thresholds 5sigma, timing thresholds 4sigma, 1sigma, pedestal at t(5sig)-17
tzero=88ns, early hits ignored